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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. QUOTE(daa84 @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 09:23 AM) carl supposedly along with timo are big parts to this clubhouse, despite the medias perception of carl and some dumb comments he made, he actually is a good guy. Met him in the bar at Soxfest. I was actually kinda suprised that he was so easy-going. Seems like a pretty cool guy to hang around with. He was eating nachos and joking around with everyone the next day at the private autograph session. He was really having a good time.
  2. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 12:40 PM) i've been banned....twice I got kicked out of Toys R Us once. Does that count? They don't like it when you go in there and "test" their basketball hoops and little plastic playhouses. Oh and Denny's too. Just because there was a group of about 12 of us and we all ordered water. One guy ordered coffee just to be different. Then paid with a $20.
  3. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) It seems you did in the current case, if LV's "History...." amounts to nothing more than the sort of sentiments in the example post. It cartainly can get tiresome to see the same negativity at times (often from the same solks), but the "other site's" decision to ban based on some doomsaying at the end of a month we all wanted to forget is treating dandruff by decapitation. Give the rest of the board community enough credit that they can decide for themselves to ignore the psosts from specific posters they disagree with. The mods have been making it pretty obvious for quite a while that they won't tolertate people coming in and crapping all over the board because the Sox lost a game. I've seen more than one complaint about the board not being a place for people to rant and rave and proclaim the season over because the Sox lost 2 in a row. Some people weren't taking the hints I guess...
  4. I looked back at some of your posts and a couple of times it sounded like you were ready to jump off the nearest tall building because of the way the team was playing. It looks like one of the mods noticed your constant "dark cloud" behavior and got annoyed by it. IMHO of course...
  5. Iwritecode


    QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 10:28 AM) Does it matter that I'm using leftover prescription Claritin dated 2004? I've heard it's not safe to use out-dated medicine. The ingredients can actually change and end up not being safe. Just FYI.
  6. QUOTE(the southside tiger @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 06:08 PM) I hate MTV too. So much worthless crap on that channel, its unbelievable. Its not that I dont enjoy a good party or that Im old, its just that its so dumb. Laguna Beach, for instance. A bunch of diva drama queens going about their pointless little lives and they get a TV show for that? Wheres my damn show? These people are just stupid, rich and spoiled. But Pimp My Ride is a good show. I remember one episode where this guy, a tutor for inner city kids, drove a piece of s*** and he lamented about how the dealers drove around in pimped out Escalades and stuff, which kind of influenced all the young ones the wrong way. The show has a good heart and a purpose, unlike a lot of the other crap. I always teased my friend that I was going to get him on that show. He was driving around a Pontiac 6000 with 250,000 miles on it. I was amazed that it still ran. The only major problem he had with it was a leaky brake line. There were plenty of other things wrong with it but it got him back and forth to work. I think he finally sold it to the junk yard for a couple hundred bucks...
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 01:35 PM) I've heard of more problems with private deals than dealerships, although obviously there are good and bad deals from both. Turned back odometers, temporary repairs, etc. Be smart and do your research and add up all the payments. A friend of mine bought a car from a used-car lot and later found out that one of the engine mounts was missng. They used a chain to hold it up instead... In my experience private sellers have been pretty good. A lot of them aren't really looking to make a profit. Just get rid of a car.
  8. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 01:31 PM) It depends on how car-smart you are. If you know enough to be aware of what to look for, then you're better off going with a private seller, because that's where you will generally get better deals. But, if you don't have greasemonkey tendencies, then a dealer is the way to go. Especially if you're looking at late-model used cars, every model has a certified category that comes with warranties and are well worth the extra $$. In either case, you need to have as much knowledge as possible-- that will protect you from getting screwed more than anything I guess that's part of it too. I do a lot of my own repairs which saves me a lot of money rather than paying for any kind of warranty. The problem is that the newer cars a getting more complex and more difficult to diagnose for a do-it-yourselfer...
  9. This brings up the question whether it's better to buy a car from a dealer or from a private party? My first two cars I bought from dealers. The first one was from a little privately-owned used car lot. I walked in, found something I liked, told him how much I wanted to pay, paid it all in cash and had no problems. The car was put in my parents name but it was still "mine". We ended up selling it for about half of what we paid for it. The second car I bought was the first one that I got to put in my own name. I made the mistake of going to one of the larger dealerships, falling in love with a car and paying way too much for it. With the length of the loan I ended up owing more that it was worth within a couple of years and couldn't get rid of it. I ended up totaling it in an accident and luckily the insurance paid most of it off. I had to borrow some money to make up the difference. The two vehicles I currently have were both found in the classified ads. One has been paid off for a couple of years and the other I only have another one and a half years left to pay. I could probably sell it now and make get most of what I paid for it back. Maybe it's the fact that I got burned by a dealership or the fact that I put almost 30,000 miles a year on my car (making any warranty I get short-lived) but I don't plan on buying a car from a dealer again. I seem to get a better deal from private parties.
  10. My parents were always the type to have 2 or 3 cars for some reason. Weird because my mom drives a company owned vehicle for work. I usually got whatever my dad wasn't driving at the time. The first car I got to drive by myself was an old brown station wagon (I don't even remember what year it was) with built-in air conditioning. i.e. there was a hole in the backseat floorboard. After that I got to drive a 1979 camero that I complained about having to spend $20 a week to fill up with gas. The first car I actually bought with my own money was a 1988 Chevy Celebrity for $1000. I had to worry about my own gas, insurance, etc... I watched that Sweet 16 once and had to turn if off when one of the girls was at a dealership looking a new cars. She found a Range Rover that she liked but when she found out it was used said "Eww!". "Used" as in it was probably last year's model... :headshake
  11. Section 105 Row 9-- Seats 21-22 (TornLabrum & Jeff) // 23 (soxjim) // Row 10-- Seats 3-6 (Steff + 3) // 7-10 (brewcrew/chisox, soxruleEP & Eddie Gaedel +1) // 11 (ChiSoxGirl) // 12-13 (The Alohas) // 14 (chisoxmike) // 15-16 (Mr. & Mrs. StillMissOzzie) // 17-18 (The Dude & Chips) // 19-21 (Madvora + 2) // 22 (Risk) // Row 11-- Seats 1-4 (DumpJerry & Soxstarter + 2) // 7-12 (Soxtalk) // 21 (chisoxfanatic) // Row 12-- Seats 1-2 (cheeses h rice + 1) // 3-7 (Tekijawa + 4) // 9-10 (SOXPHILE + 1) // 11-12 (BarbG + 1) // 13 (parrothead) // 14-16 (Iwritecode + 2) // 17 (Soxtalk) // 18 (Palehose13) // 19-20 (LuvSox) // 21-24 (skobabe8, converted & Pythons007 + 1) // Row 13-- Seats 5-7 (whitesoxwilkes + 2) // 8 (Lillian) // 10 (FielderJones) // 11-14 (Rocky Soprano + 3) // Row 14-- Seats 7-10 (DrCrawdad + 3) // 11-12 (Cowhead418 + 1) // Row 15-- Seat 4 (JohnBasedowYoda) // 5-7 (dakuda + 2) // 8-13 (Chisox353014 & joe250 + 4) // 21-24 (Queergirrl + 3) // Row 16-- Seats 1-5 (Soxtalk) // 6 (RedHeadPaleHoser) // 9-16 (Soxtalk) // 17-18 (Hangar18) Row 17--Seats 1-8 (Soxtalk) //
  12. QUOTE(bighurt4444 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 10:12 AM) To me, today is a huge day for the White Sox and the Indians. Currently the Sox have a comfortable 7 game lead in the Central. Not as comfortable as the 15-16 game lead they had a month ago, but still comfortable. With the Sox playing a double header and Cleveland playing Detroit. There is a possibility of some big momentum to be won today. The Sox can take a strong hold of that momentum if say, they win both games of their double header and then Cleveland loses. That would push the lead up to 8.5 games. Or, the Sox could lose both games and Cleveland could win, putting the lead at just 5.5 games. If that happens, the Central is offically back up for grabs. Thats why I think today is HUGE in determining if the Sox can finish the Central off or be in for a dog fight the rest of the season. Odds are the Sox split and Cleveland wins, but today has the potential to be a very big day for one team or the other. Let's hope it goes well for our White Sox! Cleveland isn't going to win tonight. They won't lose either...
  13. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 07:18 AM) You said you weren't going! I'm in 105 row 12 or 17 or 19 or something. I was wondering who was sitting next to me... I have row 12 seats 14 - 16 seats 18-24 are all from WSI.
  14. They faced him in ST and roughed him up pretty good.
  15. Does everyone know where they are sitting? There's an official seating chart over at WSI and I was just curious where the Soxtalkers will be mixed in.
  16. They make spam blockers for emails like that...
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 08:06 AM) and if you really want to try and steal home, look up delayed steal in the dictionary. What exactly is a delayed steal anyway? I know I stole home a few times when the catcher would lob the ball back to the pitcher. I'd just walk halfway down the line and if they weren't paying much attention I'd just take off the rest of the way. I got accused of cheating by opposing coaches a couple of times.
  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 09:24 AM) So now that I know who has the big trucks... Who is coming to help me move here soon? Sorry, I'm busy that day... When are you moving again?
  19. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 09:50 AM) BINGO. Write one on how sick you are of....insert all bad things Cubs and Wrigley here.....posing as a Cub fan. They'll never know. You wouldn't even have to mention anything about being a Cubs fan. That way you wouldn't really be lying. I want to go to a White Sox game because: I'm sick of seeing Wrigley filled everyday to line the pockets of a company that continues to put sub .500 teams on the field. I'm sick of hearing "Wait til next year!" and I want to see a team that has a chance this year. I'd rather watch a team that plays the game right and has sound fundamentals. A team that knows the meaning of "get the runner over" and hit-and-run. A manager that isn't afraid to use his bullpen. A disgruntled Cubs fan hates a lot of the same thing about the Cubs that a Sox fan does.
  20. If you apply for a CC and get rejected you can get a free credit report as well. I've done it before. For some reason putting 0 in annual income seems to work...
  21. Iwritecode

    Back to school

    QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 03:54 PM) Marketing- I loved Marketing for some reason. I don't know if it was the teacher or the fact that two of my best friends were in class with me. I had a blast creating magazine ads, TV ads, newspaper ads... One time my friend and I came in 5 minutes before class started and studied for the test we were about to take. We both aced it. Somehow we were both able to write just enough to make it sound like we knew what we were talking about. We were also able to join DECA and go to these competitions were we literally had to roleplay different parts. Try to sell a specific product to the judge, create an advertisement of a product in a set amount of time, etc... Great fun. All three of us took entrepreneurship the following year with the same teacher. Basically the entire year was devoted to setting up your own (fake) business and try to create a business plan to make it profitable within three years. You had to come up with a store layout, products, location of your business, where you would get the capital, etc... Have fun!
  22. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 25, 2005 -> 06:59 AM) I bought my vehicle because I got a damned good price. I don't only use it for "the once a year family vacation" either. We go on a lot of short extended weekend type trips. I can't begin to count the numerous things I've hauled in my Blazer that would have been impossible in a 4 door sedan. Same here. I bought my Suburban because I need it to tow my pop-up trailer. I'd go camping every weekend if I possibly could. Plus it's handy when the kids want to bring a friend or two on those camping trips. It has also made numerous trips to the local menards to haul sheets of plywood, drywall, doors, concrete blocks...
  23. I could've sworn I submitted this post already but when I left and came back it was gone. Anyway... Campfires. My parents and grandparents had permanent campsites at a campground in Wisconsin and we'd spend every single weekend during the summer up there. They quit camping when I was about 8 or 9 but my grandparents are still up there. Always brings back good memories.
  24. I don't think a tornado has touched down in the Rockford area in my lifetime. I've heard it's because we're in a bit of a valley compared to the surrounding area. We've had a lot of T-storms that just miss us and hit the towns to the north or south as well.
  25. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 02:17 PM) Well, did you do your part? Technically. I graduated the year before but my wife was pregnant for the second half of her senior year. She graduated in June and we our first daughter in August. She turned 9 last week.
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