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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. I've started to notice that Trumpers that I'm friends with on FB have now also shown themselves to be anti-vaxxers. I don't know if they are anti-vaxxers in general or just anti covid vaccine for whatever reason but I'm starting to wonder even if we do get a vaccine here within the next month or so and it's generally available to everyone by summer, how much longer is this going to linger simply because people won't take the vaccine?
  2. I was just arguing with an idiot that thinks the numbers are inflated and is stuck on the half-truth about hospitals getting paid more for covid patients. ?
  3. Clear your cookies. They typically give a set number of free articles per week or per month or something like that. If you clear them, it resets the number.
  4. I'm totally shocked that Greg backs Trump. ?
  5. It totally is and nobody has said it isn't. Are you reading posts from your alternate universe that nobody else can see again?
  6. So you agree with me that nobody is actually getting arrested for this and your statement was complete hyperbole? Good to see we are finally on the same page.
  7. Name one single person that has been arrested for throwing a party of 20 people or more. Just one. Otherwise, please stop posting stupid hyperbole everywhere.
  8. Why not just post them in this thread? Also 2 guys harassing some other guys in the street =/= rioting.
  9. You must live in a different timeline/reality than the rest of us. I googled Portland riots and all literally every single news story is from 2 or 3 weeks ago.
  10. They were/are apparently perfectly happy without it. The only reason my in-laws have it is because my brother-in-law still lives with them and pays for it.
  11. I have at least half a dozen co-workers that prove this is false. When work from home started in back in March/April we had to issue them cell phones so they could use them as hot spots because they didn't have internet at home.
  12. This thread or the entire site?
  13. You probably should have read the story you linked. Nobody is actually doing this because according to the article in your link:
  14. In our school district the HS just went to full remote learning through Nov 30th because they simply don't have enough staff for all the classes. I'm not sure why they didn't just make it through the end of the year. Seems kinda dumb to go back to F2F learning for 3 weeks in December then have everyone off for 2 weeks for Christmas break.
  15. Actual judges have determined that his lawsuits have no merit. He's 0 for 10 so far...
  16. It's like you're purposely missing the point.
  17. Yes, the words I put in quotes were the exact words he said. The 2 "sides" he was talking about were protesters and neo-Nazis. I didn't even bring up the fact that he told the Proud Boys to stand back and stand by. Which they were very fired up about.
  18. I guess the question you have to ask yourself is if you really want to be friends with someone that supports and admires a man that makes fun of disabled people, brags about walking into dressing rooms full of underage girls, thinks that nazis are "very fine people" and makes fun of people that wear masks during a national pandemic just to name a few things. I would hope that I do a better job of picking friends. I have people on FB that support him but they are only "facebook friends". Nobody I really associate IRL. Honestly, there are a couple that I've only stayed friends with because it's sometimes fun countering all the stupid crap they post/believe.
  19. I'm pretty sure we've had multiple people with confirmed positives in my building but they don't tell anyone about it except apparently the people that they work closest to. The coworker that sits in the cubicle across from me tested positive and I'm pretty sure they only emailed the people in our department (6 people).
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