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Posts posted by StL

  1. What are you some your favorite baseball CALLS/Commentary of all time? Maybe its also a great baseball moment...but what Im most interested in are calls you heard that you think were remarkable. What are a couple of your all time favorite calls? Some famous calls are...



    "I don't believe....what I just saw!!"

    "In to deep left center...from Mitchell....And we will see you....tomorrow night."

    "Freese hits it in the air to center.........we will see you..........tomorrow night."

    "A swing and a miss. and that's a winner! That's a winner! A world series winner...for the cardinals!"

    "Smith corks one in to right down the line....it may go.....go crazy folks, go crazy!"


    What are some of your favorite calls?

  2. You have a teenager....and these 4 people are willing to mentor your child for a year and teach them everything they know about business, success, the corporate world and how to make your dreams come true. You can choose only one of them...who do you choose?









  3. The Superbowl commercials got me to wondering. If you could create a commercial featuring your favorite team or athlete what would it be? Mine would be like this...


    Stan Musial is up to bat and the pitcher throws a fast ball and Musial hits it into the gap. He rounds first base and morphs into Lue Brock. Brock rounds second and morphs into Ozzie. Ozzie rounds third and morphs into Yadi. Yadi slides into home just barely beating the tag. This is the key...the voice over you hear and Yadier Molina completes this inside the park homerun is Jack Buck and his famous call..." I don't believe.....what I just saw!" The screen fades to black as the crowd goes berserk as 'Cardinals Nation' appears on the black screen signaling the beginning of the season. What would yours be?

  4. If you feel like a runner barreling in to a catcher is good for the game, that's one thing. But history tells us that the most illogical reason to continue a thing is because 'its always been done that way.' Ive been in the navy for 16 years and a lot of the old traditions and hazing and rights of passages have been eliminate because they are dangerous, archaic and unnecessary in this new age where we are smarter and more informed than we were about certain things 50+ years ago.


    Its dangerous to allow these types of plays simply out of some since of 'tradition.'



    The question here is, is tradition more important than health? A catcher is a sitting duck on plays like that. why not use our heads and outlaw it so no one else ends up like Vosse? Whats the worst than can happen? The game gets ruined because we cant do plays like that anymore?

  5. Pete Rose is none to thrilled about the ruling:


    ''What are they going to do next, you can't break up a double play?'' Pete Rose said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press. ''You're not allowed to pitch inside. The hitters wear more armor than the Humvees in Afghanistan. Now you're not allowed to be safe at home plate? What's the game coming to? Evidently the guys making all these rules never played the game of baseball.''



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