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Everything posted by Quin

  1. http://durancemagazine.org/2012/04/kevin-f...r/#.T6u4cJ9Yuf8 Eep. It raises a good point. Such a movie would almost be guaranteed to make insane amounts of money, possibly enough to entice Fox and Sony to contribute characters.
  2. I just want to say, this team has literally been the lone bright spot in my life since April 5th. Was supposed to be the Bulls, but life happens. I enjoy this team still.
  3. QUOTE (iamshack @ May 9, 2012 -> 06:53 PM) Can we get back to eating human baby pills? I think it poses an interesting question as to whether biologically correct but taboo behaviors should ever be legally or morally acceptable... I don't think the bolded has ever been uttered before. Also, to jump in on this atheist/religious debate. Back in HS, one of my friends was ostracized for being atheist...asked the same thing greg is asking, "how do you have morals?" I didn't bother openly saying I was atheist until my senior year, even though I've been atheist since I was 14. Took me three years to start openly saying it, even though my close friends kind of figured I was "Jewish" in name/culture only at that point. And guess what? My mom and brother got on their high horses acting as if I was suddenly a different person who hated everyone...even though I had been an atheist for three years prior to them finding out. Three things will always bug me though: Once I saw a man outside a Wendy's. He used a walker and had fallen down a slippery grass slope and the footing was so bad he couldn't get up. Despite the fact that I was in a rush, I jumped out my car, ran over, picked him up and made sure he was ok before leaving. Some bystander told me I was such a good Christian. Why was that a precursor to me helping an injured person? Another time, out with some friends in Chicago and it's freezing out. We were dressed nicely and one of my friends, she started shivering crazy. So I took off my dress shirt (didn't have a jacket as two layers generally is enough to keep me warm, but now all I had was a Sox T-shirt on in snowy weather) and put it around her. Literally gave someone the shirt off my back. Later a friend asked me how I could do that and not believe in Jesus, then tried to convert me lest I go to hell. Finally, two weeks ago when I was diagnosed with epilepsy it got my really, really down. Like, mad depressed. Someone told me that the diagnosis, along with all the other s*** that's happened to me this month, "is all part of God's plan." It took every fiber in my being to not berate them right then and there. Considering this past month has been the second worst part of my life, I'd rather this not be part of someone's "plan."
  4. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:56 PM) I am of the belief that the CPOTY award should reward a great player recovering from injury season, not a great player coming back from a season of complete suck. Adam Dunn was really, really bad.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:53 PM) Helluva sharp line drive there for an out. He's beginning to look like the Golden Boy again.
  6. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:52 PM) So how is Adam Dunn supposed to win CPOTY, if Jake Peavy takes it away from him? Because Jake wasn't otherworldly bad. Adam Dunn was the embodiment of suck.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:51 PM) This threat seems to be moving more slowly than threads where people are predicting doom. GODDAMN YOU BRENT MOREL FOR EXISTING.
  8. QUOTE (jeffro2525 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:37 PM) 3 hits for Alexei...I like. It's not April.
  9. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 9, 2012 -> 08:29 PM) We should platoon him because of stuff and reasons and things The one thing Ozzie did amazing last year: Make Brent Lillibridge look greater than he is.
  10. Guys, we might be able to trade Dunn for Crawford or Soriano now!
  11. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 9, 2012 -> 03:45 AM) http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/p...-163438080.html Why the Navy turned down THE AVENGERS but worked with BATTLESHIP...something to do with SHIELD/Nick Fury/The nebulous "Council" and the movie not being realistic enough (but apparently the alien invasion in BATTLESHIP is spot-on) Kind of funny...
  12. QUOTE (knightni @ May 8, 2012 -> 11:39 PM) A Secret Wars film series would be great, but the average movie goer would be seriously lost. Civil War would be downright insane.
  13. I wish I could watch this game. Damnit NBATV.
  14. It's worth noting that Andrew Garfield (the new Spider-Man) was randomly on The Avengers set while it was filiming. Even though Sony owns the movie rights to Spidey...maybe they reached a deal so that he can be in Avengers 2? I've always felt Spider-Man was the most "made for movies" superhero, so throwing him in the Avengers sequel could be great.
  15. QUOTE (Chet Kincaid @ May 8, 2012 -> 09:12 PM) Man Reed don't f*** around... Best closing prospect in baseball. Our 6th/7th/8th starter closes (tries too). Robin, stop it.
  16. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 8, 2012 -> 05:59 PM) DC is trying to reboot and compete. If all of your characters are invincibile and infallible, then you arent really setting yourself up in the movie market. There are plenty of Superman stories that have pushed him to the very edge, Brainiac, Doomsday, the Prime storyline. There is a lot they can do with him. Flash has a pretty long and distinguished history as well, I dont know why you dont like him so much, but he has a pretty large following. I agree that Marvel is way better off, but DC could make things interesting if they tried to do it right If they are doing the New52s as the basis for the movies, they'll be set. But I don't know how the public would react to new interpretations of such iconic characters. As for Flash, I don't dislike him, it's just for being one of the big gun, he's kind of lame. He moves fast. Quicksilver on his own would be hella lame, but he's generally part of a team.
  17. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ May 8, 2012 -> 06:41 AM) Flash, I think it could work. Quinarvy, you make fun of Flash as "runs real fast" guy, but Marvel has their own Flash too in Quicksilver. The JLA Movie could happen. DC is rebooting their comics in a "New 52" Format. Superman will not have the invincibility we all know. Each character will have flaws and "real s*** to deal with". It is a response to the Marvel Ultimates. Yeah, and Quicksilver sure as hell ain't getting a stand alone movie (I hope). He is rumored for Avengers 2 (along with Scarlet Witch) and him and Flash would make good supporting characters (Especially Quicksilver, considering his being a villain, then hero thing) but stand alones for Flash or Quicksilver are bad ideas. I know about the New 52s, but DC has an issue if they made movies based off those instead. Everyone knows the classic versions of the heroes, the unwavering pillars of perfection. A movie that has Superman not invincible? I just can't see it going over well.
  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ May 8, 2012 -> 04:35 PM) In the D-League they'd still get PAID. Yeah, but they wouldn't get the national exposure/fame of being on a NCAA contender or NBA rookie team. They want to get fortune right away? Then give up the fame for a bit.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 8, 2012 -> 04:14 PM) Why should a young athlete have to wait another year earning a ton of money for a college but little for himself? I think this, then I remember that I had class with a SG, was his lab partner, and the teacher told me he shouldn't have passed (mainly because he didn't show up once a week, which was half the grade) and that I pay out the ass. Give them the option of playing in the D-League for a year, or college for two. Seems fair to me.
  20. Idea: Each team gets minor league team. Expand draft to three or four rounds. Players can go to college for two years, get drafted, and make an opening day roster OR get drafted out of high school, but play in farm system for at least one year. If they go to college they can be kept on the minor league team for 2 years before declaring FA, HS players can be kept there 3 years before FA.
  21. QUOTE (knightni @ May 8, 2012 -> 01:58 AM) Waiting to see if DC tries a Superman reboot, then a Wonder Woman film, leading up to a JLA film. Superman - Batman - Wonder Woman - Aquaman - Green Lantern - Flash Now that might be interesting. I don't see it being half as good, mainly because of how Marvel's heroes look at their powers as a blessing and curse half the time. While Thor isn't the best, he's like Superman, at least he's not invincible. Superman? Invincible except to a rock from a blown up planet. Batman? We're good there. Wonder Woman? Amazon princess who's power and weakness is...bondage. Aquaman...fish. Green Lantern: Wasn't that film terrible? Flash? RUN FAST. The Marvel heroes (aside from Cap and the Fantastic Four) aren't celebrated. They have s*** to deal with. It always seemed to me like the JLA was like "We're loved! There are no drawbacks to our powers!" aside from Batman.
  22. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ May 7, 2012 -> 06:40 PM) I don't need to see Hawkeye or Black Widow get their own movie, although I wouldn't be opposed to it. Hawkeye is from Waverly, Iowa so being from my home state I'd definitely support seeing that, haha. It sounds like Marvel has signed Mark Ruffalo to 5 more upcoming movies. Everyone can pretty much book the Avengers 2 and 3. I've heard he might be in Ironman 3, along with getting his own new Hulk movie. Which leaves 1 more movie opening. $207 million in 1 weekend is completely awesome. It'll be interesting to see what Dark Knight Rises will be able to do. I'm amped about a Mark Ruffalo Hulk. He captured the tortured soul aspect really, really well. What about Black Widow or Hawkeye in a combo movie with Fury?
  23. Agreed that Ruffalo was great. And Hawkeye and Black Widow can do stand alones if Ghost Rider and The Punisher can.
  24. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ May 7, 2012 -> 03:15 AM) Life as an epileptic sucks. Just throwing that out there. This is relevant to this post so... ..anyone know any ways to reduce tongue bite pain/swelling? I can't really talk, eat, or sleep because of tongue pain.
  25. Life as an epileptic sucks. Just throwing that out there.
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