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Everything posted by chetkincaid

  1. Paul Konerko destroys the ball tonight. The slump is over.
  2. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 17, 2012 -> 01:04 PM) Chicago - the 2011-2012 home of the sports injury Man don't tempt fate... it could be a lot worse. Just look at the Blue Jays.
  3. Matt Thornton has to be either hurt or tired.
  4. Well that f***ing sucked. Kenny will get help.
  5. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 16, 2012 -> 09:57 AM) I just want to say Kenny is a pimp. Kenny vacations in Eygpt Where the hell is Eygpt??
  6. QUOTE (RZZZA @ Jul 15, 2012 -> 04:18 PM) The papers would be funny to read in Boston the day after the White Sox come to town and annihilate you. Especially with Kevin Youkilis playing a big part of the annihilation...
  7. Hey Youk... Take it easy hitting the bat with your hand out of frustration. We've had bad experiences with that.
  8. The White Sox tell Baseball Prospectus and all of the rest of the doubters to go f*** themselves and make the playoffs 6 games ahead of the second place Detroit Tigers Jim Leyland smokes more cigarettes than he's ever smoked in his life Robin Ventura gets votes for Manager of the Year Dunn and Rios, and Peavy split the Comeback Player of the Year award Beckham gets hot in the second half with the bat I continue to piss off Cubs fans by guarateeing them that Kenny Williams will win another World Series before The Golden Child on the North Side does
  9. I bet Alexei's dad is KILLING some popcorn right now!
  10. I like Canada... I really do. I even envision myself living up there sometime in this life. With that being said... I hope the White Sox beat that ass like they stole something.
  11. Kenny Williams Ozzie Guillen (not at the same time as KW though) Hawk Juan Uribe (because he's hilarious) Paul Konerko
  12. You just knew PK had to get a lil taste of this offensive outburst tonight..
  13. Come on Sox... get to that bullpen early... wear them out for the series!
  14. Honestly though, Oswalt looks like he's about to pass out from the heat. Good... Keep hitting the f***er.
  15. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Jul 3, 2012 -> 08:07 AM) I hope the Sox beat the piss out of Mr. "Block a trade to the White Sox" Oswalt. f*** him and f*** the Rangers. Hahahahahahahaha Oswalt!!!!
  16. I hope the Sox beat the piss out of Mr. "Block a trade to the White Sox" Oswalt. f*** him and f*** the Rangers.
  17. I bet AJ is ready to verbally abuse Gavin in the dugout. Peavy will probably stick up for him.
  18. I think Hawk just called Gavin a stupid f***er without actually saying it.
  19. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 09:32 PM) I missed DWeezy pitching? f***ing rainstorm knocked out the light for like 15 minutes and I missed it...dammit. It was EPIC!!!!!
  20. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 09:06 PM) Septimo looking like he's ready to come in and strike people the f*** out. Told y'all.
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