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Everything posted by Quin

  1. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:22 PM) I think she knows both but doesn't really think about it at the time. Which is why I need to make examples of it, so that next time she goes to do something like that, she will remember "hmm, last time this turned into an argument," and think better of it. Anyways, she called me tonight and did seem somewhat remorseful, of course, that could be because her car is jacked up and she wants my help. Who knows. Women. Funny. That's a saying my friends and I have been saying for the past week.
  2. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 23, 2010 -> 12:06 AM) I think when you're talking about a player the caliber of AGon and with his current contract, he's going to attract a lot of suitors who don't simply fall into the "need a better 1b/DH" club. There will be teams that recognize a tremendous opportunity and will seek to take advantage of that. Gonzalez attracts everyone pretty much. It just seems like the Sox and Sawks would covet him the most and be willing to pay the highest price.
  3. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:55 PM) Awesome. Sounds like we will score 1000 runs this year. Pff. Only 1000? Try 2000
  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:25 PM) I don't think that is necessarily true. Keep in mind that the sense of urgency is much less from the suitors at this point in time. So while there are more suitors now, the quality of offers might increase towards the break when the sense of urgency increases. It could also make some teams, like the Sox, agree to higher price tags.
  5. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 11:09 PM) I'd consider preordering now...but no love for Comiskey? Hmm, I'm debating which game to get next week, MAG or The Show...
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 10:58 PM) It makes me think if we had a deal lined up for Halladay, if we could then have a deal lined up for Adrian Gonzalez too. I doubt he would cost more than Halladay. It's AGons contract that makes him costlier.
  7. QUOTE (knightni @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 08:46 PM) When Noah comes back full strength and they give Warrick and Murray more minutes, they'll win games like this. No kidding, Noah getting them all those extra possessions can really change games.
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 10:07 PM) Drabek is rated higher according to every scouting service you will find, I'm pretty sure. Scouts don't really care what type of numbers people put up, especially college pitchers that are in A ball. Taylor's also a significantly higher rated prospect than Danks/Mitchell. Wasn't that what Klaw said? He completely dominated AA ball, and I mean really dominated. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 10:14 PM) I agree statistically they are comparable, but just going by scouts and rankings and such. I have not seen Drabek pitch either, but they speak VERY highly of him. I don't go with the prospect lists, considering most of their tops end up busting. Wasn't Jay Bruce supposed to be an MVP by now? Or David Price being one of the best young pitchers in the game? All that matters was what Toronto thought of our prospects, and for all we know, it could have been highly.
  9. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 09:57 PM) I would say Hudson is NOT anywhere near Drabek. Why not? They've both dominated throughout the minors through AA, but Hudson did a little better at each stop, and they are both the same age. Plus, Hudson is MLB ready, Drabek may need another year. I'm just going off statistics by the way, since I haven't seen Drabek pitch.
  10. Everyone forgets we have the best grounds keeper too. And doesn't he change the infield (softer or harder dirt) according to the players preferences? Couldn't that help prevent injuries too?
  11. ...I am sad now. Also, everyone saying we'd give up Danks, Floyd, or Beckham think about it... Kyle Drabek, Travisl D'Arnaud, and Michael Taylor (who became Brett Wallace) Hudson is one of the top SP prospects in the bigs, he could match Drabek. Flowers matches D'Arnaud Danks/Mitchell matches (or, if Mitchell, trumps) Taylor and Viciedo could match Wallace.
  12. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Feb 22, 2010 -> 12:43 AM) Agreed. Hell if Oden wasn't made of glass, who knows how good (or better) he would had been compared to Howard. Shaq was the most dominant center I've ever seen in my life. Regardless of what Howard does, IMO, he will never be as scary as Shaq was in his prime. I still think Howard will get a ring or more, but who knows how long hes got to dominate (Shaq was what 35 when he won with Miami?) Whose to say there isn't a dominant center we might see in 3-5 years down the line. Oden was suppose to be that guy, but injuries have really killed him. I thought Derrick Rose was gonna be the most athletic PG to come out for like 10+ years (still could be actually) and now you got a guy like John Wall comming, who could be even more athletic. You just never know what can happen in the future. I'd like Noah to be that dominant center . If his sky-hook ends up become a sure thing, he could be, but thats extreme optimism.
  13. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 10:15 PM) Good thing they have a search function. http://www.operationsports.com/forums/scea...#post2040660507 Was literally the first result, and took my 5 seconds. D'oh. Thanks man.
  14. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 10:08 PM) Probably Operation Sports. I used to love putting custom covers on my games. Thats where I'm looking, it's just a pain digging through 72 page threads.
  15. Off Topic: Matt, where did you find that MLB 10 The Show cover of Gordon? It's bugging me trying to find it.
  16. QUOTE (MattZakrowski @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 09:36 PM) It doesn't matter, Alexei lost 30 pounds this off-season, so we're good to go. Wait, does he still exist?
  17. Nice write up. Gonzalez is the one I'm most excited about because of his defense and good bat. Especially at his age. Phegley I want to see become better, because my dad is in love with him. I don't like Flowers, and never really have. No idea why either, but for some reason I don't think he'll be great in the Majors...just a gut feeling. I hope he proves me wrong since the Sox have so much invested in him, but if they can get a lefty power bat for him, go for it.
  18. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 06:36 PM) I'm sure you can but it just wouldn't be the same, I know major leaguers should be able to make adjustments when somethings bothering you. Correct me if im wrong but if youre working with limited motion in your knees theres gonna be a ton of miscomfort when you pop your hips and youre prob not gonna be able to do it as fast as your hand are goin and once again correct me if im wrong when you swing it should be one fluid motion (is fluid the correct word?) if your top half is going through before your bottom half youre gonna have problems.....once again im just a sandlot player whos never been coached so that could all be nonsense It does effect your swing, that's for sure, but major leaguers should be able to make the necessary adjustments to get them by until healthy. Last year I took ground balls off both knees in the exact spot so it squeezed my nerves, and my coach (told me to "run it off" when I couldn't feel my legs knee down) had me in the corner OF's and hitting, and I didn't exactly have a whole lot of trouble adjusting. One thing you do lose a lot of is power, and that's a lot of Fields game.
  19. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 05:09 PM) Perhaps because his knees were bad, you cant really shorten your swing if your knees are limited in motion and not going as fast as your hands and if your hands are goin faster than your legs its gonna result in an ugly ugly swing and a low .200s batting average. if his knees are healthy and hes in shape he should be able to get a shorter more compact swing. just my two cents, ive never played any kind of ball other than pick up games but i am a sandlot legend It's possible to shorten your swing with bad knees as far as I'm aware, since I've been having to do that this year. It could be different for the majors, but shouldn't be that much difference.
  20. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 09:11 AM) Hahahaha EXCELLENT points. Unless Beckham looks good. In which case, he is a demi-god, and we will anoint him such. Beckham's gonna hit 5-Run Homers every at bat in Spring Training. That mean's he's hitting in the batting circle.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 02:39 PM) I don't know if anyone has said this or not, but the Shaq/Howard Superman thing might be the dumbest grudge in all of professional sports. This. I can't think of one that comes close.
  22. QUOTE (elgonzo4sox @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 02:46 PM) I occasionally scan a few Twins boards (e.g. TwinkieTown), and most of the views on Crede that I saw indicated disappointment, because he injured his back again, couldn't play anywhere close to 162 games (sound familiar?), and didn't solve the Twins ongoing multiyear 3B problem, which has been like CF (before Rios, hopefully) for us - a complete revolving door. By the way, the Twins STILL have a 3B problem. But now they have two LH DHs (Kubel and Thome). Dayan or Morel plus Flowers for Mauer. Solves there 3B hole, and gives them a catcher of the future.
  23. QUOTE (Brian @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 01:01 PM) Some funny stuff that Gonzalez is reporting on twitter.... -Jake Peavy, surveying his locker row that includes Buehrle, Linebrink, Jenks: "We got a lot of rednecks around here.'' -andruw jones "i'm the best CF you have here." J Cora: "you should. only pitcheres and catchers are here." One from Cowley... -Oz on Damon: "I knew when A.J. was hanging around him we weren't going to get him." Those are great.
  24. QUOTE (elgonzo4sox @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 02:25 PM) I think the Twins, as they proved with the Crede signing, have Sox envy. I remember at a game against the Twins last year, this Twins fan was saying "Go get 'em Joe! Them and their fans don't appreciate you like us." I wanted to berate the guy, but I preferred not getting thrown out. It's funny, the Twins have been trying to become us and we're trying to become them. Guess the grass is always greener on the other side.
  25. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 21, 2010 -> 02:10 PM) So a trade in 2004 had a draft pick from 2010? That's just weird. It's so great though, because Isiah just buried that organization for years to come, and if they don't sign multiple Max FA's this year, they will be forever screwed.
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