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Everything posted by chetkincaid

  1. This is kind of why I wouldn’t be opposed to Rebuild 2.0. I just wish we had a new owner who’ll spend money once the young talent started to thrive.
  2. I kinda figured that Keuchel would take a shit this season. Wasn’t he the one who criticized the guys in the clubhouse and said they needed to be taught how to win last year?
  3. We gotta watch this in Standard Definition 360p?? I pay Comcast too much damn money to be disrespected like this.
  4. Might as well leave him in at this point. Don't bother waking LaRussa up.
  5. Awesome. At least Robert didn’t tear a peck muscle so I guess that’s cool.
  6. Can’t wait to hear Steve Stone’s excuses for TLR when the White Sox are hovering around .500 at the all star break.
  7. LaRussa looks so sleepy and tired already and there are 161 games left. I bet he steps down for an advisor role next year.
  8. I see people here are drunk on optimism. Nevermind the obvious flaws we have I guess.
  9. You know, I didn't realize that. I thought he was a 1b/3b. But still... what would it take to get him?
  10. People keep mentioning Gallo. Do you all mean Joey Gallo? Can he play in the outfield? And what are you willing to give up to get him?
  11. If Eloy plays like this then you're going to have Robert killing himself getting to balls that a competent LFer should be able to get to.
  12. This is where that grindy, balls to the wall "Play the game right" mentality comes back to bite you in the ass. It's one hit or one run in an insignificant game dude... don't run into a wall or dive into the stands and risk being out for a significant amount of time.
  13. I've always said that Eloy was too young to make a DH but screw that. He doesn't need to be in the outfield. He's going to get himself or Robert killed.
  14. Defensive replacement ala Jerrod Dyson last year?
  15. Can't say I blame him. Imagine having the chance rebuild an organization from the ground up and then having the power to hire the manager you want.
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