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Everything posted by MiddleCoastBias

  1. Blackhawks bringing back aging vets for a reunion tour.
  2. I won't believe it until Hector Gomez says so.
  3. Curious, where was Maldonado in throwing out runners? I was under the impression that he was strong/elite in this category and expected to see him here. Actually, for how the broadcasts played up his defensive specialist role throughout the playoffs, kind of expected to see him topping all of these defensive metrics.
  4. If you want talk about Conforto, that's over in the Semien thread.
  5. Feel like we should be focusing our energy on attracting coaches and personnel that can turn guys like guys like mid-season Joc and Soler into the post season producers they turned into. And also the oft-repeated issues with our ground ball launch angle philosophy. Status quo with the staff is frustrating, blah.
  6. Actual thought - let's just sign the Braves hitting coach(es) that can turn scrap into gold. We tend to get in this rut of trying to find the players that we can turn around. Why don't we spend more energy getting the *coaches and personnel* that can actually turn the player into something.
  7. Agreed that we're going to be down relievers and will need to replace that production somewhere, but wouldn't it make more sense to move Kimbrel's $16M and use it to sign more guys like Tepera at reduced cost? Have to imagine we can get a replacement to what Kimbrel actually did for us (not what he did on the Cubs or what we HOPE he can) for far less. Expecting him to bounce back at $16M seems like a far greater gamble than signing a couple $5M-$7M guys and getting better production. With how finicky relievers are year to year, use that money on other pen pieces and get the same production at minimum, and possibly even better production than Kimbrel at a lower premium.
  8. Knee jerk reaction, voted Semien. Dingers, baby. But this team also doesn't seem to have a playoff identity (and was one of the reasons I thought they brought Keuchel in), so I do agree Scherzer would be a better *playoff* acquisition. Fun thought experiment, good poll.
  9. I'm pretty sure LaRussa finished this quote with something like "as I always have done, that's how I operate" the other day and Sullivan just took the juicy part and let others make it into a story. LaRussa said this after the game and the context sure sounded like he makes the judgment whether he has the team under his control or on his side or whatever, and that it's not a physical straw poll of the players. Sounds like posturing and that he'll be back next year unless someone in the clubhouse vocally stands up and says we don't want you here.
  10. One year of a gamble on Rodon with a QO may be worth it, rather than a 3- or 4-year gamble he may be looking for with a longer contract. I'm for a QO but won't be upset if someone else signs him to a multi-year deal.
  11. Pitchers and catchers report in 124 days. What we do between now and then is all that matters now.
  12. First moves: Pick up Kimbrel's option; promptly trade him Decline Cesar's option QO to Rodon Sign Marcus Semien for 2B
  13. He's been hitting everything. He's going deep today. Like, "where will it land" deep.
  14. Ok, so are we still waiting for those players to be forced to go to the clubhouse of every team and apologize for getting caught ACTIVELY CHEATING?
  15. Exactly, that's all you need. MAYBE the last game before the All Star break. When it's unique, it's special. Any more than that and it gets played out and we don't care about the other games being played throughout the day.
  16. Are you talking every day of the 162-game season has all of the day's games played at the same time? Terrible idea. That would kill the game. It would be so hard to watch baseball games of teams in other markets, meaning it would be harder for fans to be a fan of the game, learning about those other teams and players. Part of the fun of being a baseball fan is know that when your team isn't playing, someone else is. The excitement of today's slate, flipping back and forth and having live cut-ins of the other scores, would be lost if they did this every day. Broadcasts wouldn't care about the other scoring updates on a random game 77 of the season played on a Tuesday.
  17. Lineup out and Abreu is pretty much the only regular not playing. Giving Vaughn the start at 1B. Pretty much a playoff lineup beside that. Stay hot, ride the heater into Houston!
  18. The only downside to this setup is that it's the most exciting day in regular season baseball and we still have to contend with NFL Sunday. That exciting night in 2011 was a a Wednesday and Thursday where MLB knew it would be the only thing going. I'm sure they have a reason for dropping that weeknight finish ($$?) but it would be really cool if somehow baseball had this all to themselves.
  19. I'm most excited that all of the games start at the same time today. We're going to need like a RedZone quad box to watch the final few innings.
  20. I think your last two questions get to the main point and kind of answer it between the lines. This is a good Stats vs. Team Value argument. With their offensive stats being a near wash (edge to TA for the steals you didn't include), their defense is getting closer (with an edge still to Moncada for how well he handles the hot corner), I think it comes down to has more value to the team outside of the stats. And for me, that's TA. Dude is a sparkplug capable of firing up the team and turning things around, getting everyone's energy up for a rally. He provides that extra intangible value (dare I say TWTW) that gives him the edge.
  21. Figured I'd add this here instead of starting it's own thread, adding to the "Liam and his wife are good people". Always classy giving back to those that help make things happen. Love that he's here with us.
  22. Think we'll see Abreu get a break after getting hit on the elbow, let any bruising or swelling settle down for a day.
  23. Yankees really control their own destiny - finish the season with 3 at Boston and then 3 at Toronto. Their two series will really shake that wildcard picture
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