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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 01:25 PM) As for putting all of that stuff in the suv, I ask again whether or not your parents were able to put all of that in their wagons or cars back then. if so, why cant we now? You do remember how BIG cars were back then right? Gas was under a dollar so bigger was better. Of course people didn't have a problem getting all their stuff into them. The trunks were the size of Rhode Island. If they needed something bigger then they were driving around full-size vans, trucks and station wagons. These days unless you actually buy an SUV, you'd be lucky to fit 2 suitcases into a trunk of a 4-door car. SUVs have replaced all those full-size vans and station wagons. Not much has changed except the price of gas and the size of cars...
  2. IIRC, the high school I went to had the highest pregnancy rate in the nation at one point in time. I was told that it was even mentioned on Letterman.
  3. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) Well, our trip was a little longer than 30 minutes. It was 7 hours. We had a suitcase for me, a suitcase for my wife, a duffel bag for my 3 year old, a bag for the 8 month old, a bag of diapers, a stroller, a pack-n-play, a container of toys for the baby, a dog, dog food, dog treats, golf clubs, camera bag, purse, tissues, snacks, pillows, blankets, games... Can you get all that into your Corolla? I barely got it all into my 97 Blazer (which gets 21 mpg). Oh yeah, my kids don't have A.D.D either. Sounds a lot like the vacation I took just last week. Substitute one more kid for the dog and add a couple of coolers and we had our 93 Suburban just about filled up. That was packing for an entire week. BTW Jason, it was a husband, wife and 2 kids plus a third on the way. Have you ever tried to squeeze three carseats into any 4-door car? Every child under the age of 9 is now required to be in one. I remember back when I didn't even have to wear a seatbelt in the back seat...
  4. Iwritecode

    Back to school

    I have 3 people, including myself, in the class I'm taking this semester. I'm figuring that either not many people want to take Assembler (I'm not exactly looking forward to it) or this whole program for working adults to get their 4-year degree without having to travel all the way to Dekalb isn't working out. Either way I'm sure as hell going to take advantage of it. The teacher seems pretty cool and has said that most nights we'll get out 30 - 45 minutes early, depending on how long she feels like talking.
  5. QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 24, 2005 -> 09:05 AM) There's also a lot less station wagons made now. There is no way I could travel to Grandma's in Tennessee with two kids and all their stuff without an SUV or van. Since I already have the SUV and can't afford to buy a van right now...there ya go. Station wagons are just lower versions of SUVs. IIRC, a lot of station wagons had big gas-guzzeling engines as well...
  6. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 03:02 PM) This is the first time in my life that I've ever been fired so I feel really bad and kind of dazed about it. I know a lot of people get fired so it's not a huge deal or anything but just the way I was fired is what gets me upset. I was fired because my assistant manager thought I told him to settle down when I didn't even say that to him. He then said don't ever tell me to settle down again or else I'll fire you. I told him I didn't say that to him and then he asked if I wanted to be fired. I asked if he wanted me here and he said no then I said fine I'll put my 2 week notice in and he said you won't need that, you're fired, get out of here. So before I leave I talk to the manager and I told him thanks for hiring me back in March and he said I was a great kid, but since he didn't see or hear what happened, he has to stick with what the assistant manager says. I had no warnings or write ups or anything in the 5 months I was working there. It just surprises me that I'd get fired on something that I didn't even say to him. But say I said that, it would still amaze me that I'd get fired for that. All in all, I just don't think it was fair for them to fire me based on the emotion of the assistant manager, but who am I to judge that I guess. Now I have to look for a job so hopefully I can get one before college starts back up in 9 days. I have a friend that was fired in a similair fashion. He was fired because another guy said something and then bumped into him as he stormed off. He was fired because of physical contact or some crap reason like that. This was after 11 years at the company... I probably came thisclose to be fired once. It was a second job that I didn't really like and couldn't have cared less about. My main job was my first priority and they didn't like that very much. They also hated the fact that I never asked for a day off. I just told them (with plenty of time in advance) that I wouldn't be in on a specific day so don't schedule me. I got my first warning AFTER I had already put in my 2-week notice. I had been there almost 3 years...
  7. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 20, 2005 -> 04:28 PM) http://tylenol.ytmnd.com/ Holy s*** where's the Tylenol? Sounds like the guy who fired you was a grade A douchebag. But just be glad of a few things. My first job was 3 days in fast food. In these three days: I was locked in the freezer Bitten on the leg by the boss's kid Berated for murmuring "Damn" under my breath and not more than two minutes later, the same boss going on a 10 minute profanity laden tirade in front of her kid I got paid $4.66 an hour I was clocked out at 9 pm by the boss but was forced with the other workers to stay there until almost 1 am finishing work related activities (cleaning, etc.) I wasn't fired from there -- I just stopped showing up after she scheduled me for 3 weeks without a day off. After I quit, I found out getting days off from her was a very rare happening. How long ago was this? You mentioned two things that I believe are illegal. One, an employer cannot legally make you stay past your scheduled time. If it says you are scheduled until 9PM then you can leave at 9PM or else they had better be paying you for the extra time. Two, you cannot legally work for more than 14 days (I think it's 14) in a row without a day off. I believe they just made this law in the past 5-10 years.
  8. Iwritecode


    QUOTE(TheDybber @ Aug 22, 2005 -> 09:50 AM) I've moved 9 times. Moving, if I remember correctly, is the second most stressful thing after a death in the family. Well, family in general. when I moved after my divorce...it was over Thanksgiving break and my Great Aunt had just died. So, my weekend was...Thanksgiving day Thursday, funeral Friday, move Saturday!!! Weeeeee!!! If my parents should happen to die before I move again, I'll be moving into their house. Either that or I want to convince them to sell it to me eventually. It's the house I grew up in and much bigger than the POS I have now. I know what a pain in the ass moving can be but I can't wait to move out of my current house. My only problem is that I'm not sure I could find anyone willing to buy it from me. Especially considering the money I'd have to spend to make it sellable... To answer the question, I've moved 3 times. Twice when I was living with my parents (both before I turned 8 and all within a mile of each other) and then once into my current house.
  9. Iwritecode


    I just bought and watched the 10-disc He-Man set...
  10. Iwritecode

    Celebrity Crush

    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Aug 15, 2005 -> 12:02 AM) Oh yeah.. - The Adventures of Pete and Pete - Wild & Crazy Kids (IIRC Omar Gooden was the host) - Mister Wizard (Awesome Throwback) - You Can't Do That on Television! Don't Just Sit There.
  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 07:11 AM) Lisbon, Iowa, to Florida in one week in a 1951 green Chevrolet before the Federal Highway Act was signed by President Eisenhower to create the interstate system. My mom was born in Lisbon. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 07:11 AM) Driving aimlessly from Chicago to somewhere in northern Wisconsin. This was (and still is) my parent's idea of a vacation. They would pick a general direction and destination, load up the car with a cooler and some food and head out for the day. I don't think there's a single country road in Northern Illinois/Souther Wisconsin my parents haven't traveled down to see where it goes...
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 11:54 AM) I wasn't sure. You done the quadratic formula yet? I learned that thing in 8th grade and still remember it...
  13. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 02:43 PM) Wow. 16 year old senior? Did you skip any grades or did you just start way early? The deadline to start school was like September 1 or something like that. You were supposed to be 5 yrs old by that day. Since my b-day was in October, I was supposed to wait until the following year to start. Somehow my parents got me in a month and a half before I turned 5.
  14. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 02:24 PM) Yes, because at 14, I was a freshman and that was when I joined the College Partnership. My birthday is always 1 week before school starts (Aug 27th). Do the math: 14 - Freshman 15- Sophomore 16- Junior 17 - Senior That means I'll be an 18 yr old freshman in College. Still don't beleive me, oh well. Mine's not until October 21. I was a 16-year-old senior in HS. It helped that I started kindergarten before I turned 5.
  15. Assembler It will be the first time I've been in a classroom since December 1998...
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 12:41 PM) Every fishing trip we go on, we stop at the over-highway oasis' in Belvidere. Well, we used to. That damn construction isnt done yet... Really? I thought they were done with the Belvidere one.
  17. I managed it once. It was on the way to a Sox game no less. We were at one of those McDonalds/Mobil oasis things that go over 90 between Chicago and Rockford. I stopped to get gas and my wife (who was sitting in the back seat) got out to use the bathroom. After I finished filling up I jumped in and started to drive away. My friend who was sitting in the passenger seat said "What are you doing?" I only managed to get across the parking lot though. Can't figure out how you could drive for 6 hours without noticing...
  18. QUOTE(joemg311 @ Aug 9, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) pure coincidence? or some other ultra animal sense? That’s up to you to decide. Yes i think some dogs have been almost proven to be able to sniff out certin sickness much like they would a bomb. and you hear about cats and dogs waking up owners when there are fires and such. But rabits arnt the most intelegent of animals so i'm leaning to coincidence but a damn good one. There have been reports of some animals acting very strange just before an earthquake hits. They are obviously able to tell when something isn't quite right much quicker than humans.
  19. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 12:46 PM) Excellent points. It is definitely disturbing to hear about animal cruelty, but I also do not understand why the same sentiments aren't given towards the less cute and cuddly animals that also suffer animal cruelty. That's exactly it. Cows aren't as cute and cuddly as kittens...
  20. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:24 PM) Yes, but music was never given away free on the web sites of the recording studios. These articles are given away free on the Tribune's website. ESPN is not giving away their Insider articles for free. Cool.
  21. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:18 PM) Except I never said that it never happened. I merely requested that the person making the claim state some facts with his claim. There is nothing I dislike worse than someone who makes statements claiming them true without evidence to back them up. thats all. I've always thought that huges chokes towards the end of the seaon was common knowledge among most baseball fans. What's next? You're going to want somebody to dig up the records that proves Hank Aaron is the all-time home-run leader?
  22. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:15 PM) Their content should be okay to use. As long as there is a link to it, I don't see what is wrong with copying and pasting it. The Chicago Tribune's website is hardly a pay site. I thought that was the whole point of copyrighted material. Whether it's free or not. Wasn't that what the whole Napster lawsuit was about? Just don't want to see the site get into legal trouble...
  23. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 03:06 PM) thanks, but I wasnt talking to you Does that mean the facts she provided don't count?
  24. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 10:47 AM) Insider is a paid service. The others are not. What about the little line I see at the bottom of every Tribune article? Doesn't that me you aren't supposed to copy the entire thing?
  25. QUOTE(the People's Champ @ Aug 8, 2005 -> 02:58 PM) Hey Peter Gammons since you are so up on baseball history, Why dont recall one instance when a team has choked away a 13 game lead past Aug 8th and I will apologize for this thread and shut my mouth about it from here on Ask any Cubs fan about 1969...
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