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Thad Bosley

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Everything posted by Thad Bosley

  1. Oh dear lord, terrible play by Coats. He got to the ball and just flat out missed it. Not a Major League caliber play whatsoever.
  2. In the second inning now, and not wasting an at-bat bunting, Saladino rips a two run double over the left fielders head. 4-0 Sox.
  3. Navarro, the last of last offseason's dumpster dive moves still standing, coming up with the RBI. 2-0 Sox.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 13, 2016 -> 05:23 PM) Did what it was supposed to do. Got your team 1 run and avoided the big inning. One of my pet peeves - lead off hitter in the first inning gets on the first, and then the second hitter sacrifice bunts. Makes no sense at all.
  5. QUOTE (hi8is @ Aug 13, 2016 -> 05:24 PM) Shocking. Shields goes 1-2-3 in the first. On only 8 pitches, no less!
  6. C'mon, Robin. Sacrifice bunting in the 1st inning? No!
  7. Our Sox are in a 56 year ownership slump. What a collective disaster it's been for more than half a century now between the Allyns, the second coming of Veeck (although he was instrumental in keeping the team in Chicago back in the mid 70s), and then of course the last 36 years of overall ineffectiveness by Reinsdorf & Co. It's been an 0-3 with three strikeouts at the top of the house since 1961, without a doubt. The record of ineptitude under the three owners has really been astonishing if you think about it. No playoff appearances in the 24 years from the World Series in 1959 until 1983, and then only four in the 32 years after that. It's quite a testament to the great fan base then that it's stuck with the team lo these many decades despite the glaring lack of results by the team during these past five decades plus. At least there was 2005 buried in those 56 years for the fans to cling onto and be proud of. The next owner (and boy, how exciting is it to be starting to have real conversations about THIS inevitability!) will have the golden opportunity to awaken this slumbering, underperforming giant that is the large market CHICAGO White Sox, and do what the last three owners have miserably failed to do - bring sustainable, winning baseball to the White Sox and it's well deserving fans. Very much looking forward to turning the page on the malaise of the current ownership and moving into a new and exciting era. White Sox Renaissance - BRING IT ON!!
  8. QUOTE (WBWSF @ Aug 12, 2016 -> 02:51 PM) It was absolutely nuts when JR turned down the City of Chicago offer to build a stadium in the South Loop at Roosevelt + Clark in the mid 1980's. I don't know if that sight would still be available. But a few years ago the Village of Rosemont offered to build a new stadium for the bad guys on the Northside. What happens if Rosemont offers to build a new stadium for the White Sox? I would think the owner of the White Sox would seriously consider it. I would rather have a new stadium in the South Loop. But if that didn't workout, I would rather have a stadium in Rosemont than 35th + Shields. In the long list of bone-headed decisions made by Reinsdorf over the past 36 years, this one is right there near the top.
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 11:04 PM) Funny, you don't hold those same high standards for having a loyal fan base... Loyal to what? A continuous losing product? Loyal to what Hahn has been bringing to us each of the last four years? Don't be ridiculous. The fan base is held to the expectations that any consumer of any product is held to. If the product is substandard, then the consumer has every right not to support it.
  10. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:27 PM) That's business. Every owner has tried it, in every sport. So unless you are willing to admit ALL owners fall into your moral bankrupt...... category, you shouldn't single one out. You can call the others out all you want. I'm a White Sox fan, and so I'm only interested in talking about what the owner of my team engages his or her behavior in. But by your logic, one could not be criticized for stealing from a store if everyone else in the neighborhood was trying to do the same. No offense, but not sure that makes any sense whatsoever. And you know that.
  11. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:25 PM) And how many teams haven't? I guess your expectations are more than what 80% of all of the teams in baseball. The only teams that have been successful in your view are the Giants, Red Sox, Yankees, Arizona and Royals? We are talking about the effectiveness, or lack thereof, of Jerry Reinsdorf's leadership of the White Sox, which has spanned almost four decades now as we crawl towards the end of his 36th year at the helm. Most other owners haven't been around nearly as long, so the comparisons aren't exactly apples to oranges. Reinsdorf in nearly 40 years has gotten the Sox to the World Series only once. That is a pathetic record for a large market team. The small market Royals have made it to the Series the past two seasons, winning it all once, and in the process, have accomplished more in two seasons than Reinsdorf has in nearly 40. The small market Twins have made it to and won more World Series as well during the time span Reinsdorf has been calling the shots. The A's, Diamondbacks, Giants, Yankees, Red Sox, Blue Jays, Orioles, Phillies, Dodgers, more successful as well. Not to mention the many more times teams like the Indians and Tigers have made their way to the postseason than Reinsdorf's Sox. No, tremendous failure for Reinsdorf in his tenure as Sox owner. And no efforts to just try and hide behind the 2005 WS trophy can mask that.
  12. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:20 PM) I would totally disagree with everything you say about JR here. ALL owners try this. Many succeed. If he was so different than all the owners why didn't he do the same thing with the Bulls/Hawks stadium. It the politicians who give in to it that are the issue. I said before that you "hated" him and you said I was making too many assumptions. It sure sounds like you are headed in that direction though. Ahhhhhh, so the bad guy isn't the one who initiates a blackmailing threat, but the one who gives into it. Got it, thanks for the clarification.
  13. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:11 PM) That World Series failure. The failure of 1983, the failure of the 90's....oh agony, oh agony. how can life go on. One World Series appearance in 36 years. The Royals have accomplished more in '14 and '15 than Reinsdorf has in nearly four decades trying his hand at this. Wrap yourself up in the glory of Reinsdorf taking you to the postseason 5 times over the last 36 years all you want. Show how low you choose to set the bar.
  14. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:10 PM) Aha! So the owner isn't the worst part about the team, it's the gullible politicians that are at fault for the awful team the Sox have and the 36 years of futility. Don't be flip. What transpired in the late 80s with the blackmailing of the state by Reinsdorf to secure him a lifetime of profits via taxpayer subsidies was a disgusting abuse of public policy by gullible politicians, but initiated by a morally bankrupt owner of our Sox. Reinsdorf is not a man any of us can be proud of based on what he blackmailed the state into with that stadium and lease deal.
  15. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 10:06 PM) Again, again, again and .......again. You're telling us! 36 years and running of rampant failure. Bring on the new, and soon!
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 06:50 PM) Um, do you know who Jeff Loria even is, or like any of his history? We're not Marlins fans, so we're not talking about Loria. We are Sox fans, and therefore talking about the exciting possibility that the end of the Reinsdorf era may be finally at hand. An era that hasn't been particularly good for Sox fans.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 06:38 PM) I know there is the ridiculous myth about this ownership group. But realistically, there are plenty of ownership groups out there who treat their teams like an annuity. The Sox do put a fair amount of resources into their team. There are baseball teams out there who have figured out how to minimize their payroll in order to maximize their revenue sharing checks. The Sox have never fallen into that group. There are also groups who are losing 8 figures a year or more on debt payments that never go back to the team. Sure the Sox could find the next freespendin billionaire who needs a play thing. They could also find the next Jeff Loria or Larry Dolan. These other poor teams of which you speak oughta think about blackmailing the state in which they play to build them a new stadium. That way maybe as part of the blackmail operation they can also pressure their state politicians to engage in terrible public policy by also guaranteeing the teams annual healthy profit margins through taxpayer subsidies. This would allow them to join the coveted group the Sox are in who don't have to worry about such economic concerns. "Ridiculous myth" -
  18. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 06:24 PM) Yeah, lol is about right. Add in an eye roll as well. Your eyes will feel a lot better if and when the culture of losing we experience with the current ownership is finally swept to the curb. Sunny days are on the horizon!
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 07:18 PM) You laugh now, but all you have to do is look around professional sports to know that there are much worse ownership groups worse than the one we have. It hard to see past your WELL REASONED DISSATISFACTION WITH THE HOPEFULLY-SOON-TO-BE-FORMER-OWNERSHIP, but it is true. LOL - oh, I will gladly take my chances!
  20. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 07:08 PM) I hope not. Well now, don't dismiss me too quickly. I can whip up a 3 Year Plan with the best of 'em!!
  21. QUOTE (Swingandalongonetoleft @ Aug 11, 2016 -> 02:21 PM) Of course, the prospective ownership group could be worse than the current. Interesting.
  22. Seven pages into this thread, and NOT ONE person lamenting the possibility of Jerry Reinsdorf no longer owning the Sox.
  23. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 10, 2016 -> 10:43 PM) you sure post like you very strongly dislike the handling of this team. does that more fit how you post about the owner. You really enjoy playing the semantics game. I've never said in any post the owner sucks. I've been saying the opposite. He has done many good things for the organization and baseball itself for that matter. Yes, you always respond that the owner is the issue. For example?
  24. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 10, 2016 -> 09:01 PM) It's a heck of a lot better than many other teams. Which teams?
  25. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 10, 2016 -> 08:57 PM) I've replied many times. He has done many good things for the organization. That being said, i wouldn't mind a change as they haven't produced lately. However, your constant posts which continue to say the same thing, are getting as bad as greg's royals love. We get it you hate the owner. You will post to tear him apart. That's why I suggest you just have the "JR sucks" automatic post so you don't give yourself carpal tunnel posting the same thing over and over. However, if you feel you need to, go ahead just be careful mechanics when typing. Lol - first off, I don't "hate" anyone, so be careful throwing around such careless accusations. Second, this is the second time YOU have mentioned in this thread that the owner sucks. I mean, talk about an automatic post! I never said any such thing in this thread. I merely responded to someone earlier who was commenting about the lack of posts tonight not being because the team was ahead at the time, as was asserted, but rather because the owner and his management team have failed once again to put a product on the field that would compel enough people to have enough interest to come here and post. Very fair observation, I'm sure you would agree upon thinking about it again.
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