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Everything posted by WHarris1

  1. Timo flies out. 3 fly outs, inning over. f*** this.
  2. 2 easy outs. On a longball swing from Uribe. f***!
  3. RACK EM UP! Amazing play! Inning over. LET'S SCORE SOME f***ING RUNS!
  4. Good job taking pitches and just swinging for base hit, Joe.
  5. Paulie K's. 2 down. Come on Crede, just like last time.
  6. Good job Jose. Ducksnort. 1st and 2nd, 1 out. Come on PK, gap one.
  7. Oh, he was way out. Ok, now take advantage.
  8. Good rip. Carlos with a base hit. Come on Jose, gap one.
  9. Good job Jackson. Now it's time to chip away at the lead, and not try to get it all back in one swing.
  10. Great to see Reed have a good game.
  11. I have faith that Joe will turn it around. Just gotta give him some time.
  12. I would tape it but for some reason I find it hard to watch.
  13. It better f***ing storm where I am at, with huge hail, etc. Because I have a baesball game @ 8 and I have to be there @ 6:30. I want to watch this f***ing game! GO SOX!
  14. Holy s***. That is amazing.
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