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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. This thread or the entire site?
  2. You probably should have read the story you linked. Nobody is actually doing this because according to the article in your link:
  3. In our school district the HS just went to full remote learning through Nov 30th because they simply don't have enough staff for all the classes. I'm not sure why they didn't just make it through the end of the year. Seems kinda dumb to go back to F2F learning for 3 weeks in December then have everyone off for 2 weeks for Christmas break.
  4. Actual judges have determined that his lawsuits have no merit. He's 0 for 10 so far...
  5. It's like you're purposely missing the point.
  6. Yes, the words I put in quotes were the exact words he said. The 2 "sides" he was talking about were protesters and neo-Nazis. I didn't even bring up the fact that he told the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by. Which they were very fired up about.
  7. I guess the question you have to ask yourself is if you really want to be friends with someone that supports and admires a man that makes fun of disabled people, brags about walking into dressing rooms full of underage girls, thinks that nazis are "very fine people" and makes fun of people that wear masks during a national pandemic just to name a few things. I would hope that I do a better job of picking friends. I have people on FB that support him but they are only "facebook friends". Nobody I really associate IRL. Honestly, there are a couple that I've only stayed friends with because it's sometimes fun countering all the stupid crap they post/believe.
  8. I'm pretty sure we've had multiple people with confirmed positives in my building but they don't tell anyone about it except apparently the people that they work closest to. The coworker that sits in the cubicle across from me tested positive and I'm pretty sure they only emailed the people in our department (6 people).
  9. If we would have just shut everything down back in March and had a concerted federal response to help get all those business through the 2 or 3 weeks they would've needed to have been shut down we could have had everything open at 100% a long time ago. That time is way past us now. The problem is that opening at 25% isn't working either for a multitude of reasons. At this point in time, I don't know if there is a good solution.
  10. So what you are saying is that wearing masks helps? Who knew?!?
  11. Show me one time where anyone has said that. All you are doing is stating the obvious, which is that rules and laws only work when people follow them. I have yet to see anyone disagree with that statement.
  12. I never said that I disagree with you. But that doesn't answer the question. I want to know who you are accusing of disagreeing with you and where anyone said that people shouldn't be responsible.
  13. Who has said that they think people shouldn't be responsible?
  14. You're also talking about a perfect world were everyone listens and does what they are supposed to do with no argument at all instead of being forced to be responsible. Sure it would be great if we made a plan where we just said "Hey everyone stay home for 3 weeks. Only go out if it's vitally necessary. After 3 weeks it will all be over and we can go back to normal again." But that's fantasy thinking. Instead we have to force businesses to close because if we don't, people will still continue to go to them. Whether it's because they think the rules don't apply to them or because they think it's somehow against their "freedoms" or whatever else. And here we are, months later continuing to fight this thing because so many people can't seem to do the right thing.
  15. Held accountable by who? The police that flat out say they won't enforce the guidelines set by the state governor? https://www.mystateline.com/news/local-news/winnebago-county-sheriff-says-he-will-not-enforce-new-coronavirus-restrictions-aimed-at-bars-and-restaurants/?fbclid=IwAR2dDVwo2-mRREEDCaTV2_JxVgaVd9Ie7gR7qu7VjaduyNteqQqbwl-0NqQ
  16. My daughter's boyfriend's dad's boss tested positive. That's about as close as I've gotten to knowing anyone personally.
  17. Enough that he had to turn the comments off. Because as I said before, people are morons.
  18. I was just coming here to post this. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/fox-friends-host-steve-doocy-015805041.html I mean shouting "personal responsibility" over and over again is great but people are fucking morons.
  19. The average age of the programmers at that job was somewhere around 55. And 2 or 3 of them retired within a year after I was hired. Hardly any schools teach it anymore but it's in use at a lot of companies. My last 2 jobs both had hundreds of programs that were written in COBOL. And they work so they don't want to spend the money to convert all them them into a different language. Although I've heard of people that made pretty good money traveling around the country to the few companies that did decide they wanted to convert their programs over.
  20. I feel like that's sort of where we are headed. Everyone is just tired of dealing with it and wants to move past it and forget about it. So we are just slowly going back to normal without actually fixing anything. Then the number of people that are still getting sick and dying from it will just become second page news.
  21. I started my programming career learning COBOL in college. Then I got a job that used COBOL and PL/1 which are very similair. I learned a couple of other programming languages in college including C, RPG and even assembler but I haven't used any one of them in years. For me, COBOL was a good base language to learn. It kinda gave me the basics of everything and how programming works. Since then I've been able to pick up other languages fairly easily. I use SQL and VB.net in my current job everyday even though I wasn't all that familiar with them when I first started. I took a free python programming course through Coursera a few years ago. I don't know if they still offer free courses or not but that might be something to look into. LearningTree is another one that I know of but you have to pay for their courses. Honestly though, going back to COBOL you'd be amazed at how many businesses still use that language today. My last job was thrilled to hire me because I was one of the few people under the age of 40 that actually knew it.
  22. Whatever happened to this? It seems like there was a ton of talk about creating one a few months ago and now it seems like we've sort of lost interest in doing it.
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