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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. I don't watch because I still have too much emotional investment. When they play bad and lose, it makes me unhappy and miserable. So I just don't put myself through the misery. I'm perfectly fine watching other games where I don't care about either of the teams playing.
  2. Yea, I could've included Sale and Abreu but tried to keep it to guys that are officially out of the league.
  3. Trying to come up with a list of the top 10 best living ex-Sox players. Like guys that would be invited to Soxfest if anyone still had any interest in going. Here's what I came up with. Frank Thomas Bo Jackson Jim Thome Mark Buehrle Carlton Fisk Tim Raines Harold Baines Luis Aparicio Paul Konerko Albert Belle
  4. I think I got his signature at the bar on either Friday or Saturday night. It might have been one of the bullpen guys.
  5. My last Soxfest was 2006. So definitely not him. 😄
  6. I remember being at a Soxfest and I had a ball with multiple signatures on it. I gave it to one player and he kinda rolled the ball around in his hand looking for a place to sign. I mentioned that spot was still open and he said that was saved for the manger. I had never heard that before. I also don't remember which player it was that said that.
  7. ^^^This. The players are human. They knew they were a shitty team going nowhere and that it wasn't going to get better any time soon.
  8. The New York Yankees? The team that has been in the playoffs 25 times in the past 30 years? Including 5 championships and 8 WS appearances? Yea, they are definitely doing it wrong. LOL
  9. I've often been curious about (and have never found a good answer) if the length of MLB player careers has increased over time. Like on average, did the guys from the 20s and 30s have shorter careers due to over-usage vs. the current players? Even trying to find the average length of today's players is difficult as there are varying answers depending on where you look and how they manipulate the data.
  10. I agree with this. He probably could've been a decent player had he went directly into baseball out of HS. Continuing on at 31 probably wouldn't have worked out. I feel like baseball (as with most sports) is a lot of muscle memory and he just didn't have the time and reps built up for that.
  11. Have you not been a Sox fan long? Remember when they hired Robin Ventura? They had to convince him to become a manager. Then when La Russa was hired there wasn't even any actual searching involved. JR just hired his guy.
  12. I know that sentence is supposed to be "the worst season in baseball history to base the anger on" but I just have to say it's funnier as written. 🤣
  13. He doesn't have 10 years. His lease with the city for the current stadium is up after 2029. JR himself may not be around in 10 years.
  14. That's the literally the opposite of how any successful business runs. Or at least should be run. I fight against that sometimes in my own job where someone wants some change to some piece of software make their life easier but doesn't think about or talk to other people in other departments that also use it. It can create chaos.
  15. This quote is kind of disturbing, referring to how the 10 (really? that's it?) people that were/are working in analytics are now "allowed" to talk to people in other departments. Does this mean they weren't allowed to before? Were they just locked in a room in a basement somewhere? Is that why this organization is so far behind?
  16. I remember watching that play live and having multiple thoughts go through my head in like 2.5 seconds. OhmygodthatisgoingtobeahitandtheyaregoingtotiethegamenoJenksdon'ttouchitohmygoduribehasitmakeagoodthrowYEEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!
  17. In fact, wasn't Ozzie's call to the bullpen for the "wide and tall guy" in game 1?
  18. Rooney's final call of the WS was literally "A ground ball, past Jenks, up the middle of the infield."
  19. I haven't been to a game in a few years but the last one I went to had an attendance of over 30,000. All those people I saw walking to the green line stop after the game must've been figments of my imagination...
  20. If anyone would have their finger on the pulse of how Chicagoans feel about public transportation it would definitely be the guy living in Lawrence, Kansas.
  21. Well sure, that happens when you take a picture from the perspective of the home plate ump. The view will be different from the seats 100 feet higher...
  22. I just believe that everyone on the internet is lying. Which means I think Greg is lying. Which must mean that there's NOT a lot of lying on Twitter. Which goes against my original belief that everyone is lying. Now I'm confused... 😵
  23. I assumed Greg was talking about the author of the article that Lip posted.
  24. Congrats on finding one person to agree with you. Rebuilding/reloading is part of baseball. I'm not sure there is a single MLB franchise that hasn't gone through it at least once. Honestly, what is the other option for the team right now? They have no choice but to rebuild everything from the ground up because there is nothing left. Tanking is something different and not even what they were trying to do. Even teams that try to lose on purpose aren't this bad.
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