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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. So I just recently found out that if you have a PS4 that's no longer operable (like it won't even boot up or turn on or whatever) and you don't have any of your game data saved anywhere else, you are completely and utterly fucked. If you take the HDD out of the old PS4 and put it into a new PS4, it will format it. You can't plug it into a computer and copy the data that way either because it's encrypted. Literally the only way to get the data is through the PS4 itself. So, as a PSA to any fellow gamers out there, back up your data to an external drive or to the cloud (via the PSN) on a regular basis.
  2. I'd say it's basically impossible to even fill out an MLB roster without a few veterans both in the lineup and on then pitching staff. So I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
  3. So you have a sample size of 1? I counter your claim with Paul Konerko and Scott Podsednik who were both "only" 29 when they came up with some pretty big home runs in 2005. My theory is that any player on any team can come up big for a single at bat in any given game no matter what their age.
  4. JR can be a wonderful human being and family man who treats his employees and people in general really well, be an extremely smart businessman AND also be a really bad baseball owner. Those things aren't mutually exclusive. I think that's what Stone is missing here.
  5. The attendance was only up in 2007 because it started so high in 2006. It consistently went down every single year between 2006 to 2014 despite winning a division title and finishing 3rd, 2nd, 3rd, 2nd in the few years following. Not surprisingly, it closed matched the attendance totals in the late 90's when they finished 2nd 4 years in a row. Meanwhile the Indians set historic attendance records in that same time frame by winning the division 5 times in a row. Finishing second doesn't excite anyone. Finishing in first and/or making the playoffs does. It's just too bad this team doesn't do either of those things often enough.
  6. That seems completely opposite to me. They had the highest attendance in team history in 2006 because people were finally interested. Then they kept not winning in the years after and interest started to taper off. People aren't going to lose interest in a team that wins all the time. That's just insane. I keep hearing people say this but AFAIK, his kids have no interest in taking over his role once he is gone. Also, I don't know that anyone knows for sure what will happen with the team since the last I knew, he's still a minority owner.
  7. Theo took over in 2011. It's arguable their rebuild started before that but under him it really only lasted 3 years. In 2015 they won 97 games, yet still finished 3rd in their division. That would've been good enough for a division title in any other division that year. Their payroll that year was 13th overall. The next year, when they won the WS, their payroll was 14th overall. Its gone up every year since then and as mentioned previously, resulted in 4 straight playoff appearances, which is typically the goal of most teams. Once you in, it takes a little bit of luck to win it all. Greg has moved the goalposts about 4 times now trying to justify whatever point he was making but I think one thing to remember is that high payrolll =/= success. It's certainly possible but not the only way. The Astros and even his beloved Royals should be proof that rebuilds can and do work.
  8. If 4 straight years worth of playoff appearances including one WS championship is a failure, I'd hate to see what you consider success.
  9. I haven't read probably 90% of the posts in this forum but I don't remember anyone predicting or expecting multiple WS appearances. I've always assumed that multiple playoff appearances was the goal. Hell, getting 2 in back to back years would be a first for this franchise.
  10. I was in an entrepreneurship class in HS and one of the main projects for the class was starting up a fake business. We had to do all the paperwork for it, explain how/where we would get the money for everything, etc... Well apparently one of the guys in the class was already into some MLM business and was trying to explain it to us. Although throughout all his presentations he kept telling us "it's not a pyramid scheme!" even though the way it was explaining it, it totally was.
  11. I get my credit score for free with my Discover bill every month. My wife and I just recently bought a car so we got to see our credit scores then and they seem to match up with what Discover told us, so they are pretty accurate.
  12. IIRC, everyone is entitled to one free credit check per year from each of the 3 major companies. If you ever have to pay to check your credit, you're doing it wrong. https://www.ftc.gov/faq/consumer-protection/get-my-free-credit-report
  13. On Friday my wife and I traded in our 2003 Suburban for a 2014 Traverse. We had been searching for about a year or so and just on a whim, decided to go talk to my foster brother who is a car salesman. We looked at one but it didn't have all the features we wanted and had over 100,000 miles. Then we looked at a Ford Explorer. It was ok but I really didn't want another V8 that would suck up a ton of gas, plus it also had over 100,000 miles. Then we looked at the only other Traverse they had and it had literally every single feature we were looking for. AWD, towing package, remote start, heated seats and it was an 8 passenger while the first one was only a 7 passenger. Plus it had under 50,000 miles and was priced under $20,000. One-owner and obviously garage-kept because it is exceptionally clean. After going back and forth with the financials we finally got it where we were comfortable and drove it home that night. Only got $1000 for trade-in value on the Suburban but it needed a bunch of repairs including the A/C system not working and more than likely 4 new tires. So I figured that was about fair. My youngest daughter will be driving soon so we figure she can have the car and I'll make this my daily driver. The color was listed as champagne silver metallic.
  14. The only time I've ever had anything stolen is one night when I forgot to lock my car. It was sitting in my driveway at my house. Probably just some kids or something that happened to find out that the door wasn't locked. They took a few CDs, a radar detector and the removable face plate to my stereo (which literally did them or anyone else no good at all without the actual stereo to put it on...) Easy enough to replace but just a bit of a PITA. Insurance covered the CDs and the face plate. Never did replace the radar detector. Honestly, I would've brought the laptop into the bathroom with me. Hell, I get nervous if I'm at a McDonald's or something and I see someone leave a phone or something on a table to go refill their drink. I generally don't trust people in public places like that.
  15. Wow, I haven't looked at the standings in a long time but you ain't lying. They'd actually be at least 10 games back in any other division. They'd be in 3rd in the NLE, ALC and ALW and 4th in the ALE.
  16. Iwritecode


    That group is 2 boards past that site now. Still around though.
  17. Iwritecode


    Oh there have been a lot of people that were banned by request. More than a few that posted something so outrageous that they had no choice but to ban them.
  18. Iwritecode


    In it's heyday, it was actually a fun place to be. There were even a couple of softball games between the members of WSI and Soxtalk. But then they started attracting the attention of major media outlets and suddenly they had to maintain the 'squeaky clean' image. No politics, no swearing, no bad-mouthing the franchise. Now they barely allow venting legitimate frustrations or concerns about the team or the coaches. Basically no fun allowed.
  19. Iwritecode


    Yea, I was around back in the Rivals days and on the ESPN message boards and was a long-time member there when I got caught up in a mass banning for something that occurred on a completely different site. The last I knew they were living somewhere in Canada. Don't know the city for sure. Might be Ontario. Neither one of them have been on WSI for years. Which makes it rather surprising that they still bother to keep it up. They have like 12 moderators listed but maybe a quarter of them are still around.
  20. Iwritecode


    You can still view the boards using this link. http://www.whitesoxinteractive.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=14 You can view the different forums using the forum jump but if you click "home" it doesn't work.
  21. Iwritecode


    The story as I know it is: George Bova (AKA PalehoseGeorge) owns (owned?) the front page which was flyingsock.com. He's basically abandoned it and mostly posts on the FB page now. FarWestChicago (never did learn his real name) and his wife Michelle own whitesoxintereactive.com and host the servers themselves. I read that this latest snafu is from him doing upgrades, but the message boards aren't gone.
  22. Ah... got it. I feel like I should've known that.
  23. I've seen you mention ID numerous times but I can't figure out exactly what you are talking about. At first I thought you were talking about an identification card like a driver's licenses or something but that's obviously not it.
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