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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. “Wait how come I’m always doing this hose drill”
  2. Are the poor millionaire baseball players allowed to file for unemployment and get the $600 kickers?
  3. I don’t see why that can’t compete with anybody
  4. Maybe just cancelling makes the most sense.
  5. But I thought that was assuming fan revenues at stadiums. i think I need to read more about this
  6. Absolutely. Based on what I’ve read I’m glad I’ve finally stopped thinking of the owners as simply these rich billionaires. It’s the whole organization of people, supplies and services. Why can’t the players just play for way less this year?
  7. What? Dear God man. People are dead. Everywhere. I know 2 people that died. My wife is severely immunocompromised. I got some serious stake in the whole thing just like everybody else. Thankfully someone in my family hasn’t died alone in a hospital. The only thing I think is a total and complete joke is people looking at “number of cases” this whole time like that actually meant something and soapboxing from a scientifically useless statistic. People yelling at people to stay home because they are “literally murdering people”. Pretending they know. Pretending they fucking know. Nobody knows. That’s the joke. That’s the schtick. Not being scared, but pretending to know. Scared is ok, but the real schtick is acting smart. But it sure is better to err on the side of extreme caution, that’s how I’ve always felt. So when the right wing idiots protested at a Michigan capital I was disappointed. Because what if I’m wrong. That gathering would really suck. And when tens of millions of people cram together in every major city to protest for weeks...well you better stop any trace and contain schtick. Everybody better be scared out of their minds that was screaming “murderers” a few weeks ago. Because now it’s everywhere, you can’t stop it. All aboard. Unless of course the people who thought it already was everywhere and had massive asymptomatic rates turn out to be correct. The people that think the death rate is actually magnitudes less than the 1% claim. That might explain why the body bags won’t pile up in a week or two. Here we are in the middle of June and I’m still the only one on here calmly rooting for people not to die like crazy. And what happens for pointing to positive evidence and positing based on it? You get screamed at of course. You get labeled as somebody who wants death. What a world. It’s okay to root for the humans. Join me if you like. There’s plenty of room over here, cheering on the fact that bodies AREN’T piling up exponentially a month after opening. I still could easily end up being wrong. But my opinions are still on the table, completely valid until the science says otherwise, just like yours.
  8. Where them exponential dead Swedes and dead Americans at? Next week?
  9. I think it’s cool that they had a super laser-focused plan and executed it. The other teams were just making draft picks. Genghis Hahn
  10. Sure. I think the opinions on that can vary, but I think what’s important is that those opinions either way don’t really matter. Outside of the top 2 picks it’s a homerun if your guy makes the big leagues. And if that guy is a second rounder...holy smokes
  11. Lol. Is there a way that can happen AND the cubs don’t get any compensation next year? Because that’s definitely something I’m rooting for.
  12. I wonder how many “good” drafts actually happen. The cubs are mistakingly lauded for player development, yet they’ve really never had a good draft outside of the Bryant layup. Pretty much garbage the last 20 years. So I pretty much disagree with anybody who tries to put pressure on a franchise to have a good draft. Having a good draft is a really nice thing when it happens and you enjoy it. But to expect it or creepily judge it? Eh.
  13. Eh. If even one of these guys makes the major leagues and contributes it’s a win. I like the odds
  14. I can’t believe how stacked we are in all phases moving forward.
  15. Little disappointed that’s it’s pronounced like the sewing activity. I thought it was Crotch-it. This is borderline dealbreaker for me.
  16. Crochet and Abel seem like the same thing but different ages. Not much data for either. Maybe you go Crochet just because his arm has lasted a few more years?
  17. Lol na dude. It’s not spreading at the rallies. I’m still leafing through all the medical journals and cnn articles trying to figure out why the virus only spreads in the ozarks but not rallies. Maybe boats + hamburgers equals spread, and tens of millions screaming in each other’s faces, often smoking or vaping clouds into the air, sometimes choking on tear gas equals containment. seems to me both situations would spread virus quite a bit. It was reported that one of the partiers at that pool party tested positive and they traced that person’s whereabouts. I wonder if they’ll do the same if one of the protesters tests positive? Will the news let the public know where they were so we can all quarantine if we’re close? ? Hopefully none of the protesters has the super-infectious virus.
  18. This is all true. But it’s a good thing Christianity doesn’t require congregating in churches to work on your spiritual growth and relationship with God. These are tough times for all, but luckily challenging yourself to improve your character and be a better example of grace & humility HASN’T been cancelled, closed, or open to a only a few at a time. Go out there and help & inspire brother.
  19. Looks like Philly is set for exponential death increase. Of all the places, that crowd was so massive and dense there’s only one possible outcome. Only one possible. And that’s exponential increase in death. Since only a couple percent of populations on average have the virus, this is the end game. There’s no other possible way for it to shake out. Im in Texas and it’s wide open. There are people absolutely everywhere. The only possible outcome is a massive, massive, massive, massive spike in infections and death. Same with Philly.
  20. Lol seriously. Just set off the nukes
  21. I know you take BPA no matter what, but I really think the Sox should just take Best Pitcher Available at every pick for the next few years. Arms arms arms. I want to see the stables overflowing
  22. I think if you decide to sign some piece of paper that says “Do what you’re told for 20-30 years and you’ll never have to worry about money and we’ll give you a pension” then you need to act like a b****. That’s the trade-off for not having to use your balls to go out in the world and see what you’re worth. Clean the streets, carry groceries for people, rescue kittens in trees, be a humble servant etc. That’s what it should be. Instead we have all these guys running around thinking they’re Navy Seals with body armor and advanced tactical equipment, intimidating the shit out of people. For what?
  23. For sure and for the record I think they should burn everything down- let my people go. But this has absolutely nothing to do with the point. People screaming at kids for playing because of the virus need to be scared absolutely shitless right now. Anybody who had hope for trace and contain...have only one possible outlook right now. Only one. And that’s mass spread and exponential rising in cases and deaths. There’s no other possible way to look at it if you’re one of those people. No spikes. Exponential spike. Donezo. So I guess now we’ll finally see millions of dead Americans. This sucks.
  24. For sure. It’s weird on here right now. 2 weeks ago people on here were screaming about the lake of the ozarks kids not social distancing. Going out for any reason but to get groceries was murder. Opening states slowly was murder. Trump murdered 100,000. We botched the whole virus thing, but the social distancing and curve-flattening hopefully bought us time and opportunity to set up trace and contain. But now you watch videos and see pics of literally tens of thousands of people crawling all over each other...so if any of the science that was being screamed at people on here for the last few months is true....then the only possible outcome of these riots is exponential death. It’s the only possible outcome. How do we set up trace and contain now?
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