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Everything posted by Sox72

  1. Bleacher Report prospect rankings. Updated as of 15 hours ago. Pretty drastic differences with respect to some of the names mentioned here. https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10103552-updated-top-100-mlb-prospects-at-the-start-of-2024.amp.html
  2. But then he’d be “untouchable.”
  3. I think this is a good time for me to point out that I am a real estate attorney and if you have any needs in that area, please reach out.
  4. To be fair, Frobby has been a reasonable poster. Don’t indict him with Sports Guy’s arrogance. I don’t think he intended to post an article from an Orioles’ fan on Fansided. I’m choosing to believe he was focusing on the “SI” portion.
  5. Touché…..almost. Check out the author…
  6. Just upset he can’t brow beat an entire message board into believing his opinions are gospel.
  7. Don’t forget Orioles fans stating why they are our best option because of their better prospects. And then stating those prospects are off the table. Seemingly thinking that hypothetical offers beat real offers.
  8. Kind of puts the weight with which you should give his posts into perspective.
  9. The White Sox haven’t been worthy of the MLB for 20.
  10. What message board do you use for them? Something similar to Soxtalk. I’m only finding sites where fans can post an article. But no real threads.
  11. Well, I guess this is finally it. I think I truly have to consider another team. And I’m shocked to even type it. Dodgers, I guess? Just enjoy and experience the polar opposite side of the pendulum?
  12. I wouldn’t say he owned him. But he certainly argued that point better than I thought he would.
  13. This video is fine. But it’s really only surface-level criticism (and generally accurate). You really need someone who pays more attention to the Sox to truly demonstrate the abject failure and deeper roots of the problem.
  14. Who the F are the people on here defending the front office. I don’t get it. A HORRIBLE case of Stockholm syndrome? Trolling? Trying too hard to be positive? Planted members of the FO? It makes zero sense. There is nothing defendable or redeemable about this organization. And, somehow, someway, people are trying to defend this. Why?!? What the f*** is happening?
  15. The whole logic of this reverse boycott is completely escaping me. THIS idea, however, sounds hilarious.
  16. Sox72


    Hahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahha (breathe) hahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahajhahahahahahhahahah what. The. f***.
  17. Probably benefitted him to avoid the Sox minor-league “development.”
  18. Happy to cancel these and stay undefeated in June for a few more days.
  19. Suck it up and take a message board loss, champ.
  20. Okay. Got it. Wanted you to respond to my question before I made a presumption. But now that I know what you were going for, I can state that you are unequivocally wrong.
  21. By highlighting that, are you trying to demonstrate that civil conspiracy necessitates a crime?
  22. Absolutely. I don’t even understand those that think this is a bad exit. This board loves to make itself miserable.
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