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Everything posted by Quin

  1. I think this says more about the Red Sox than McGuire.
  2. As is tradition, we must always have a poster named Ron hating a White Sox first baseman.
  3. Lmao Benintendi with the greatest double of all time.
  4. To continue this: Yeah, both trades are all time botches (or bad luck since they're the rare lottos that hit). Imagine the Sox with Tatis and the Dodgers with Alvarez.
  5. Neither Tatis nor Alvarez had played a game for either org when either trade was made. Keith Law began calling Tatis an uber prospect later on, but not the moment the trade was made. Most people were just mad that the Sox gave up a lotto ticket to lower the price on James Shields.
  6. You are never allowed to complain about Fernando Tatis Jr. in the future.
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