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Everything posted by chetkincaid

  1. QUOTE (Rooftop Shots @ Feb 24, 2011 -> 09:22 AM) Unless duplicates are posted, it looks like this is going to be a SLOOOOOOOW day for white sox photos. So we'll just have to come up with something different, like:
  2. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Feb 22, 2011 -> 10:16 AM) I like this one of her a lil better...
  3. Mutha f***ing right Alex. I'm glad that SOMEBODY has the balls in that organization to say what needs to be said. That's what I'm talking about. I'm telling you - this is the year where the Sox dominate the twins. I can feel it. They won't be an issue by the end of the season.
  4. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Feb 19, 2011 -> 09:44 AM) I don't think you know what dog fighting really entails. I do. And it's no worse than shooting a small bear or any other animal with a bow and arrow and tracking it while it dies a slow agonizing death, then cutting it's head off to mount on your wall.
  5. QUOTE (balfanman @ Feb 19, 2011 -> 08:50 AM) Except that Buerhle has full no trade rights and I would be pretty sure that the Yankees are on his "no way"list. I wouldn't be so sure about that. I can't see him pitching for the Mets, but the Yanks? I could see that. Plus doesn't his contract get extended another year if he's traded? I think he'd fit in well with the Yanks or the Cardinals.
  6. QUOTE (chisoxfan09 @ Feb 19, 2011 -> 07:49 AM) I don´t agree with you but at you at least saying let him play out his 2011 contract? I say call up the Yanks to see what the Sox could get for him. Maybe they could land one of the Yanks prized pitching prospects to fortify the rotation in the future AND get some big time payroll relief this year. I know that's not "all in" but it could be better for the organization in the long run.
  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Feb 19, 2011 -> 07:34 AM) Did Michael Vick hack into your account? Like you just said... his stuff has always been mediocre by some standards and we all have seen him get absolutely pounded on the mound. I just think that those bad games will be more frequent as he gets older and that it might be coming up on the right time for the Sox to rid themselves of MB before he becomes terrible.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 19, 2011 -> 07:26 AM) Every bit of baseball I've ever watched totally disagrees with you. I'd almost be willing to bet you that he doesn't win 10 games in a Sox uniform this year.
  9. I think the AL Central has and will continue to figure him out. You can only fool people with junk for so long. IMO it's time for him to go before he turns awful.
  10. I don't think he should get a 2 year contract from the Sox. He's at the age where he's bound to start a deep decline. Another team will probably outbid the Sox for his services, and he'll go elsewhere, and the Sox will IMO be better off with the cost savings.
  11. QUOTE (AWhiteSoxinNJ @ Feb 18, 2011 -> 06:49 AM) Dunn, D, Dunn, Dunn. Dunn, D, Dunn, Dunn.......DUNN!!!!!!!!!!!! Theme from Dragnet?
  12. Yep, hunting other animals and hanging their heads on your wall is so much more noble. I hope this is his last year in a White Sox uniform. FMB. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 17, 2011 -> 05:17 PM) I guess if he really wanted to let it go his statement would have been something like: "My wife and I love dogs, some times our love may cloud our judgment. Regardless of our personal feelings about the subject, we would never wish injury on another person." I think most people would accept that he let his feelings cloud his judgment. But just admit to it. I'd be cool if he said something like this. But he's coming out matter-of-factly saying that he wishes Vick gets hurt... and he can get injured himself anytime he takes the field. FMB.
  13. I'll be glad when he takes his ass back to Missouri. Go pitch for the Cardinals. FMB.
  14. I agree with most of what you said. Maybe it's because the Sox are overshadowed by the Cubs. I know one thing though... winning would fix all of that quick. Kenny believes this.
  15. I'm feeling extra extra confident that the twins won't be an issue this coming year. I think this is the year that the Sox bury those cocka roaches.
  16. 99-63, AL Central champs, smoke the Boston Red Cubs to get into the World Series, dominate a surprise NL team (Brewers or Reds)... We party like it's 2005.
  17. I predict that Phil Humber will get a start and DOMINATE, and you'll be able to hear the eyebrows raise around here. I'll bump this thread when it happens.
  18. I wonder where Jared Mitchell would be on this list had he not gotten hurt...
  19. Am I missing something? Maybe they're just enGAGED it talks to bring back the Diamond Club, but have not yet reached a decision date for it's return?
  20. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Feb 13, 2011 -> 10:46 AM) It's pretty simple imo: Peavy starts on the dl, let Humber take a few spot starts(yes I know he's garbage but he's the best of the garbage that we have) and then dfa him or whatever the hell you need to do when Jake's ready to go. I agree with this. Let's see what Humber can do. He might surprise us all. It'd be better than wearing Pena and the rest of the bullpen out.
  21. Chuck Tanner - Former manager of the Pirates
  22. When people use 'spects instead of prospects, like it makes their post look cooler or something.
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