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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. Maybe it's just me but paying people to take the kids ACT or SAT for them and bribing coaches to say the kids were athletes to get lower admission rates =/= donations.
  2. Iwritecode

    DNA Testing

    I read an article once that this is one of those unexpected consequences that comes up during these tests. Suddenly unknown pregnancies and/or infidelities come to light that were previous unknown or unspoken.
  3. Sure, that's the common reaction. But imagine you are a 15 year old kid with hopes of going to college and becoming a major league player at some point. Then your parents and lawyers are telling you that if this goes to trial that the story will get out and there's a chance, however small, that you may still be found guilty. That even if you are found innocent, there were still be people that judge you for even being accused of the crime. BUT, if you just plead guilty since you are still a minor, this will all go away and eventually be erased from your record and nobody will ever know a thing about it. It's not an easy choice.
  4. Honestly, I think innocent people pleading guilty to crimes they didn't commit happens way more often than we realize. Of course everyone always says they would never do it. But until you are put into that situation, you never really know. Especially if you are a young, scared kid getting either zero help from any adults or attorneys or getting advice that its the best thing to avoid a long, drawn out legal battle that will end up ruining your name and reputation even if you are eventually found to be innocent. This is slightly off-topic but I just recently listened to a podcast that had a story about a 19-year-old single mother who was also homeless that happened to be charged with murder. After spending 18 hours in an interrogation room with no lawyer and worrying what was going to happen to her 6 week old daughter, she eventually pled guilty to the crime. The cops believed her confession because she was able to give them details that only the killer would know. They later found proof that she couldn't have been the killer and the case went into the cold case files. 10 years later when they went back and looked at the taped confession they realized that they had unknowingly fed her the information that she knew about the case. The literally showed her receipts from when the killer took the victims credit card and used it at various stores and restaurants. Then later when she was able to tell them where his credit card was used, they thought that was the proof that she did it. Again, I'm not saying that's what happened in this case. Just that I think it happens way more often than people realize.
  5. It's Lip and like a dozen other people. Half the moderators don't even post anymore.
  6. I finally hit 100% completion on RDR2. There are a couple of little things that I haven't finished. Mostly finding a few animals and there are a handful of trophies that I didn't get and probably never will. I'm not really interested in the online mode but I may go back at some point and check it out. I just feel like moving on and playing something else now. I heard someone once say that the level of detail and the sheer amount of things to do and discover in the game make it difficult to play other games now. It's kind of true as I'm now playing South Park Fractured But Whole and it's on the complete opposite of the spectrum from RDR2. Although I'm enjoying it so far. Should be able to finish this game up a lot faster. Then it'll probably be on to Kingdom Hearts The story So Far. I've only played KH1 and KH2. I never played any of the other smaller (for lack of a better term) games in the series. So I have a lot of catching up to do.
  7. I think they do have multiple games every day. Not necessarily split squad games but they'll have the "regular" game and then they have another game or 2 on the the "B" fields. On the other hand though, you don't want to spread the rosters too thin either. They typically let the main guys get 2 or 3 ABs and then put in someone else in the later innings.
  8. The thought has crossed my mind whether or not the Sox are really one superstar player away from playoff contention. Aren't the Angels proof that having one really great player doesn't make a great team?
  9. Why do we care what happens to Patrick Kane?
  10. Of course everyone has their own opinion on what's right or wrong based on their experiences so I'll just throw this out there. Just within the last 10 years or so my dad has found out that he has 2 half-sisters. We had long suspected this because my grandpa was a bit of a man-whore and was married 7 times to 5 different women. One found us a little while back and we've met her and her family a couple of times. One just recently found us within the last year. I've never met her in person but from seeing her pictures on Facebook, she shares a startling resemblance (as well as a last name) with one of my other aunts. It's kinda cool to realize that you have other relatives out there and to learn more about your family history. I've never been in the situation personally but I think it would just be better to at least know your biological parents and be given the choice of whether or want them in your life or not. I don't know all the legalities of it but I don't think a mother can prevent a father from being in his child's life if he really wishes to be.
  11. If you ever read the book or watched the original movie and care about spoilers, don't watch this trailer. They changed a pretty significant plot point of the story and it's revealed here. Other than that, it looks like it might be decent.
  12. I'm actually a big fan of Will Smith. I may be proven wrong but I just don't think he's the right actor for this character. Of course nobody will ever live up to Robin Williams portrayal.
  13. Also think about the fact that even if you sign over your rights, the kid may seek you out someday down the road. Sometimes it's nice to know family history, lineage, genetics, medical conditions that may be hereditary, etc...
  14. Iwritecode

    Tax Refunds

    A lot of people that were excited about the fact that they were making more money last year are just now realizing the true cost behind it. Many are regretting the person they voted for a couple of years ago as well.
  15. I don't really understand this recent fascination with taking movies and re-making them with the opposite gender. I think it started with Ghostbusters, then Overboard, Ocean's 8 and now What Men Want.
  16. Anyone ever watch the Adam Sandler movie "Click"? Where he gets the remote and he wants to fast-forward his life to when he gets his promotion. Then he's shocked at how long it actually took? I feel like if I had that remote and used it to fast-forward to when Manny and Harper finally make a decision, I'd be surprised at how far into the future it took me. Especially if I'd used it back in December.
  17. The proper comparison would be if someone like Eddie Einhorn would've said something like this. He wasn't the face of the franchise and wasn't involved in the day to day operations but he had a financial stake.
  18. So I've been watching walk-through videos of RDR2 because I don't really care about spoilers and I want some sort of an idea of what's coming when I play the missions and came across this. Rockstar really knocked this out of the park. It's not even the end of the game but it's coming close. The feels though... ? Very minor spoilers for the storyline of the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbetfW2h4Eo There's even one point where you try to call your horse (which you've literally bonded with through out the game) and a little message comes up that says "Your horse is lost."
  19. I've been that way for a few years but for different reasons. Before I got Spider-Man in October, the only games I had really been playing with any regularity was MLB the Show 16 and the Uncharted games. Now I'm on RDR2 and still have South Park Fractured But Whole and Kingdom Hearts: The Story so Far sitting on my shelf waiting. The only thing I'm looking forward to right now is Kingdom Hearts 3, which I probably won't get until towards the end of the year. I remember going to a store when I was a kid and looking at all the games and getting excited about playing all of them. Now I'll go and look and I don't even recognize half the titles.
  20. St. Denis is the worst. I once got a wanted level for "disturbing the peace" because I forgot to take my mask off. Also if you bump someone with your horse, half the city decides they want to fight you. When I first started playing, my biggest problem was accidentally shooting people because I kept pushing the wrong button. I've since learned to save constantly so that if I screw something up, I can go back and re-load. I'm too much of a completionist to not get 100% on my games. So far I've found that it won't be too difficult for this one... just time consuming. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of repetitive grinding. Except for the hunting. Although I typically do that while on my way to do something else.
  21. I'm still playing the single-player mode. I've never been a fan of online mode. I tried GTA a couple of times, did a little hacking with WatchDogs and went on the original RDR online like once. I prefer to explore and experience the game by myself. Although I do have moments where I wish someone else was in the room with me while I'm playing RDR2 so I could say to them "What the hell was that?" Like the time I had a grizzly bear and a cougar attack me at the same damn time. Shot the bear, got jumped by the cougar from behind. Or the time I robbed a store, got a wanted level, jumped on my horse to get away from the 5 lawmen chasing me, then almost fell off a cliff because I ran smack into another damn grizzly. Still having a blast playing the game though. I'm only on chapter 3 because I've spent most of my time either hunting, doing all the side missions or completing the challenges. I have almost all the crafted outfits in the game. Although I've realized that some of them I can't get until the end of the game.
  22. I've heard that legally, they are allowed to say yes or no to the question "Would you hire this person again?"
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