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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. A list of all the companies working on vaccines and where they are at: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/science/coronavirus-vaccine-tracker.html
  2. But wait... Some guy on Facebook said he watched a Youtube video that said the flu is more deadly. I'm just not sure who to believe?!?
  3. Kids start going back to school, fall sports start up and cases start to rise. Shocker.
  4. I didn't even know it was possible to have admins on ignore. Most message boards don't allow it.
  5. This is where some of that rumor got started. I don't know where the $1500 number came from though. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/apr/21/facebook-posts/Fact-check-Hospitals-COVID-19-payments/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/medicare-hospitals-covid-patients/
  6. I've never heard of any undertaker that is involved in determining the cause of death. That's usually the doctors and/or coroner.
  7. Right on que: https://www.yahoo.com/news/sturgis-motorcycle-rally-tied-coronavirus-002612074.html
  8. Man, if we only had the foresight to realize that putting 1000's of teachers and students in close contact with each other for 6-8 hours a day was a bad idea...
  9. We'll know in about a week or so. I hope they had fun with their spitting and sneezing contests up there.
  10. Just having all the states that are forcing the kids to go back to schools is going to make this fall a disaster. We've already seen several examples of schools having to be shut down on their very first day back.
  11. This is what a lot of schools were planning on doing. Now I'm hearing many of them pushing their start dates back into early or even mid September and going to fully online.
  12. Simply sabotaging the United States Postal Service in order to tilt an election in your favor seems like a pretty shitty and evil thing to do, imo. Also how is that legal?
  13. I mean... this is one of those "doctors" in that video: https://www.thedailybeast.com/stella-immanuel-trumps-new-covid-doctor-believes-in-alien-dna-demon-sperm-and-hydroxychloroquine
  14. Then things like this happen. Some people discovered a long time ago that if they throw a big enough tantrum, that stores will eventually cave and give them what they want just to shut them up. https://www.insider.com/the-grocery-store-employee-was-suspended-for-face-mask-altercation-2020-7
  15. Our local grocery stores have all been doing this for months...
  16. It's almost like having heath insurance tied to having and keeping a FT job is a bad idea and we should come up with a different system...
  17. So if the parents disagree with sending their kids back to school they should just... find new parents?
  18. So when a crisis hit they decided to do their job and actually be leaders? And comparing this to them "allowing" the protests to happen. I don't think they had much of a choice there. They attempted to control and contain them as much as they could but there was no way they were going to stop them from happening. It'd be like stopping an ocean wave from hitting the shore.
  19. Here's the whole thing. https://www.facebook.com/LadyXandraWrites/photos/pcb.2753285704904017/2753285324904055/?type=3&theater
  20. I just read this on FB. What I read was longer but this is the start of it.
  21. Do you scream at them because they make you wear a seat belt or else you will be ticketed? How about the fact that they make you wear a shirt and shoes into a store or else you can't shop there? Are they being bullies then? Are you upset that they bullied people that smoke to smoke outdoors only?
  22. It's possible to get chicken pox twice and we have a vaccine for that now. But most people don't. Could be the same thing here. I've heard of people getting covid twice but I don't think it's that common.
  23. Gas stations would be screwed. They are essential so they'd have to stay open for all the people still going to work/making deliveries/etc... Yet they make very little money on the actual sale of gas. They get by mostly on the sale of the stuff inside the store. They don't have websites, curbside pickup or instacart delivery services.
  24. I remember when I was in HS there were a lot of days I would have zero homework. I got mostly B's and C's so 20 minutes of homework sounds about right. I was there for about 6.5 hours and I'd say at least 50% of it was filled with stuff like lunch, gym class, passing periods, sitting in class taking attendance or in some elective class like shop or keyboarding (early 90's) or a computer class where there was little to no homework. The other 50% was sitting in a class listening to the teacher and learning/memorizing a few things long enough to pass the test and them forgetting them later on. Now in the real world my job is literally pass/fail. Either I do my job correctly or I don't have a job anymore. If I have questions or don't know how to do something I "cheat" by asking someone else for help or looking up a solution online.
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