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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. Iwritecode

    First Jobs

    My very first job was working in a bowling alley. Really sucked. Had to empty garbage, vacuum, clean tables, etc... I quit when the were in the middle of renovations and made me shovel dirt for 8 straight hours at $4 an hour. If I wanted manual labor I would've worked for the city... My second job was working at a KB toy store. It was an absolute blast. I literally got paid to play with toys all day.
  2. Iwritecode

    Type of Car?

    I had a 91 Chevy Lumina car and now have a 94 Chevy Lumina van. The car had 150,000 miles on it when I totaled it and would have probably gone another 150,000. The van is just about to cross 160,000. We had to replace the torque clutch converter (about $230) in each vehicle but other than that we've had no major problems with either one.
  3. My wife had a specific song that she wanted played during the ceremony. She had it on CD but somehow managed to lose it the day before the wedding. My best man and I had to go out on my wedding day and buy a new CD. Of course she finds the one she lost a few months later... As for our DJ, the only problem we had was that we had to provide our own CD for our first dance. Not many wedding DJs carry Metallica...
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 01:49 PM) Actually neither of us were the brainchildren on this one. There is one amoung us who is much more of a troublemaker. We were just the infantry carrying out our mission. I don't care who's idea it was just promise me that I'll never have to look at Kerry "Balsa" Wood's ugly mug on the banner of this site again!
  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:52 AM) If we're going to lose people like Mike, I really don't think this is the way to go. Mike means way too much to this site. This is f***ing bulls***..... :banghead QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 09:51 AM) You know what, f*** this s***. If Southsider's gone, so am I. Who wants to talk about the Flubs anyways. I'll go somewhere else if you guys are going to continue on with this. Goodbye all. A couple more that don't seem to be in on the joke...
  6. QUOTE(MurcieOne @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 10:18 AM) What the f***? I've been gone for like a month and this s*** happens???? I was one of the people who created this site, and I didnt create it for f***ing Cubs fans!!!! This is all Jasons doing i bet.... well f*** all of you. MurcieOut. Admin obviously not in on the joke...
  7. QUOTE(rangercal @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 11:14 AM) Funny how all the moderators are ok with this change. Except for the one that was banned...
  8. QUOTE(mreye @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 11:08 AM) Well, you got one. No kidding... Now if I could only find a Sox message board where I could talk freely about the Sox without worry of being trolled by Cubs fans...
  9. QUOTE(SouthPaw @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 10:58 AM) I really have no idea if this is an April Fools day joke or not, but this better be a joke. It is a joke. If I wanted to talk Cubs I'd find a Cubs message board...
  10. QUOTE(JayMariotti @ Apr 1, 2005 -> 10:26 AM) I can't help it your mom can't keep her stories straight or her legs closed. Wow, SS2K5 gets banned and posts like this are allowed? There is a picture of a Cub player in the header of a White Sox message board? This site has gone downhill awfully quick.
  11. I've always thought that they did it to control the population of the seals. Isn't this pretty comparable to hunting season around here? If it weren't for that, we'd have an over-population of deer...
  12. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Mar 30, 2005 -> 04:07 PM) It is, believe me. Covering your walls with posters of those type of women doesn't count...
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 25, 2005 -> 10:22 AM) I hear ya! There's no telling where that finger has been. Maybe this should go in the 'movie quote' thread but... "Get that finger out of your ear! You don't know where that finger's been!" -One of the Naked Gun movies
  14. Iwritecode

    hey steff

    I don't remember forgetting anything lately. I thought I was wrong once too. But I was mistaken...
  15. Iwritecode

    SoxTalk Types

    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 12:29 PM) With a real, honest to God life? I'm not saying anything, just observing...just observing. I don't think there is a spot for me on that list. Maybe "field trip patron from the local home for the mentally handicapped"??? I guess it has to do with the fact that I'm usually only on here while I'm at work. I very rarely sign-on from home. Especially on weekends. I jump from this site to a few others and do a lot more reading (catching up) than posting. I guess I can be considered the bar-hopper. I'll pop in, make a few posts and then head off to the next bar... uh, site. Better grab one for the road.
  16. Iwritecode


    QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 09:36 AM) 815 across the board baby!!! Of course, I have a statue of a cow in my home town...so I guess I am a little "rural". Same here. Not sure about he cow statue though. We do have something called a "symbol" It's a big red structure that nobody really knows what it's supposed to be...
  17. Iwritecode


    QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 24, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) Watch out for full plastic beer bottles. I believe that's alcohol abuse. You should never drink and drive either. You might hit a bump and spill your drink.
  18. Iwritecode


    This reminds me of that scene in The Last Action Hero where the kid tries to convince Jack Slater that if everyone has a phone number that starts with 555, there can only be 9,999 different phone numbers possible. His reply: "That's why we have area codes!"
  19. Iwritecode

    SoxTalk Types

    I've been registered since September 2002 and have yet to hit 200 posts. I'm not sure where that puts me...
  20. QUOTE(ChiSoxyGirl @ Mar 22, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) If you're gonna spew, spew into this. "She makes me feel kinda funny. Like when we used to climb the rope in gym class." "I don't even own a gun, let alone many guns that would necessitate an entire rack. What am I gonna do with a gun rack?"
  21. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 03:27 PM) j00 h4v3 70 1342n 1337 if j00 w4n7 70 b3 73h u17im4t3 h4X02 You misspelled 73h. Actually, it's not that hard to learn...
  22. QUOTE(mreye @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 02:41 PM) Homer screams, "Damn it!" And, of course, my 2 1/2 year old daughter proceeds to run around the house screaming "DAMN IT!" Oh man, this parenting stuff is fun. :banghead I quit playing many of my CD's around my 3-year-old for that exact reason. More specifically, "So What" by Metallica. My older two are trained a little bit better. They know all the words to replace the words they can't say. Like the time my wife mentioned something about dog s*** and my daughter looks at her and says "That's not dog s*** mommy, that's dog poop."
  23. QUOTE(AssHatSoxFan @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) 411 j00 n3wb5 907 pwn3d I was actually able to read that...
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Mar 21, 2005 -> 01:52 PM) Every generation has it's own phrases, I think it's really hip and groovy that the hip cats of today are what's happening. What makes this unique is we are raising the first generation of instant communication babies. This is the first generation who are growing up with IM, message boards, and relying so heavily on written communications. It only makes sense that a unique language would develop. Right On! The biggest problem is that some kids get so used to it that they start turning in homework assignments with these "misspellings".
  25. Do not go in there! WOOOOO! -Ace Ventura It's not really a quote, more of a scene, but in 'Liar Liar' when he first tries to explain his case to the opposing lawyer. Mostly incomprehensible babbling but still hilarious. "I'm kicking my ass, do you mind!"
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