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Everything posted by DirtySox

  1. He's been a fantastic pitcher to follow since his debut in Kanny. I will continue to pray that he finds an extra gear on his fastball and ascends to become a top of the rotation monster.
  2. I'm still allowed to root for losses for the draft pick chances right?
  3. Please hire someone from a model organization and just give them free reign. I beg you Jerry.
  4. Let's gooooooooooooooooooooo!
  5. I'm all for this pain if it's pushing Jerry to sell.
  6. When the second rebuild is over, I sure hope we end up with some dudes that can hit the ball over the fence. That'd be swell.
  7. He's gonna need to do more than that to push Nishida out of the #1 prospect spot.
  8. It's like playing Lenyn Sosa to see what you might have as a major leaguer is a good idea.
  9. Colson walks in the 1st. That approach.
  10. Eder after walking the first batter on 4 straight balls, gets a ground out and 2 Ks in the first.
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