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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. You want good insurance coverage? Go work for Osco Drug. I worked there for a couple of years and had their insurance for my wife's first two pregnancies. We paid a total of $15 for my first daughter to be born.
  2. Actually if you really wanted to get technical, one year doesn't exactly equal 365 days. It's a little more than that. Thus the need for a leap year every 4 years. That means each day is not exactly 24 hours...
  3. Actually, I believe they herd them into a chute and slit their throats. At least that's what I saw on one of those "Faces of Death" videos...
  4. I worked for them as a second job for almost three years. My best friend and his fiance still work there. Their health benifits are ok but I've definetly had better. They mostly worry about paying for the *big* injuries/illnesses and let the employees pay most of the cost of regular doctor visits. I guess it really depends on who you ask as to whether they treat their employees well. I basically did what I wanted and always knew they if they started treating me like crap, I could tell them to take the job and shove it. I never "asked" for a day off. I told them that I wouldn't be in and if they didn't like it that was just too bad. My friend on the other hand has been shifted around to different departments, had to work past his scheduled time (only to cut time later in the week) and has had trouble getting certain days off. The problem is that he is just that way. He doesn't know how to say no. Overall, it's not a bad place to work (there's worse) and it's usually a pretty good place to shop. Just stay away from the electronics department. I've gotten three different TV/VCR combo's from them and every single time the VCR portion quits working after a while. Luckily they'll take back just about anything so I just buy a new one and take the old one back and get my money back.
  5. I had like 93% or something like that on Vice City. I was missing a couple of unique jumps (which are a pain to find in the first place much less know which ones you are missing) and I still cannot beat that damn shooting range side mission. You're supposed to get 45 but the best I've ever gotten was like 43. I just started a new game last week and have everything that I need to do written down (including each indiviual jump and hidden package) so I can cross it off as I go.
  6. 12 year olds have been discerning between fantasy violence and reality for a long time. Kids are not as dumb as some of us would like to think. Have you ever watched Looney Toons? 3 stooges? Tom and Jerry? Generations of people have grown up watching violence on TV. In all honestly, 12 year olds probably could drive a car given proper instructions. Their physical size might be a resriction though. I remember driving a snowmobile and a 4-wheeler when I was around that age. I always hear about people that grew up on farms learning to drive a tractor when they were 10.
  7. Did you just compare playing a video game to driving a 2,000 pound machine or fighting in a war???
  8. Hell if you put it that way it sounds like you have a problem with video games altogether. Compare a kid that plays Tetris for 5 hours a day to a kid that read classic books for 5 hours a day and you'll get the same results.
  9. Wanna hear a horror story about Hollywood video? A few years ago I rented a movie from them and then went a couple of blocks down the road and rented The Crow from Blockbuster. When I returned them, I accidently swapped the movies. The Crow was in the Hollywood case and the other movie ended up at Blockbuster. Blockbuster notices what happens and gives me a call a little later. I figure that it's no problem, I'll just get the movie from Hollywood and that will be the end of it. When I get to Hollywood they argued with me for 20 minutes that the movie had never been returned. We checked the shelf, the drop box, they checked their computer and could not find it. I asked if they would be stupid enough to rent it out to somebody else. They insisted that could never happen. After talking to the guy at Blockbuster I find out that I'm looking at paying for the movie for over $100! I never knew video stores had to pay so much for movies, but I guess considering how many times they get rented, they make their money back. A day or so later Hollywood finally calls me and admits that they somehow rented the movie (remember this was The Crow in a Hollywood case) to another customer. The customer brought the movie back to the store to complain. Everything got sorted out and a stayed out of Hollywood for a couple of years after that. Meanwhile, back on topic... What's the deal with this? Since I can't read the actual story. I just paid like $12 in late fees a couple of weeks ago at Blockbuster.
  10. I'm at work and I just got a page with this in the middle of it: "The program you are using to view web sites (a "web browser") appears to be out-of-date." Then it offers me a number of different browsers that I can download, etc... We are still running Windows 95 with IE 5 on this computer. I have a whopping 32 MB of RAM. I've been telling them for years that this thing is slow and out-dated. I keep hoping that if I open enough applicatations at one time, it will crash.
  11. We just got the company-wide warning. I did the exact same thing you did Steff. Except I got in trouble for it...
  12. I've had this one hanging around in my email for a few years now...
  13. I did found out that if you stand in there and complain long enough that they will eventually take back a boombox that they had sent out and “fixed” three times and give you a complete refund. I haven’t trusted anything made by Sony since…
  14. Also interesting to note that I get an error message when trying to access the website.
  15. Another site on it: http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_c...e_directory.htm I guess it can't hurt anything by adding your cell # to the list but so few people know my # anyway I don't think I'll be bothered by it too much. Plus I have caller ID on my phone. If I don't recognize the number, it's not somebody I want to talk to.
  16. Close. http://www.snopes.com/politics/business/cell411.asp First, it's a 411 directory (which means it's only available by calling. There is no printed version.) Second, it's only certain phone companies. Third, you have to specifically request to be added to the directory. Lastly, it's not available to telemarketers.
  17. It's a possible urban legend. Unless it happened at the warehouse, somebody had to open the box, put the brick and wood in it and then tape it back up so that it looked like it was never open. The employees are supposed to check the merchandise when something has been returned and it has been opened. I did buy a carpet shampooer at Target one time that had obviously been used before and returned. It still had water in it... So I guess it's possible.
  18. Wow. The worst problem with Best Buy that I've ever had is when I bought an entertainment center that had two top pieces instead of a top and a bottom. Of course I figured this out AFTER I had the thing 90% put together. I was told it would take a week or more to order the piece. Since it was already most of the way together and taking up a lot of space in my living room I asked them if they could just pull the piece I needed out of another box (on the shelf) and when the new piece came in, put it back and sell it with no problem. Nope, they couldn't do that. I had to return the entire thing and exchange it for a new one. I asked them if I could buy a new one, take it out to the parking lot, pull out the piece I need and then come right back in and tell them that a piece is missing? Sure, I could do that. Luckily my brother-in-laws works there and he just went in the stockroom and got the piece for us.
  19. There is one at the very top of Mt. Chiliad. I found it very early in the game.
  20. I can't argue with that but it's a whole different topic... I'm just saying that when you think about the normal "high-paying" jobs that you have to have a four-year degree for, programmers are usually on that list. I do know some teachers that get paid more than I do...
  21. No, we're just not allowed to be parents anymore as evidenced by the above story. "Time-out" just doesn't work sometimes...
  22. I read this somewhere but haven't tried it yet. Make sure you are in front of a building that you can enter. Any fast-food place works well. Get a vehicle to start the vigilante mission. Get out of the vehicle after you start the mission and go into the building. Wait about 10-15 seconds and all the guys you are suppose to kill will die. Supposedly this works all the way to level 12. It's more of a glitch than a cheat and won't hinder your ability to get 100%.
  23. Look for Tom Mabe in the comedy section of your local CD store. He has at least two disks where he literally waits for a telemarketer to call him just so he can mess with them and record the conversation. I think the best one was when they called to offer payment protection on his credit card (in case he lost his job or was unable to work, etc...) he put the phone down because some christmas carollers where at the door. The next thing you hear is a shotgun blast and a bunch of people screaming. Then he picks the phone up and asks if the protection is good if he goes to jail for murder. She hung up on him. BTW, my wife had been rude to a telemarketer and kept calling back and making some rude comments. After the third call I answered the phone and he quit calling back...
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