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Everything posted by DirtySox

  1. Meh. Twitter and the Athletic is all I need.
  2. For the Yermin Mercedes super fans. From Longenhagen's chat. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/eric-longenhagen-chat-6-28-19/
  3. If every team was under the impression he was going to sign for around 2.5 million, you would have had many more suitors. I can't fault the White Sox on this.
  4. Luis Gonzalez adds a double.
  5. Curt Bloom on tonight's Barons broadcast mentioned that Basabe's current injury issue is his quad. Said we will get some more injury information in a few days. Wonder if that's Lambert related.
  6. And then steals second base.
  7. Staying in the game it seems.
  8. Ooh. Booker just took a pitch to the head.
  9. Ah yes, the fat goalie argument.
  10. I have no idea what to make of him. Will always pull for un-athletic roundboi that can hit though.
  11. Gavin Sheets doubles again. Was off the top of the wall. Almost had a HR.
  12. Robert line drive single to CF.
  13. Luis Gonzalez with a 2 run bomb.
  14. Rutherford apparently face-planted on his way to home on the Sheets double, and was thrown out.
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