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Everything posted by MiddleCoastBias

  1. It begins. If the league won't enforce the rules for all players, we're going to see more and more opt op until we reach a breaking point. The players will take it into their own hands and force the issue.
  2. Can we update the thread title to be an MLB catch-all of covid updates and how they'll impact the season?
  3. Put anyone up against Shane Bieber and they'll be exposed. I imagine Madrigal will have greater difficulty with a number of pitchers in our division alone. But I'm ecstatic we have a high-contact guy like him around, they can be energizers for a team watching your teammate grind and battle through a 13-pitch AB.
  4. That account was just created and has 10 followers, following zero accounts. Doubting this guy's credibility.
  5. I'd bet if anyone picks him up, it'll be the Red Sox. I think people underestimate just how trash that pitching staff is, top to bottom. They'll be the team panic-trading or signing arms. Without it, they're not a playoff team.
  6. Likely need a week or so to tune up? But good things are happening.
  7. Seriously. We're still only down 3 runs and had the base loaded last inning. There are things to quibble over, sure, but people have already punted on the season.
  8. Also paints Yermin Mercedes' "skills" in a different light now
  9. Man, it'll be good to get back to baseball today with a double dip of games, get our minds back on the action on the field. Here's hoping for a strong showing from Cease in Game 1, get the bats active again.
  10. I agree that the league is just brushing off a non-competitive team. We can say they just forfeit their games until they can field a team, but what if a competitive team goes down? Would they really say the Yankees forfeit their games, effectively sealing it that they won't make the playoffs? I don't think so.
  11. Agreed, moving the game up still stands as the best suggestion to guarantee they get it in. What what could be preventing that - tv and broadcast rights, like moving the game broadcast would interfere with other existing broadcasts today? Or do they just assume they'll make up tomorrow whatever they can't play today?
  12. Boxing on ESPN Tuesdays and Thursdays has been a great distraction I was never interested in before.
  13. The state of Florida is the worst, just ruining the party for the rest of us.
  14. I'm sure the GT last night covered this, but it's made abundantly clear we can't give outs away. We need Madrigal's glove.
  15. Fire up the grill with some loaded brats and hot dogs, buy a bag of unshelled peanuts, soft pretzel and cheese (groceries usually has these frozen), anything you would get at the stadium. Doing a Zoom call with some friends on the side as we distance-watch. That's my plan.
  16. Listening to the talking heads on MLB Network today, they're saying this a good thing to expand and that the league "probably" wants to expand to 32 team and a more traditional 16-team playoff like the other leagues. League-owned network. Not sure how often those opinions are their own, or if this is a talking point they've been fed.
  17. Hopefully this is truly a one-off thing and not laying the groundwork to implement it in future seasons.
  18. "The New York Yankees select the Minnesota Twins and a first round bye" is totally going to happen.
  19. I watched Chuck and Jason "call" simulated games of MLB the Show on YouTube for weeks so whatever, I'm ready for the wacky. Now can they digitally remove Joe Buck from broadcasts?
  20. Knee-jerk reaction was to say that this would be terrible, but it's not the worst situation. No fans in stadiums mitigates (much) of the road atmosphere, and they would still be able to bat last for their 'home' games on the road. There are worse situations to be in.
  21. Morosi going bold and picking Indians, Sox, Twins in that order with the Sox making the Wild Card. Seeing Minnesota at 3rd in the Central I think means he may be expecting their guys to fall off quite a bit. Pitching is top-heavy and a bit suspect on the back end, but still surprised he's fading them.
  22. Yeah, like Bill Walton. Punt that guy into the sun.
  23. Wasn't it Ivan Nova that was mentoring him last year to get him to focus? He had that $100 bet going with him to see ReyLo to practice his English too. I've heard Keuchel is a good clubhouse mentor, hopefully he can work with ReyLo as well. But end of the day, Reynaldo needs to be accountable to himself and 'want' to put in the work and focus. Hope he does for his own sake.
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