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Everything posted by Vote4Pedro

  1. Well we all know how this ends in previous series.....
  2. That’s the thing, mentally the Sox are beat everytime they step in the ballpark against this team. Need to find a way to get over the PTSD against them. If we can win this close game it might just be what this team needs.
  3. Same, EE I can understand but Nomar has shown absolutely no power whatsoever since he’s stepped foot in a Sox uniform
  4. He looks old, can’t catch up to the fastball.
  5. Why is it constantly the house of horrors show against the Twins, I wish we’d get over the mental hurdle we seem to have against this team.
  6. Missed the game working on my deck, how did Stiever look?
  7. I’m going bigger. He hits his first HR in the playoffs....
  8. I’d run him out for the 6th. No reason for Cordero to enter into this game. Put Flores and Cishek in
  9. Radar looks like it’s south of Chicago doesn’t seem like it’s gonna rain for long
  10. Someone needs to make him take a first pitch
  11. Fools gold but I’ll take it to save the pen another day of relief
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