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Everything posted by DirtySox

  1. I mean, lot of us folks thought it was a questionable trade from the start. Especially those of us who have actually watched Mena pitch. That being said it's been 3 freaking games. Let it breathe.
  2. I thought Canha was sort of apologizing for making contact. Could be wrong.
  3. Does Bart do anything notably well? Kinda lost track of him.
  4. DirtySox

    ST Thread

    Sooooo. Clevinger incoming?
  5. He actually did his first interview in English recently. Luis is awesome. Mad respect.
  6. Condon with 2 more bombs and 5 hits tonight. He's nuts
  7. Luis is fucking awesome. I hope they can put some pieces around him before he's a free agent. Otherwise you need to trade him and ravage someone's farm system.
  8. Soroka has not been particularly inspiring today.
  9. GameDay link. Not watching atm because Sox. Shuster getting touched up. Colson has a a hit and a K. Colas HR. Hack 2 for 2 with a HR as well. https://www.milb.com/gameday/knights-vs-redbirds/2024/03/30/752868/live
  10. Best at bat of the season by a fucking mile. Robert!
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