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Everything posted by kitekrazy

  1. Lynn looks like he gained weight. Older veteran pitchers need to be in better shape now there is a pitch clock.
  2. Their organization is a lot more interesting considering their lineup failed this year. A knee jerk cheap owner would sell of players. That same group might do better next season.
  3. Baseball is a game of streaks. It's not who is the best but the best at that time.
  4. or winning a division by 20 games
  5. You brought up one of the biggest WTF decisions in baseball.
  6. Not sure why unless they think he can't take them past a division. Sometimes you wonder if a 100 win season is a curse. Aren't they a team who has more than their share of injuries? Imagine a 100 win manager loses his job while a 100 loss manager is keeping his.
  7. Trade for what? You hope a GM doesn't se the same things you mentioned and look at possible potential. That type GM was KW. There's probably plenty of GMs out there that will give you a Wilson Betemitt or one worse.
  8. I'll wait for results. Oh wait we seen the results of the manager that may survive in a Hahnlike manner.
  9. He's not very god in the post season.
  10. Will Lynn make a start for the Dodgers?
  11. Not satisfied but conditioned. Sox choke jobs are in August and not the last week.
  12. It will be interesting to see how veteran presence plays out in the post season. BTW Kershaw is not very good in the post season.
  13. a bunch? I only recall two major ones. They had injuries at the wrong time. They can spend and they can develop. Is wish the Sox were like that. The Sox spend but it doesn't work for them. I'm jealous of the North Side and not bitter. I'd take Ross on a bad day over Grifol on a good day,
  14. If you tanking you can't be drafting Vaughns or Madrigals as your first pick.
  15. They like to throw around the word trade but ignore the poor history of trades and can never think trade for what? Also NL veterans don't do well here. Sure you can get rid of guys and end up with Wilson Betemints. They turn out worse for the team. With Kenny and Hahn gone there is a shortage of naive GMs.
  16. Grifol - from a culture of losing.
  17. That is one of the things they do well in compared to drafting and trading.
  18. Now the dark era continues being Royalesque.
  19. Trade is a bad word Sox fans. For a fan it's more emotional than rational. You can't answer the "trade for what?" The answer is "at least we don't have to deal with them". There's no logic in that. You have hopes a GM doesn't see what we do. That type of GM only belongs to the White Sox. Chris Getz is another one. How many GMs keep a 100 loss manager who is clueless. Try that wheel of fortune again. The bearings are rusted and always stops on fail. Trade is a bad word Sox fans. Trade is a bad word..
  20. Florida is not a good state for professional sports. You can trace that back to the Dan Marino era.
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