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Everything posted by chetkincaid

  1. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 11:22 AM) I propose all of you get AT&T UVerse so you don't have to watch MLB Network, like me....um... That's a sore subject with me. WTF AT&T you need to get your s*** together and make MLB Network available. I'd hate to go crawling back to wack ass Comcast.
  2. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 10, 2011 -> 12:51 PM) Jaime Buerhle speaks......on facebook.... "When asked to do an interview on our passion for helping homeless and abused animals I was excited to do so. When the question of our thoughts on Michael Vick was asked we answered. While Mark and I am are both VERY aware it is not right to have a small hope deep down in your gut that someone gets hurt, I can't explain how much it angers me to the core everytime I read story after story and the Lost dogs book how much these poor animals were tortured and killed. While so many great people in the world stepped up to pick up the pieces and try to rebuild these innocent animals lives, I also read article after article and listen to interview after interview how Vick is sorry he got caught but never expresses any remorse for the poor dogs. When face to face with a reporter that adopted one of his victims, he looked at the dogs pictures and simply walked away. Right or wrong this is not ok with me. While I love my husband so much for standing by me and helping me on all my animal loving ventures, the last thing I wanted was for the all the negativity to deflate this article and bring his career and character in to it. I think anyone that truly knows mark and I knows we are genuine people that have a big heart and know right from wrong." Yeah Jaime you and your husband are genuine hypocrites. Vick SHOULD HAVE walked away after being ambushed by that "reporter" with the pics. What is he supposed to do, stand there and argue with him? Okay I understand that he and his wife has a problem with what Vick did. But to wish that Vick gets hurt on the field? Buehrle and his wife should know better. They are very fortunate that Mark has never suffered a severe injury. Damn I really hate that this came out. I like Mark Buehrle a LOT less after today. I'm almost at the point where I wish he would f*** off and take the next thing smoking to St. Louis and the Cardinals. Hopefully this will die down, but as of right now - f*** Mark Buehrle.
  3. I like Buehrle, but what a self righteous douche for saying that he hopes Mike Vick gets hurt... especially since he can go and blow out his elbow on the mound or rip his shoulder to shreds. Karma likes to bite idiots in the ass.
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Dec 8, 2010 -> 08:44 PM) here is my list..... CSNChi_Beatnik Brett Ballantini jonmorosi Jon Morosi ESPNChiSox Doug Padilla ChiTribRogers Phil Rogers TeamCoco Team Coco bsuathletics BallState Athletics TacoTones Taco theleaguefx The League on FX NHLBlackhawks Chicago Blackhawks pgammo Peter Gammons jaysonst Jayson Stark FutureSox FutureSox.com SVPshow SVP Show BNightengale Bob Nightengale JimBowdenXMFOX JIM BOWDEN SportsNation ESPNChiCubs Bruce Levine jcrasnick Jerry Crasnick Ludacris mlbtraderumors MLB Trade Rumors katyperry Katy Perry Buster_ESPN Buster Olney BSLillibridge Brent Lillibridge SI_JonHeyman Jon Heyman ConanOBrien Conan O'Brien OzzieGuillen Ozzie Guillen InsideTheSox White Sox Scott R cst_sox ESPY_TEAHEN Mark Teahen ChuckGarfien Chuck Garfien MDGonzales Mark Gonzales scottmerkin Scott Merkin Ken_Rosenthal Ken Rosenthal danieltosh daniel tosh Know how I know you're... Aw nevermind
  5. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 9, 2011 -> 12:45 PM) Really?!?!?! Have they seen boston's line up? I ain't scared, but damn... they look like they can score on anybody.
  6. And from the looks of it, not many other teams are interested in his services right now. He might have to stay put. The Rangers might get desperate enough to trade him to the Astros for Carlos Lee.
  7. Okay I'll join in... The last time the Minnesota Twins were in the world series, MELISSA MANCHESTER was popular enough to sing the national anthem.
  8. QUOTE (T R U @ Feb 8, 2011 -> 01:21 AM) I think you people are getting way too excited, ide be willing to bet he doesn't even make the roster I'll take some of that action... AVATAR BET! If Milledge makes the team, I get to pick your avatar and you have to keep it for 30 days. And if he doesn't, you can pick mine.
  9. By the way... I'm starting to think that Matt Kemp is a tool... and not the kind that would be beneficial to the White Sox.
  10. Zena Foster is SMOKING hot... not quite as hot as Taraji or Freema though.
  11. Thankfully football and the most over hyped event in the history of mankind is over. Now maybe people can start talking about baseball more.
  12. chetkincaid

    Favorite Quote

    "Why the f*** do I want a caravan that's got no f***ing wheels?"
  13. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 4, 2011 -> 11:10 AM) I'm hoping for Quentin McCracken, Coco Crisp, and then top it all off with Junior Spivey. BRING BACK RAZOR SHINES!!
  14. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 05:03 PM) This deal is awesome. No risk, all reward. Dammit I'll be glad when I reach the point in my life when I'll consider $500,000 to be NO RISK.
  15. QUOTE (lord chas @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:59 PM) whats the deal with the video? did he steal a bag when his team was up big? I think what happened was he hit a run scoring double, and motioned like he was throwing a hand grenade in his own dugout - hamming it up with his teammates. The opposing team took exception, and he was HBP in his next AB. Well he stole second, and that's when the drama ensued. Click the link on post #5 for a better explanation.
  16. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:49 PM) I know Edwin Jackson is black (although born in Germany), but is Juan Pierre black, hispanic, or french? LOL Juan Pierre himself says he's a black man from the south with a hispanic first name and a french last name. Also, we should ban the mentioning of Oney. I wish he'd just go away.
  17. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:36 PM) Yeah, Fangraphs seems to think he is an average LF and RF, but pretty bad in CF. Seems like it will be up to Rios, Pierre, and Lillibridge to man CF (or does Milledge making the team mean Lillibridge is gone?) I'm thinking Lillibridge stays and DeAza would be gone since Lilli can play in the infield too.
  18. QUOTE (South Side Fireworks Man @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:28 PM) I thought I read somewhere that he was a below average defender. Is he reported to play plus defense? I read the same thing... below average defense. But he seems to have the physical tools. Maybe he just needs coaching.
  19. QUOTE (flavum @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:19 PM) Don't know if this was posted. Milledge in winter ball being...him. See post #5 of this thread...
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:07 PM) What are you a drill sergeant or something? This is my rifle... this is my gun...
  21. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 04:05 PM) What if he mashes all season & plays great D, but doesn't cut his hair? Will you still be happy? I suppose. Not as happy as I would be if he got the haircut to go along with the bat and D though.
  22. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 03:58 PM) I don't know if baggage is the right word, but there has to be a reason why 3 different teams gave up on all that supposed talent so quickly. (Sounds kinda like Edwin Jackson, lol) I hope he gets a haircut and mashes all season while providing all star caliber defense.
  23. QUOTE (klaus kinski @ Feb 3, 2011 -> 02:08 PM) Good signing. This is the kind of guy the Twins sign & turn into a starting outfielder. But we are not the Twins He does remind me of Delmon Young...
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