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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. One thing it will help with is ID checking. I know a number of times people have been denied buying alcohol or even entering a bar because the people looking at the ID have no clue if it's fake or not.
  2. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ May 11, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) However, I'm going for NES...CONTRA The game that spawned the most remembered code in gaming history.
  3. QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ May 10, 2005 -> 10:37 AM) If you have a High Def TV and want to buy High Def DVDs, then you will have to buy a new player. If you are just fine with your standard def TV and DVDs, then you wont have to buy a new one. Does this mean we will start seeing DVD's come out in 2 different formats kinda like what they do with wide-screen and full-screen now? Or will it be 4 different formats (including wide and full)???
  4. There was a game called "Hero" for the old Atari. It was a dude with a helicopter pack on his back, a handful of dynamite sticks and a gun. You had a certain amount of time to through the level to rescue somebody. You could never beat the game because it just started over after level 24... Anyone remember the old Odessy games? There was an old western style shooting game that I loved.
  5. I hope this doesn't mean I have to go out and buy a new DVD player to play all the new DVDs I'll want to get...
  6. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 29, 2005 -> 01:55 PM) Well, I understand the need to sell them for financial reasons. But if you really don't need to sell them, and you have emotional feelings for them, then don't sell them. Even if your kids will never play with them, nor your Grandchildren, they can still be passed down. If they have increased in value now, imagine what they might be worth 50 years from now. Toys will never lose value, as collectors will always exist, and toy collectors (especially ones within a genre) will always be rabid. But if you need to sell, then sell away, and regret just a little. Well, financial reasons and storage reasons. We just seem to keep accumulating more stuff and some of it needs to go. As far as the value goes, I don't think any of it is really worth what I paid for it. I seem to remember paying $5-$7 for each figure and much more than that for the vehicles. It would take quite awhile for me to make back what I invested in them. If I can sell them to somebody who will either play with them or display and enjoy them (and make a little money in the process) then I'll be ok.
  7. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 29, 2005 -> 01:33 PM) I'm the wrong person to ask, as I still collect toys. But yes, I have parted ways with numerous toys from my childhood (both by my doing and others...ahem...) and have regretted it. What's really funny is that I still have a wall full of the "re-released" Star Wars figures that came out in the mid 90's. At least those are out on display where I can see them. I also have a few other shelves with miscellaneous action figures or models on them. I guess my reasoning is, if they are just sitting in boxes and haven't seen the light of day in over a decade, what's the point of keeping them?
  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 29, 2005 -> 12:46 PM) Schools send kids home for dress code violations everyday. Skirts too short, obscene messages on clothes, etc... this is pretty common. It wasn't a big deal until the kids made it an issue. From reading the story, it sounds like all they've been doing is threatening action against the students. They haven't actually done anything because they're not sure they can. I'm curious to know how did the media got involved...
  9. Last night I dug out my 3 3/4" GI Joe collection from the 80's. It's basically been sitting and collecting dust in the basement and garage for years. I was looking around on Ebay and realized that if I sell it all I could probably make a little bit of money. With my wife being out of work, I could certainly use it. My problem is that I've never really done this before. I have a lot of other toys still sitting around like He-Man, Transformers, Star Wars, etc... I have three daughters so I doubt they will ever be interested in any of it. When I was younger I did sell off a lot of my Star Wars collection. There are times when I wish I hadn't but when I go to garage sales and flea markets and see some of the stuff I sold, I don't really have the urge to get them back. Considering all my toys are/were played with, I doubt they'll worth much in my lifetime so really the only thing holding me back is sentimental value...
  10. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 29, 2005 -> 12:19 PM) You might not have a problem with it, but that isn't the issue. The problem is that they cause distractions. They detract from the learning process. It probably would have been less of a distraction had the school not made such a big fuss about it...
  11. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Apr 20, 2005 -> 11:39 AM) Its always safer in that situation to either lie or say what she wants to hear.... If men could only figure out what it is that women want to hear... Personally, I like to just stuff a Twix bar in my mouth and mumble incoherently.
  12. QUOTE(Goldmember @ Apr 15, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) im only 23 and i loved heman. had the heman, battle cat, and skeletor action figures... I still have my entire collection and I'm only missing a handful of figures. They're sitting in a box in the garage right next to my star wars, gi joe and thundercats toys. Considering I have 3 daughters who will probably never be interested in them, I will someday have a huge number of Ebay auctions. I just haven't had to heart to get rid of them yet...
  13. The "number 1 song on your birthday" thread reminded me of this... 1) Name the Beatles' first and last names. (Consider this first one a warm-up. If you can't answer this one without thinking, save yourself some time and move on to something else right now.) 2. Finish this line: "Lions, and tigers, and bears ..." (2 words) 3. "Hey kids, what time is it?" (4 words) 4. What do M&M's do? 5. What helps build strong bodies 12 ways? 6. Before he was Mohammed Ali, before he was The Greatest, we knew him as ... (2 words) 7. "You'll wonder where the yellow went, ..." (7 words) 8. Before he was the Skipper's little buddy, Bob Denver was Dobie's best friend, ... (First and last names, and middle initial) 9. "M-I-C...See ya real soon. K-E-Y..." (+5 letters) 10. A 'streaker' is someone who might run across campus wearing what? 11. "Brylcream: ..." (6 words) 12. Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone .... (2 words) 13. "I wonder, wonder, wonder, wonder who ..." (6 words) 14. "War, uh-huh, huh, yeah, what is it good for? ..." (2 words) 15. Where have all the flowers gone? 16. Superman, "disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never ending battle for truth, justice, and ..." (3 words) 17. Who came from the University of Alabama to become one of the greatest QB's in NFL history and appeared in a TV commercial wearing women's pantyhose? (And do you know his nickname?) 18. "I'm Popeye the sailor man! I'm Popeye the sailor man! I'm strong to the finish ..." (5 words) 19. Who played Peter Pan before all these other imitators? 20. In "The Graduate," Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) was advised about his future and told to consider one thing. What? 21. In 1962, a dejected politician, having lost a race for governor, announced his retirement and chastised the press saying, "You won't have... to kick around any more." (2 words) He lied! 22. "Every morning at the mine you could see him arrive. He stood 6' 6", weighed 245, kinda broad at the shoulder and narrow at the hip and everybody knew you didn't give no lip to ..." (2 words) 23. Where did Fats Domino find his thrill? (3 words 24. "Good night, Mrs. Calabash, ..." (3 words) 25. "Good night, Chet. ..." (3 words) 26. "Liar, liar, ..." (3 words) And it's not a Jim Carrey movie! 27. "When it's least expected, you're elected. You're the star today! Smile! ..." (4 words) 28. Who put the bop in the bop shu-bop shu-bop? What follows? (7 words) Check your answers here. I missed 5,7,8,12,15,20,23,24,25. Not bad considering I'm the last of the gen X'rs rather than a baby boomer...
  14. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 15, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) O.K., this thread is just driving me insane! How have you people never heard of some of these songs??? How could you have never heard of Starship or that terrible song!?! WOW!!! I just talked to a 17-year-old who had never heard of He-Man. As a comparison, I may not have been alive when he was popular but at least I knew who Howdy Doody was. :headshake
  15. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Apr 15, 2005 -> 12:40 PM) I remember skating to that at my grammer school roller skating parties at Oak Lawn roller rink.... Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Come on, Eileen, taloora aye Go toora loora toora loo rye aye you know those of you that know it are fricken singing it right now!! :finger Now I'm gonna have that damn song is stuck in my head all weekend! :banghead BTW, I checked my daughter's songs. My oldest is going to kill me... US: Macarena - Los Del Rio UK: Wannabe - Spice Girls :puke
  16. QUOTE(TheBigHurt35 @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) IMO, that would be a better option than allowing cats to be "hunted." After someone's collared/tagged pet is accidentally shot, the lawsuits will begin. Someone else brought up this argument and I disagree. My next-door-neighbor's dog makes a hell of a lot more noise than any cat I've heard. So, are we supposed to pass legislation that makes owners keep their dogs inside with the windows constantly shut? Actually, I'm pretty sure many cities have laws about excessive barking/noise made by dogs. It's usually much easier to deal with a dog because you know exactly who it belongs to. With a cat, most of the time you have no idea if it belongs to anyone at all. And trust me, when cats are mating they make a hell of a lot more noise than any dog I've ever heard...
  17. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 13, 2005 -> 10:33 AM) So I should be shot too? Only if you're loud enough to be heard 3 blocks away.
  18. Personally, I don't think this is that bad of an idea. There are a number of cats (and one stray dog that animal control can't seem to do anything about) that roam around our neighborhood that I would love to shoot if given the chance. They growl and fight and have sex (and they're not quiet while doing that either) all night long right outside my damn bedroom window. Then it gets the neighborhood dogs going and nobody can sleep. For all the cat-lovers there are two choices. First, keep your cats indoors. They live longer that way anyway. Second, get a collar. Honestly, this really isn't that much different than the hundreds of strays that get picked up by animal control, sit in a cage for a week or so and then are put to sleep because nobody claims/adopts them. There is a definite over-population of cats.
  19. Iwritecode

    Man Date

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 03:12 PM) As for the seat inbetween rule, that one always confused me. I always wondered if the person thought I was going to grab them during the movie, or if they had an uncontrollable urge to do so themselves and this was the only way to remedy it. Elbow room. Plus, you get full use of the cup holders on either side of you... The same thing happens at the urinals in the bathroom.
  20. For some reason I'm reminded of an old Cheech and Chong skit...
  21. Iwritecode

    Sex in a Car

    QUOTE(Beastly @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 10:38 AM) fathering as a teenager is not cool, in every situation possible. He makes the choice, and you know how it goes from there. Not true. I had two daughters by the time I was 19 and that's basically what put me through my first two years of college, bought me my first car and my first house before I even turned 21. Making less than $10,000 a year and claiming head of household with 3 dependants get you a HUGE tax return. I was able to do it two years in a row. Having parents that allow you and your family to live with them for a year or two helps too.
  22. Iwritecode

    Man Date

    I had a friend of mine living in my basement and we both happened to work at the same place. More than once we would end up getting there early and then grabbing a quick dinner at a fast-food joint within walking distance. I don't know if this is considered a "man-date" or not. When we were younger (early teens) we would occasionally catch a movie together if we could get one of our parents to drive us to the mall. I've known the guy for almost 20 years so it never felt akward to me...
  23. QUOTE(Punch and Judy Garland @ Apr 11, 2005 -> 10:14 AM) What baseless b****ing. You can complain about ESPN about alot of things but they gave the White Sox a lot of talk last night and heavily praised Ozzie Ball. Not all of you guys, but some of you are just unbelievable when it comes to this junk. Grow up. Well then it's a good thing nobody brought up the fact that the annoucers could barely remember the name of the stadium the Sox play in. It took them a good 10 seconds to spit out the name. They were probably scrambling to find the piece of paper they had written it down on...
  24. A friend of mine is a Cub fan. As far as I know, there is no known cure...
  25. Iwritecode

    Type of Car?

    QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Apr 7, 2005 -> 12:06 AM) 92 Grand Am 123K $600 for the car, $600 for the fixing up My car > all of you :finger A friend of mine had a eighty-something Pontiac 6000. It had almost 300K miles on it but he only paid $800 for it. Never had to pay for any major repairs either. He finally got a decent tax return and put it out of it's misery...
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