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Everything posted by chetkincaid

  1. Whatever they do, I hope the Sox get rid of Ed Farmer. Please get rid of Ed Farmer.
  2. For the life of me I'll never understand how a pitcher can pump his fist like he just got the final out of the world series, but a bat flip and a slow trot after a home run means a batter "doesn't know how to play the game right". Man f*** baseball's unwritten rules.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 9, 2015 -> 01:09 AM) I didn't want to start a negative thread so I'll bring it up here about Robin/Melky/LaRoche. Should Robin or Jerry talk to Melky about not being a clown and LaRoche about shaving? LaRoche looks like an idiot with that shaggy beard IMO. He did hit a bomb on Friday but aside from that has been an utter failure as a Sox. Melky gets on base and bear-hugs the first baseman; then he goes to second and bear-hugs the second baseman. He starts yapping into the Sox dugout and does it a long time. Just for getting a hit. I mean if LaRoche has to have the beard, fine. But Melky is disrespecting the game. He's saying "look at me" all the time. I mean, Melky, the reason they are paying you zillions of dollars is they thought you'd help win games and get the team in the playoffs. The clown behavior has to stop at some point. It reflects poorly on Robin. We need a tighter ship, folks and that means Gardenhire! Lighten up Francis.
  4. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 5, 2015 -> 03:46 PM) Farmer is so awful on the radio I'm hoping he'll be replaced when Sox games are moved over to WLS next year.
  5. Where would they play? Who would be displaced?
  6. Wow. That article explains why I grew up watching the Cubs. The White Sox weren't really around in the 70's. Sports Vision? It was like the old OnTV. We couldn't afford that.
  7. I remember an epic 1 pitch at-bat in the 2005 World Series... That was a great baseball moment.
  8. You can bring in anybody, just get rid of Farmer and Rongey. Farmer is unbearable and Rongey insults fans too much ala Bernstein. If you don't like what a fan is saying, then you have the power to end the call and move on to the next caller.
  9. I hate when the Sox are bad. It makes the games so boring.
  10. QUOTE (Brian @ May 8, 2015 -> 05:47 PM) New pbp guy with DJ would be nice. I couldn't agree more. Get rid of the pre and post game host too. I really hate to hear radio hosts berate and be rude to fans. Dude, you have the power. If a caller is rude, dump him and move on to the next caller. The entire WSCR station reeks of Bernstein.
  11. You can tell that other teams don't respect the defense of the White Sox.
  12. I'm glad it's canceled. The city of Baltimore shouldn't have another game until they come up with a way to address police brutality.
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