God damn. Well I am a little disappointed, but we had a great year this year and everyone is coming back next year. Although, it's too bad Nick can't like move to Indonesia or something.
Grear year guys!
Yeah, I don't see why though.
He is such a piece of s***.
His line for today:
Got in Luther's way leading to a turnover.
Dropped a few boards.
Misses every shot he took.
9/11 is the only thing I remember from those.
I was in 6th grade at the time.
Sitting in my 1st period English, when the principal came over the PA stating that attacks had occured on the Pentagon and WTC, or something to that tune. Since I was relatively young at the time I didn't really realize what had happend until I got home from school and my mom and dad were just glued to to the TV, and I saw clips of a plane flying into the WTC. I was in awe. That is definately one day I will never foget.
Alright, thanks. Because whenever I play hockey video games or watch hockey, they are like, "And that will be touched for icing." And I'm thinking, "What in the world is icing?" But now I know, thanks.
I wish I could be there. Like I said in another thread: This will be the most important sporting event to me in my short life, so far. And sports are by far the most important thing in my life. Friday cannot come soon enough.