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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. I agree mostly. As long as opportunity isn’t lost. Has there been talk of independent leagues expanding into vacated stadiums and serving as rookie/prove-it leagues?
  2. Obviously not testing was our strategy to protect the hospitals. So I wonder if that just keeps going? Let the super sick go to the hospital and let the rest isolate at home? I just doubt you see this massive testing here based on how unimportant it has been to the feds to this point. Like, what makes us really think they would start now? We’re obviously not going to trace and contain. One weird counter to them doing NOTHING is last I read Texas is mobilizing 1,200 national guard troops to set up testing locations in hot spots as they develop down here. So maybe we’re taking a middle of the road approach in TX. But this is a state mobilization not a federal response. Just speculating at what our boner in chief will end up doing.
  3. For sure. Desires to participate are going to be all over the board. Forced participation is going to be a huge issue. There’s going to be a lot of tension in dense settings like offices no matter if states open early or wait 2 years. Life is going to be really different. I wouldn’t want to live in NYC right now.
  4. Yea. Seems like the lights are off a lot of places
  5. Dear Lord man. You feel better? Did you sleep? Flattening the curve and containment are not the same thing. We flattened the curve to avoid overrunning the available hospital care, not to snuff out the virus. And now you’re the one saying we need to trace and contain because (paraphrasing) “if one guy goes to a state park...you create the whole outbreak all over again.” That’s super scary. In your scenario, you’re tracing and containing from your state park, or grocery store, or hardware store, or train...but you’re ignoring the huge asymptomatic transmission going on as well. Every day, more information comes out that sends the asymptomatic rate even higher and higher. So again, how are you tracing and containing anything? And on top of that, how are you tracing and containing starting from a point of non-containment (flattening the curve wasn’t containment, current asymptomatic transmission during social distancing is ongoing). So again, what data point scares the shit out of you into thinking we’ve roughly contained the virus, and that opening is going to unleash doomsday again? Because that’s what you are telling people by saying we need to trace and contain. That this is a ticking time bomb ready to explode again the minute we open up. That’s scary as fuck. You’re scaring people. Which is fine, but you need data. 40,000 dead Americans is a reason to be scared, but by all accounts is pretty miraculous and a testament to our medical community and social distancing working. And since the goal of all this was never to snuff out the virus, but flatten the curve, why are we going to spike exponentially everywhere now if we open in the coming weeks? Was flattening pointless? Again point to some data that proves we didn’t flatten the curve. Not sure how me suggesting the impossibility of trace and contain equates to “not taking this seriously”. I know one person who almost died in the hospital but survived, and my immunocompromised wife had the worst flu of her life a month ago with O2 approaching ninety but couldn’t get tested. This is serious for everybody man; it’s inappropriate to take a “this is more serious to me” attitude and use that as some authority to dictate to others. You won’t apologize but that’s okay. Just chill out a little bit at least and discuss the virus, which we still don’t have much good data about. I get you’re scared because you’re more vulnerable, but some of us want to get excited when we see data that may hint that humans like you and my wife maybe aren’t going to be as hurt as previously thought. It’s okay to root for the good guys here. Root for the humans. Root for the Swedes to somehow flatten despite 10 million exposed; root for them to end up with a death rate between .0001-.001. Root for the asymptomatic rate to be astronomical. Stay safe.
  6. How about this: You’re a scientist right? You are obviously trained not to jump to conclusions. What data specifically leads you to your conclusions? Like of all the data points available out there, which ones do you lean the heaviest on right now? Reported cases, deaths per million, etc. Which ones scare the shit out of you the most and make you say, “Yes. This piece of data has to be super close to 100% true and scares the crap out of me. Others need to look at this right here.” Which one or ones?
  7. But...hasn’t that one person been everywhere the last 4 months? Doesn’t that one person go everywhere every day? Doesn’t that one person live in every apartment building in NYC? Doesn’t he touch the door handle every day? Didn’t he fly on planes all through December and January and February and March? Doesn’t he work at every hospital now? Doesn’t he go to the grocery store every day? Based on your state park model...didn’t he turn into hundreds and then thousands and then millions from December through March? Now that we’re social distancing... doesn’t he still go shopping? Doesn’t he still open doors? People are using bandanas, nobody can buy sanitizer and grocery stores are packed every day...for a month now. Isn’t he still everywhere? Don’t you get it yet man? You just laid out a scenario of mass infection from an outdoor state park. So what in all the F has been going on the last few months?! You think the US clamped down on that guy by social distancing? Lol. Which is it? Either we’re all completely quarantined or that guy is still everywhere every day, even now. Is it super infectious or not? Didn’t the one guy show up to the protests in Michigan and Ohio? Didn’t all those people bring it home? Aren’t they bringing it to the grocery store as we speak? Aren’t the people at the grocery store now bringing it home? Based on your model, why is that only going to happen now and why hasn’t it been happening the whole time? We didn’t quarantine shit in this country and you want to start that months into this...because we distanced...kinda...some better than others.
  8. What for? Trace and contain lol? 330 million people? Anybody on here able to get tested yet? We couldn’t qualify with fever and one of us with O2 at 91. That was early March though
  9. ?????? I wonder what the multiplier for super dense, international-headquarters-of-the-world New York would be.
  10. Exactly. Lot of people acting really smart about death rates, infection rates, immunity rates, how infectious it is, how much lockdowns are helping etc. It’s ALL up for grabs. Nobody knows a damn thing. Even deaths aren’t necessarily correct since a lot of the normal things that kill people like heart disease haven’t disappeared, but somehow have statistically. The one thing people MUST do is question it all, since the science isn’t there yet. The science doesn’t have actionable data yet. Asking questions is crucial and the smart scientists and journalists are out there asking questions, playing devil’s advocate, even with themselves. Good on you for your post- healthiest one I’ve read on here in a while. I agree- what have we actually learned? Not too much. Those people out there blaming and saying all these people are going to die if we open are total idiots, simply because they think they aren’t guessing. Similarly, the people out there saying this is harmless and shit needs to open up are total idiots, simply because they think they aren’t guessing. Everybody is guessing and it’s super healthy as long as we admit that. Certain data points suggest certain things but other data points can point to the opposite. As long as somebody acknowledges they don’t know what any of this means yet then they are a quality human being worthy of entering discussions. I think you are right to say it’s early to open up since closing was the path we chose. Changing course messes with our control. We need data. Personally, I think the best data will come from Sweden over the next few weeks. It sort of kinda represents the best controlled exposure over a big population to date. But I don’t know that for sure since tons of Swedes are probably hiding out. But overall, they said “screw containment” so we’ll see. It looks like it might be the FIRST time science can get their hands on real, actionable data. If we don’t see crazy exponential death in Sweden in the next few weeks...then hell yea. That would be great for humans. I think we’re going to get real data, good or bad.
  11. Everyone got the virus. That’s what happened. The idea of testing and containing realistically ended before it could ever begin. I know you all disagree with me that pretty much the whole world has the virus now, I get that. But what if? Here’s the thing: we finally have a test case. Sweden. I think most can agree that most of Sweden is infected now. Let’s see where it stands with them in a couple weeks. The world will have the absolute closest thing to it’s first ACTIONABLE set of data. We should all be thanking Sweden for doing this. Even if tons of their people die, which would be tragic, the world will at least have real numbers that finally mean something for the FIRST time. Sweden is Indiana Jones taking a sip of the grail...or Donovan.
  12. Let me call the governors and update them.
  13. Exactly. This is what we are doing.
  14. Agree kind of. Not going to argue the complete horseschlongery coming from the White House. But if you look at everything that’s happened through the lens of “let’s not test to keep the hospitals clear so we can more effectively treat the super sick”, everything we’ve done makes a little more sense. that’s kind of where I’m at with it
  15. Man, no doubt right? Centerfielders with his tools aren’t really out there outside of a couple of super elite guys. There seems to be enough really good young shortstops in the league right now though to the point that the shine has worn a bit on the insane value associated with them. Having a premier shortstop is something half (guessing) the league has now?
  16. Yes. I think that’s one thing almost the entire country can agree with
  17. It’s just the national strategy. For better, for worse it doesn’t matter what anyone believes. That’s the path that was chosen
  18. Lol. It has nothing to do with trump. It has everything to do with the Doctors of the world talking to each other on Twitter. The blood angle is fascinating. Oh whoops, did a peon like me find something a doctor said interesting again. ?
  19. I linked to the thousands of doctors discussing the attack on hemoglobin and it’s ability to transport oxygen to vital organs by Covid-19 as perhaps the primary assault on the body... and said “this is super interesting”. You need to apologize. It’s okay for us to link to doctors discussing the disease that is affecting us all. It’s also okay for us to say “hey this idea presented by doctors is interesting, what do you think about it.” It’s okay for us to discuss things. You need to apologize man. That was a weird flex and attack
  20. I’m not sure how my linking to the thousands of doctors on twitter from all over the world gravitating towards this idea necessitates condescension over discussion, but you do you man.
  21. Ok I’m going to bet it all on Hydroxychloroquine and blood transfusions being the preferred treatment very shortly, with tremendous results. I’m fully buying in to this being a blood disorder affecting your hemoglobin’s ability to bond to oxygen and transport it in your red blood cells. There is no pneumonia whatsoever. This makes the most sense to me by far, so far. Anybody else all over this?
  22. https://twitter.com/cameronks/status/1244982547815284742?s=21 Front line doctor talking about how this is a new disease and not simply ARDS. The typical way of ventilating might be doing more harm than good. All the doctors commenting and hypothesizing on Twitter is absolutely remarkable. I’m blown away. Keep asking questions smart people; it’s going to save so many lives. Twitter is now like an episode of Dr. House but with thousands of Dr. House’s all comparing notes and hypothesizing from around the world. the hemoglobin blood disease iron toxicity stuff is must read. curious for some Ptac input.
  23. Agreed. As long as he’s not trying to kill or enslave everybody, this is dope.
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