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Everything posted by DirtySox

  1. Reynaldo has mastered the high hanging changeup.
  2. It was a beautiful start. Go check Yoan's homer.
  3. Bush bomb. Welcome back kid.
  4. Guess Collins was arguing the strikezone while catching and got tossed.
  5. Collins ejected for some reason. Didn't seem to be after an at bat either.
  6. On paper indeed. Charlotte roughing him up.
  7. This zone might not be great for ole Reylo tonight.
  8. All good, they are just saving up to throw money at Hampton.
  9. He's also doing it with the juiced balls. That's not to be understated.
  10. A reminder for those that routinely ask and worry about "will X player drafted in the top 10 rounds sign?"
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