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Everything posted by Iwritecode

  1. QUOTE (3GamesToLove @ Jan 30, 2018 -> 08:34 AM) Fingers crossed for WGN's far superior signal strength... Same. AM1000 barely comes in at all here.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 29, 2018 -> 01:12 PM) What I'm saying is it's 100 percent partisan how most see it. The economy is allegedly better. Since Trump has only been in a year, the Demos are saying, "Duh, it's because of Obama." The Trump-ies are saying, "Trump has completely turned around the economy. The stock market is so confident in him it's amazing." My stance? You won't like it. My stance is I have no idea. I'm not the smartest cat on some issues and economy is one of them. My gut feeling is this is not an all-Obama fueled economic resurgence. See, that's the thing. He didn't "completely turn around" anything. He just didn't screw up the continuing trend. There's a difference. It's like if an MLB team was on pace for a 100 win season and they hired a new manager in the middle of the season and went on to win the division and make the playoffs. Would you give the new manager all the credit for winning or would a large chunk of it go to the old manager?
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 28, 2018 -> 01:19 PM) I have heard about Obama deserving the credit for the economy being better. But in the story I read it said if the economy was bad now, the Obama lovers would be blaming Trump not Obama. So it's all partisan. So you admit that the economy got better under Obama but he didn't get enough credit for it. But if the economy suddenly started getting worse under Trump, it somehow wouldn't be his fault?
  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 19, 2018 -> 04:30 PM) Seriously when Orson Wells had a fake end of the world thing on the radio, some people killed themselves. No they didn't. Snopes Slate
  5. There's an entire thread about it here.
  6. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jan 25, 2018 -> 08:14 AM) I’ll be there Sunday with a couple buddies and my two sons. Have they released the schedule yet? schedule
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 21, 2018 -> 10:36 PM) One thing is for sure. SNL hit a home run last year with all the funny Trump stuff. Saturday's show was filled with Trump stuff and it was boring. SNL needs to move on. That was last year; this is now. Trump stuff has not been funny, SNL. They need some fresher stuff. One skit was unwatchable. A game show called "Does it Even Matter?" The questions were all about Trump and his atrocities with the punch line "does it even matter?" The guests would say yes then the game show host would freak out about trump and say nothing matters. The audience was taken aback by how boring the skit was. Unfunny. The skit was funny because it's true. Link.
  8. I wonder if they've tried one of these?
  9. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 06:50 PM) I'm all for changing society and making it a formal question on every date if that's what this has come to. Making it illegal to have sex unless a formal question has been asked for permission. And perhaps we should tape the exchange and/or sign documents agreeing to sex. I'm all for gentlemanly behavior at all times, but it seems to me because of the nature of some of these incidents of he said/she said, we perhaps should go to a formal written contract saying both parties agree to sex. If you are a celebrity you certainly have a career to lose in a second even if wrongly accused and you did nothing wrong. Better to get it all in writing in the future. If you are into the wilder lifestyle you could carry contracts around much like people carry anything else in their wallet or purse. It's OK to redefine legally what is allowed to happen on a date. You realize this would essentially legally bind women into having sex when they sign this contract, even if they change their mind afterwards right?
  10. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 19, 2018 -> 11:48 AM) Guys, guys guys. Was driving to get a haircut and listened to Rush. Hmmm, he said the economy is thriving under Trump. Said stock market is doing amazing. Said everything Trump is doing is working. Says Democrats are causing a ruckus over the shutdown to deflect attention from Trump successful economy. Before you deem me some Rush fanatic, folks, I listened for a grand total of 3 minutes before commercials hit and that was it.
  11. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 18, 2018 -> 11:00 AM) This thing about Trump and the porn star could get interesting. His wife could leave him over something like that. That would shake things up even more in this travesty of a presidency. His wife has probably known about it for years and doesn't care. I don't think she stays married to him because she's actually in love with him.
  12. QUOTE (shipps @ Jan 16, 2018 -> 04:18 PM) I love seeing the obvious athletic ability, nice physique, nice swing, and nice hair...and believe me I love it all...but baseball is so much as mental as it is physical that I have no real opinion on the kid until I see that come through in game action as well. As far as I know he may really suck at actually playing the game of baseball once others mentally attack him. As the great Yogi Berra once said: "Baseball is ninety percent mental. The other half is physical."
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 11, 2018 -> 10:27 AM) It's 1 million workers specifically in the retail sector, not 1 million total. Oh, that makes more sense.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 11, 2018 -> 09:59 AM) Increasingly, and this means going back at least a couple of decades, that's not how these jobs are even if they're "supposed" to be. More and more people have had to rely on low-wage service sector jobs like retail and restaurants as manufacturing and other better-paying work has disappeared. The average age of a worker in this sort of job has steadily crept upwards. This is from a few years back and is specifically about fast-food workers, but I think the stats apply broadly across food and retail sectors. edit: some more specifically on retail workers, consider the source is a pro-worker group but the main takeaways are the statistics The model of retail or fast food jobs being mainly "high schooler's first job" died out in the 90's. Those workers are still there, but so are a lot of older workers including some who are the sole provider for a family. In the overall scheme of things, 1 million isn't a lot. There are 123 million full-time workers in the country right now. I don't know if that includes part time workers or not. Less than 1% of them live in poverty?
  15. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jan 11, 2018 -> 08:53 AM) Bonuses aren't as good as raises. Also, try to live on $11 an hour. Do you really think this is a windfall for those employees? This is completely anecdotal but I actually worked at a Wal-Mart for about 3 years in the early 2000s. I don't remember how much I was actually making, probably around $7/hour or so. Maybe $8/hour. It was simply a second job for me so I didn't care all that much. Most of the people I worked with were either younger (HS/college age) and didn't have a family to support or were a second income for their family. Their spouse worked somewhere else and made decent enough money. Most of the people that were the main bread-winnners for their family were in supervisor or management positions where they made more money. According to one of the articles I read the average salary for their full-time workers is already $13. So I wonder what percentage of their workforce this will actually affect. I also read that the bonus is UP TO $1000 based on service time. Only employees with 20 years of service will get the full $1000.
  16. Iwritecode

    2018 catch-all

    QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jan 4, 2018 -> 11:01 AM) Cash grab. It really is. They are going to make a ton of money from this. Similar to when they stopped mailing out the postcard reminders for license registration. They were making so much money in late fees that they had to pass a law to stop charging late fees until they started mailing the reminders out again. I've actually read that they will allow people up to 5 or 6 "incidents" per month. So if you go through a coupe of times and forget your Ipass, you wont be charged extra right away. But they are estimating an extra $15 million in extra revenue.
  17. QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Jan 6, 2018 -> 11:33 PM) Actually having a lot of fun playing WatchDogs 2. It's a little intimidating with the amount of controls and buttons to hit, but the environment is VERY lively and there is always s*** to do. Still not really interested in the story too much at this point, I just find myself doing side missions and races all the time. One of the best aspects of the WatchDogs franchise is the ability to be really creative with missions due to the various ways to use technology for your advantage. For example, one mission had me try to steal a truck from a compound. Instead of figuring out how to get through the locked (and unpenetrable) gates, I used my hacking abilities to have a BOLO put out on one of the security people at the compound. The police were alerted to the falsified police report and they stormed the place. The guards had to open the door for the police, so I snuck in through the gate. Then, I hacked a forklift and drove in the opening of the gate so it couldn't be closed. Then I set off an explosion to make the cops think the security detail was causing trouble, a firefight ensued between police and compound security, and I simply snuck in to the truck and drove it out of the gate while everyone was distracted. I ignored all the traditional puzzles to unlock the gates and bypass security. It was pretty satisfying. Long story short, it's not worth the full $60 it was before, but just like Mafia 3, it's totally worth the $25-30 you can find it for now. Driving mechanics still suck, but the cell phone "menu" and music and environment are tremendous. This is interesting because I just tried playing WatchDogs 2 last night for the first time in months. It was really difficult at first because I've completely forgotten all the controls. I'm at a point in the game to where I've completed all the story missions, all the side missions, upgraded all my weapons and skills and have bought almost all the clothes and vehicles that the game has to offer. Basically I just drove around the city a little, caused some havoc and got chased by the police. Then entered a few restricted areas and caused some more havoc, but there really wasn't any type of reward for doing any of it. I found a few caches of money and went around and hacked a handful of peoples bank accounts with my phone but I've already got like half a million dollars in my account. There are a few missions that apparently spawn infinitely that involve sneaking into a restricted area. You can also play them co-op. Other than that, I've discovered that I'm completely bored with the game. Although it was fun when I had stuff to do.
  18. Iwritecode

    2018 catch-all

    I just found out about this yesterday. Essentially, if you go through a toll where it doesn't read the transponder for whatever reason or you don't have it in the car with you at all, they will now charge you the cash rate. Even if you have the vehicle registered for an Ipass account.
  19. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 2, 2018 -> 10:15 AM) Thought I read that they are just recasting the role but could be wrong. I read that there is a character named Mark but it's David and Darlene's kid. They named him that as a tribute.
  20. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 2, 2018 -> 09:44 AM) There are a few quirks about that show that they are gonna play around with. The final season “dream”, Dans death, both Becky’s, Jerry Garcia Connor. I bet it is a fun short season Apparently, they've created a whole new character for Sarah Chalke aka "New Becky". I assume they'll have to address Mark's death as well as the actor that played him died in like 2008.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 2, 2018 -> 09:49 AM) Wasn't Johnny Galecki in it too? I read that he'll guest star in at least one episode.
  22. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 1, 2018 -> 10:49 AM) Every classic sitcom will be rebooted Except Married With Children. There have been rumors about it for years but I'm convinced that it will never happen. I actually enjoyed Rosanne in it's prime and I'm looking forward to the new season. They always reminded me of my own family. Middle-class, small town in Illinois with 3 kids. Except we have 3 girls instead of 2 girls and a boy. I'm just afraid the new episodes just won't have the same feel as the old show even with the same cast. Everyone keeps talking about bringing back John Goodman as Dan. I'm trying to figure out if they will address the 4th kid they had in season 8. They named him Jerry Garcia Conner.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 2, 2018 -> 08:52 AM) I'm not sure if this research dug into it, but previous studies have found that when you present someone who strongly believes in something with contradicting evidence, it's more likely that their (incorrect) belief will be strengthened, not lessened. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 2, 2018 -> 08:56 AM) We call this “greg-d” That's what I was talking about when I mentioned the backfire effect.
  24. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 1, 2018 -> 10:35 PM) So maybe I'm not the only one who doesn't like anthem protests. You don't get out much do you? If I had a dollar for every person I've heard b****ing about these protests I could've retired already.
  25. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jan 1, 2018 -> 02:20 PM) I can accept your post as a very good one and intelligent, not like many of those blasting me. I don't completely agree with the premise because what my perception is, is I feel, a true perception. To tell you the truth the reason I first posted anything about Merry Christmas was somebody else mentioned to me how they noticed the change this year and it spurred me to say, "Definitely, me too." I don't know if it's all the blue car syndrome and I am me and know what me sees and hears. Of course you do. We all want to believe that we remember things exactly the way they actually happened. But that's just not how our brains work. They are fallible and prone to suggestions. There have been studies done where people are shown doctored or fake pictures of historical events and these people will "remember" facts that simply aren't true. I know this probably won't do much good because of the backfire effect (the finding that people don't like to change their mind on things even when shown facts that prove they are wrong) but I'll post it anyway. https://www.snopes.com/2017/12/27/trump-oba...r-on-christmas/
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