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Everything posted by Vote4Pedro

  1. C’mon Eloy!!!!! Pick up the damn ball!!!!
  2. About damn time they start doing that against us
  3. I’m at the point where he’s the starting RF from here forward, lefties, righties give him them all because Mazara is just that bad
  4. Way to get him over Nicky! Tim drive him in now!!
  5. Leadoff walk again. Let’s get some damn runs!!!
  6. If I was a twins fan I’d be furious at this game
  7. You walk the fucking bases loaded with 2 outs in the inning....WTF now CRUZ....
  8. We are gonna give it up with 2 outs in the 8th aren’t we....
  9. This made me laugh out loud man. I appreciate the analogy.
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