QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 10:32 AM)
I take back all of the bad things I said about Detroit. Now please win White Sox.
I don't. f*** the Tigers now and for the foreseeable future.
QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 27, 2012 -> 12:22 PM)
That wasn't Steve Perry's doing. It was Aaron, AJ, and Joe that made it happen. Perry just went along for the ride.
I suppose, but that song still sucks... well to me it does.
QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 26, 2012 -> 11:27 PM)
I'm right with you there. I was in my late teens during the Journey era and sure they had plenty of air time but they were never close to being a band I liked a lot. "Don''t Stop Believin" makes a fine slogan but associating the song with the 2005 Sox never quite clicked with me.
I love the White Sox and I love 2005 but I'd be perfectly fine if I never heard that song again. Steve Perry is an opportunist.
It's funny, but I attach SOUTHSIDE by Moby to the 2005 championship moreso than Don't Stop Believin anyway. I remember when that song was played at the beginning of Mike and Mike on ESPN after a big win when it became apparent that the Sox were really going to win it. It sent chills down my spine. I wasn't used to my team getting that much coverage on a national scale.
QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 02:41 PM)
They really do come in threes. Just today: Tony Scott; Phyllis Diller; Todd Akin's Senate chances.
QUOTE (La Marr Hoyt HOF @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 01:50 PM)
Respect can be given after a White Sox winner tonight. A win is needed. s*** is starting to get real.
I hate the Texas Rangers with an immense burning hatred. I hate them more than the dreaded Boston Red Cubs, and I can't stand Boston. If the White Sox don't make it to the fall classic, I want the Rangers to make it just so they'll lose again in dramatic fashion in game 7 and rip their fan's hearts out again. Either that or I hope they have an epic collapse and miss the playoffs all together. f*** them and f*** Nolan Ryan.