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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. Iwritecode

    A new kitty...

    I've bought 2 dogs but I don't think I've ever actually paid for a cat. They either show up on my doorstep and never leave or we end up getting them from somebody else that doesn't want them anymore. We just recently got a kitten that's about 8 months old. She's constantly trying to play with our older two. They are about 10 and not really interested in playing with anything anymore.
  2. QUOTE(Yossarian @ Jul 22, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) Did you see the commercial where the guy brags about his rich lifestyle; his house, car, and country club? Then he says, "how do I do it? I'm in debt up to my eyeballs." That could so be me if I wanted. I could have a bigger house, a newer car, Sox season tickets... Sure I'd be in debt and have to work until the day I die but you can't take it with you right?
  3. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 05:56 PM) Nuke, you have a point about people living within their means. It's kind of like when pro athletes or Hollywood people go broke. If a pro athlete is living so extravagantly that he is living check to check and broke at the end of every month, then he is no better off than the average man. Sure he might have nicer s***, but he's stressing about money just like the next man. When I was younger and we would drive by the big expensive houses in our town my parents would always say "Those people don't have a lot of money. Just bigger bills." Sometimes it's so true.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 02:28 PM) We pay ours off every month.. and with Discover giving cash back.. AMEX giveing Jim golf points.. and Chase giving us airline miles.. we can't complain. I use credit cards for everything unless I absolutely have to use cash. I love Discover. Its the first card I got when I turned 18 and have had it ever since. We just signed up for some program from them where we get even more cash back when we use our cards for things like amusement parks, zoos, water parks, etc... We plan on going to a few while on vacation next month.
  5. Iwritecode

    Great America..

    QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 09:53 AM) Article says the lifeguard asked her to leave the pool.. I dunno if I would sit that close to the pool. I'm waaaay weird about public pool water in, around, near my mouth. :puke Most public pools have so much clorine in them that you can barely stand in them without your eyes burning...
  6. I'm with Nuke. We try to pay off our credit card bills every month. I hate giving the cc company anymore money than I have to. What's really great is when one of them offers no interest for X amount of months. Then I just transfer any balances I do have over to that one and pay it off with no worry of interest charges.
  7. Iwritecode


    QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 12:45 PM) Oh, I'm not complaining about that. I am refering to Microsoft releasing a flaued OS then potentially CHARGING to fix the errors that are within it. People are going to find a way to get spyware, pop-ups, etc. onto your computer no matter how secure the OS is built. There are plenty of free spyware removers, anti-virus software and firewalls that you can get. Using Firefox Mozilla instead of IE helps as well.
  8. Iwritecode

    Great America..

    QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jul 21, 2005 -> 10:29 AM) We got Season passes to Great America! I love going there, but the Water Park is out of control. June was busy but fun. We had a great time up there...but July has been insane! Get there early, it opens at 11:00am, or forget it. We got there at 12:00pm, it was crowded as all hell. The lines to go on any of the slides were too long. The kid area was over-populated by Teenagers and adults who didn't want to hang out at the over-crowded areas. The wave was never much of a wave pool anyway, but it's a nice big pool. But now they have it fenced off, something they didn't do in June. They only let a certain number of people in at a time. f***ing Stupid! The staff were rude to anyone who asked why. "Because we can" was the company line, I guess. The lazy river line is asinine. Only one entrance, one time around and that's it...Unless you rent a blue raft to carry around the whole day, then you can cut to the front and stay on as long as you want. But those prices are horrible. The food is bad and costs more than the general park's food. Upon leaving (around 2:00pm) we noticed there was now a line to get into Hurricane Harbor. Waiting time 45 minutes. They let people only when people leave. When we got out to the Southwest Territory, we noticed the end of another line under the train bridge! These were people waiting in line to wait in line to get in!!! That line was a 90 minute wait!!! Six Flags did NOT anticipate the crowds for this new water park. They are seriously unorganized and under prepared to handle this. The regular park is still tons of fun!! Crowds are smaller too during the day. I've been to the Disney water parks many times. I have never seen people treated like this. More people in their parks than Six Falgs, but the lines are moving. The wave pool (and what a wave, wow) is open for all. The lazy river has no line becasue you can get on and off anywhere. You don't have to rent a raft...etc. I will enoy this again in November. They should take a page out of Disney's book on how to treat the patron. My analysis: Skip it. Go to other parks in the Dells. If you have young kids try Cypress Cove in Woodridge, it's awesome! This new waterpark sounds a lot like Magic Waters here in Rockford. I haven't been to it in quite awhile because it's so damn expensive but it's usually pretty fun when we do go. The wave pool is huge too. Next month we plan on going to the Dells and hitting a couple of different waterparks and rides. We just found out the huge go-carting place (they changed their name and I can't remember it) has a waterpark as well.
  9. QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jul 13, 2005 -> 06:05 PM) The reason tehy looked at you liked that is becasue you were running or dancing or something. You had a dream. Just dont remember it. I remember it to this day. I dreamed I was on a merry-go-round that was going way too fast and I was holding on while my legs flew out behind me. They said I was lying in the floor shaking before I got up...
  10. I actually did something similiar once when I was younger. It probably wasn't the smartest thing I ever did and don't advise anyone else to go and try it. I was with a couple of my friends (of course) and one of them told me about how you can make yourself pass out. All you have to do is stand with your back against the wall and then lean over and take a few deep breaths. Then take a big breath and hold it as you stand up and lean your head back. Then take your hands and put them on either side of your neck. Palms on the front of your neck, fingers towards the back, thumbs down. Press back a little with your hands and you basically cut off your windpipe. It's not *quite* as dangerous because your hands will fall if you do pass out and you'll start to breath again. I did it and was actually out for a few seconds. When I woke up it took me 9 or 10 seconds to realize what happened and why my friends were all looking at me wide-eyed...
  11. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 12, 2005 -> 12:39 PM) Whoever said Shawshank Redemption: f***ing awesome movie!!!!! The book was better. If we start getting into Stephen King books/movies then you get some really interesting endings. Some of his stories don't even really have endings. He just leaves it up to the reader's imagination. They certainly don't all end with "happily ever after" either... For anyone that has read the Dark Tower series. That ending was suprising, although I kinda suspected it anyway. I know a lot of people that hated it. And to think that some people had been waiting 20 years for that ending...
  12. Armaggedon - I never thought I'd see "you-know-who" die saving the world. Napolean Dynamite - The ending AFTER all the credits rolled. The reaction of LaFawnduh's family when she says "I do" is hilarious. The Matrix - Wow, that ending just totally sucked...
  13. That's all I need to read right there. If we had a real commishiner(sp) running things then maybe the ASG could go back to being an exibition game like it's supposed to be. Then Dibble wouldn't have to write his whiney little article. Allowing the fans to pick the starters, having a rule that every team must be represented and making the game have meaing do not go together. There's GOT to be a better way to ensure the game doesn't end in a tie again. I just wish I could think of one...
  14. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Jul 6, 2005 -> 07:40 PM) ) about 200-300 new registered members. I just heard Hawk mention this site on the broadcast and wanted to check it out. I almost have the post total of a newbie...
  15. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:02 AM) Do the cops in your area enforce the "no fireworks" law in your areas..? The last 2 years in Plainfield we have a group a few houses around the lake that put on a really great show.. no one calls to complain that I know about. And they are all adults and seem very responsible.. Then we have these teens who, for the past 2 weeks (and I'll guess that it's only going to get worse over the next few days), have been blasting bottle rockets all of the neighborhood. I don't care cause I sleep regardless but my neighbor who lives across the street away from the lake was ranting and raving this morning about calling the cops. I suggested maybe asking them to stop if it gets to late before starting a neighborhood war... Anyone had any trouble with neighbors blowing them off all night..? I can't imagine they wouldn't stop if you were nice about it. We had a problem with some people near my in-laws house last year. The bottle rockets kept landing in their yard and we had 5 little kids running around. The noise isn't so much the problem as somebody getting hurt. The people setting them off have no idea (and probably don't care) where they land.
  16. It was a short "day-trip" but I went with my parents to see this thing. I actually did a report on him in college. Pretty interesting. You hear/see a lot more about him in Rockford, the Quad Cities and southern Wisonsin.
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:05 AM) Go back to doing what we did before cell phones. Can anyone actually remember that time? What the hell DID we do? I don't know how many times my wife has called me on the way home to tell me that I need to pick her up somewhere or that I need to stop at the store to get something. It has saved me countless trips. It has also saved me the numerous times my car has died while driving down a country road in the middle of nowhere. I'm going a little off-topic here but I was just thinking the other day what it was that I did to keep myself busy before video games, computers and 100,000 tv channels were available. I guess it was stuff like listen to music, read a book or play with my toys (star wars, Transformers, GI Joe, etc...) or even go outside and play baseball, football, hide and seek... Then my daughters wonder why I get upset when they tell me they're "bored".
  18. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 1, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) I don't talk on the cell phone when driving. I'm usually too busy paying my bills or reading the newspaper. With all the stupid things I've seen people do while driving (reading, applying makeup, using a computer, changing clothes) I'm suprised cell phone usuage is the only thing they are banning...
  19. It wasn't exactly a "family" vacation since I'm grown and out on my own, but my parents went to a mustard festival in Wisconsin(I think) last year. They said they even had mustard-flavored ice cream. :puke They brought me a shirt that was made up to look like a college shirt that said Poupon U.
  20. I actually dressed up as Bill (from the 2nd movie) for halloween when I was a sophmore in HS. I had the backwards hat with "Wyld Stallions" written on the back, green plaid flannel with a yellow undershirt, gray pants and black shoes with red laces. My friend was supposed to dress up as Ted but he wussed out. We could recite quotes from both movies (and Wayne's World) for hours.
  21. more... Who's Line is it Anyway (the American version) Mythbusters American Chopper Monster House Rosanne (reruns on Nick@Night) Blue Collar TV Some older ones: Married With Children Home Improvement Jackass Beavis and Butthead Wonder Years Saved By the Bell You Can't Do That On Television Still waiting for the DVD sets on a few of those...
  22. QUOTE(Steff @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 12:22 PM) Information Technology. Computer programmers basically. *raises hand*
  23. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Jun 23, 2005 -> 10:15 PM) Mine is the theme music of Halloween. Same here. When I bought my phone the guy that sold it to me had that as his ringtone and I immediatly knew what I was getting.
  24. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jun 21, 2005 -> 04:40 PM) It costs me $50 each week to fill mine. If I let mine get all the way down to empty, it takes $70-$80 to fill it back up. Luckily I don't drive it a whole lot and a tank can last me a month or more.
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