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Everything posted by Jerksticks

  1. What’s the one giant elephant in the room the open border people are always forgetting. Strip away the morality argument for a sec and you are left with what giant fact that makes it such an impossible issue? Why can’t you give 10-20 million illegals currently living here asylum? When people get self righteous and say things like “stop the us vs them crap already!” What is that person ignoring?
  2. Absolutely. CNN has become basically unreadable during this outbreak. Everything is non-stop finger pointing and government shaming. I’m appalled. Like don’t these people have kids?
  3. PPP rollout is a total shot show so far, although the day is still young. Looks like healthcare.gov rollout all over again. #government
  4. Dude they gotta pull the plug on this Biden thing. This is like Sharon Stone doing that other basic instinct when she was 50. At first you’re like: “No! That’s a terrible idea. They’ll never make that movie!” Then: ”Wait, they’re actually gonna do that? C’mon they can’t possibly think people are gonna go for that.” Followed by a brief moment of: ”Well...that first one was pretty cool. Maybe I’ll check it out...” And then: ”Nahh I’ll just Google the titty parts.” And finally: “Well let’s see what we got here. Let’s see what those titties look lik...oh God! They’re terrible. Those same fake orbs but old AF! WTF do they take me for?! They spent 50 million hoping to make 100 million on old Tits?”
  5. You down with PPP? Anybody else hacking through it yet? Stayed up all night and think I got a pretty good handle on it but... it looks like you can take any IC or Sole-Prop you made payments to in the last year and add them to your payroll costs??! that can’t be right, can it?
  6. Yea it has nothing to do with people scared about a killer virus Mr. President. sweet Moses
  7. I disagree. The electoral college is fine. I think the whole problem is how we get candidates, Congress all the way to Presidential. The fact that Joe Biden vs. Donald Trump is going to be America’s competition for leader is ridiculous. Really? These are our two best leaders to pick from? GTFOH. I work with guys who would run circles around their management styles, especially Trump’s. Not sure Biden has ever led people in his life so who knows there- but it probably sucks since he has no experience. I’m sure we all know people who make great presidents, especially over the last 5-10 dolts we’ve had in office.
  8. This whole “social chains getting large and complex with alarming speed” is super scary. the world is so lucky only 500,000 people have the virus, especially since it was flying around the world without restraint for 2-3 months. let’s keep up the good work
  9. How damaging would a year of zero revenue be for franchises?
  10. Antibody testing now trending everywhere. Results are going to be shocking for most. Probably got a week to buy back into the stock market
  11. There might as well be zero data at this point for us idiot-level humans to look at. Who knows who gets a test in any of these countries and USA doesn’t even test etc. Mortality rate is pointless without blanket testing for antibodies. JMO
  12. It’s definitely a lot of good and a lot of bad. i think caving to insurance companies and lining their pockets is one of the bigger bads of the whole thing
  13. But he did do that exact thing with healthcare. They are still telling people what a great idea it was.
  14. Agree. That speech yesterday was nails. Absolute nails.
  15. You’re arguing the WHAT they are supporting. We’re just saying the blind support is there no matter what, no matter how awful or good the WHAT is.
  16. There’s one other factor. Joe Biden. That guy is somehow less fit to be President than Trump. It’s incredible. People see it. People that really hate Trump don’t see it. But smart, calm folks see it. Cuomo would be better
  17. I think he just means blind support no matter what, even with the terrible. I’d say that’s pretty accurate
  18. ? Good for him? What about the business? The question was do I have to hire the kid back to try to get the government to give me a few hundred grand to keep the lights on
  19. Yea but that amount of money isn’t enough to bail out cook county businesses for more than a few weeks probably. Let alone all the small businesses in the country.
  20. I agree. So I’m a smaller business with only 4 employees but I have office rent every month, insurances, accounting and lawyer retainers, Lines of credit due, suppliers to pay. I got customers asking for money back mid-project because their husbands have lost their jobs. Fucking scary. I can only imagine bigger businesses with millions in payables a month. we happened to let the new kid go a few weeks ago not because of the virus, but because it wasn’t a good fit. Does that disqualify us? Do I have to rehire the kid for help?
  21. Oh weird I wasn’t blocked. Basically Oxford is going to start testing for antibodies in the UK population like crazy to test a model that suggests the virus is super infectious, moves super fast and has already infected over half of the UK population, thus bringing them closer to herd immunity than thought. maybe 1 in 1000 needs hospitalization. this is super optimistic and would be nice if true. Some data out there suggests this might be true and some data says the total opposite, like Korea. But the key is antibodies, not necessarily positive tests. we’ll know if this model is close to correct if the deaths start leveling off in the next few weeks. this might end up being completely false just like everything I’ve been saying. But they do raise an interesting point: We have no idea of infection or mortality rates until we start testing for antibodies. It’s just an optimistic view amid a sea of pessimism. Hope is okay. Good luck to you Oxford.
  22. https://www.ft.com/content/5ff6469a-6dd8-11ea-89df-41bea055720b I don’t know the credibility level of this but man I hope this ends up being true. This is finally the first hint of an article mentioning what I’ve been saying on here the last few weeks. Oxford? I’ll take it. Get out there scientists and test this theory! Put some points on the board for the human race, we need it.
  23. There we go. The best data we have is a rough guess by the head of the Italian Civil Protection Agency. Absolutely incredible. Gives a little more hope that it took 1 whole percent of their population infected (600,000) instead of a tenth of a percent (60,000) to overrun their health system. Still scary AF projecting that number anywhere else (USA). Hopefully way more Italians than 600,000 have the virus.
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