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Everything posted by DirtySox

  1. The Reds game can't start soon enough.
  2. They are so acquiring Salvador this offseason.
  3. Kohl Simas probably blew out something yesterday if yall didn't see the video.
  4. He also suggested that both Burger and Collins were draft pick selections that were mandated from the top.
  5. Wow. The stories of front office meddling on 1st round draft picks sure is damning too. Telling scouting directors no, you can't take that player. Mentioned Haber in specific as well.
  6. Oof the talk of outside scouts burying Jacob Gonzalez is not what I want to hear. But it surely tracks. Pretty much concluded there is no impact to be seen. An average regular at best if he pans out.
  7. This is a great listen with Law. @Harold's Leg Lift He seems to echo some of your sentiments.
  8. In case you want to get tilted on this lovely Saturday.
  9. Gonzalez talk starts at 1:38. Immediately begin talking about swing concerns.
  10. Baseball America podcast about cold starts from top draft picks. Jacob Gonzalez amongst those discussed. They start the topic around the 1 hour 31 minute mark.
  11. I sure hope he puts it back together. The carrot on a stick of getting traded to a contender and out of this garbage organization is all the motivation one should need.
  12. Does anyone know where the hell Sean Burke disappeared to?
  13. Nastrini sure looks like a great pickup. 9 up 9 down. 5Ks.
  14. Woof is Charlotte a wasteland. Guess I'm only watching the Nastrini pitching half.
  15. I would have been happier with Waldrep.
  16. I saw an infographic recently pretty much showing how almost every other 1st round college bat has been tearing it up. Much sads.
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