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Everything posted by Eminor3rd

  1. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 09:34 AM) I think it's pretty likely that most baseball "fans" in general aren't hardcore fans, they are just these breathing things that meander around indiscriminately and eventually if hit with enough social stimuli will find their way into the park to buy something. Maybe the Sox need to have a Justin Bieber celebration night or something to connect with all of those kids who will force their parents to take them out to the game and buy them a bunch of crap. Sox maybe should forget about baseball some of the time, just do whatever they have to do to get a bunch of these morons in the seats. I mean like, don't even think about them as baseball fans or even real people, just think of them as rodents, but instead of trying to get rid of them you are trying to attract them. Sprinkle some seed around, throw out a block of cheese, giving them a few hiding places, and let's bring in the rats. Then the Sox can raise the payroll and put out a better product, and I can watch/listen to that higher quality product from the comfort of my own home. This is how we look at it in the minor leagues. Not exactly as "rodents," but as though we're trying to get them to come hang out at the park DESPITE the fact that there's baseball. Winning doesn't affect attendance at all; but tonight's "Set the Guinness Record for Most People Wearing Fake Moustaches Night" is sold out (and I just had a mini panic attack about ten minutes ago when I couldn't find the 7,000 moustaches we bought in the promo closet. But it's okay, I found them). Major League teams seems to have really conservative promotional schedules because the players can be the draw, but as the average fan shifts more toward watching the games on TV, it seems to me like the stadium needs to evolve its model to provide more experiences/food/giveaways that you just can't get unless you show up.
  2. QUOTE (The Mighty Mite @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 10:02 AM) Where were all the bandwagon fans in 2012, we were in first place for 120 days and couldn't even hit the 2 million mark. In Florida, being annoying.
  3. Also, we should have three gamethreads apparently, rofl.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 01:35 PM) Now with the draft complete, assuming Rodon signs plus the guys who already have (plus keeping in mind the last few weeks' performances), my new I-haven't-researched-enough-yet list is: 1. Rodon 2. Anderson 3. Hawkins 4. MJohnson 5. Adams 6. Davidson 7. Beck 8. Sanchez 9. Michalczewski 10. Montas 11. Danish 12. Ravelo 13. Thompson 14. Adolfo 15. KSmith 16. Rondon 17. Bassitt 18. Snodgress 19. AMitchell 20. May 21. Barnum 22. Recchia 23. ALopez 24. Fry 25. Jaye Just missed... Olacio Engel Hansen Ortiz Coats Lowry Austin Jarvis Guerrero The list is much tigher now, lots of places on there where any of the guys could go up or down 3 or 5 slots and would feel about right too. Your lists are always the best and this is no exception -- but I'm still so shocked at how highly Adams is ranked at this point. I'd be curious to hear you elaborate on how he's higher than Davidson/Sanchez despite not having thrown a professional inning.
  5. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 08:56 AM) Sox fans are bandwagon fans. If you have been a Sox fan, you should know this by now, having living through the lean years of the 70's. Also, who made you judge of who deserves a baseball team or not from your throne in Florida? Seriously. The land where the local team can't even sellout playoff games.
  6. QUOTE (The Mighty Mite @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 07:35 AM) 20,000 to watch Sale go up against Scherzer. Piss poor. Something is seriously wrong up there, a big market team and we are averaging 19,000+ a game. 28th in MLB in attendance. We have a nice team with a great new star in Abreu and one of the best pitchers in MLB, the team does not give up and deserves some support. Right now if I owned the Sox and the stadium contract was up I would move this team to somewhere were it would be appreciated. Chicago does not deserve the White Sox. I want all of you to know that I'm a 68 year old die hard White Sox fan who has lived and died with this team since 1953, I still get up in the middle of the night and check the Sox score on my I Phone and for me the to say this is sacreligious. I know the Sox have addressed some of the pricing issues but Sox fans seem like they have just lost interest in the team. I have lived in Florida for over 20 years but I supported the team the 48 years I lived up there and would still do so, every year when the Sox come to Tampa you will see me at the Trop. I worked evenings when we lived up there but always tried to make one game every home stand. I also belong to another Sox Board and there were 3 threads about last nights game. That's sad coming from a membership of 8,000. Wow. Congratulations on the dedication. You check your iPhone every night? What a hero.
  7. QUOTE (oldsox @ Jun 13, 2014 -> 07:40 AM) I don't know who you are, but I like your prose. He's just a man who hates people that don't share his opinions. You know, a message board poster. Ha
  8. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 09:01 PM) Beer has everything to do with anything and anything to do with everything, and everything to do with everything and anything to do with anything. If Hahn had put a down a couple refreshing Miller High Lifes ™ prior to calling AA (or more realistically, AA calling him) when AA offered the propostion of Matt Tuiassopsopso for several if not many thousands of dollars of cash money, Hahn would have angrily slobbered out something like "f*** you motherf***er you stupid piece of s***!" or something along those lines. As it was he was obviiously drinking that Crappensteiner junk and thought the whole thing was a great idea. I bet his next course of action (after throwing out all of his razors/shaving equipment and resolving to not only grow a massive beard but to buy organic hemp shampoo for it like a total wuss) was to head out to the nearest Nissan dealership to buy a new Nissan Cube ™ to impress all his other heavily-bearded hipster friends he just met at the last Decemberists ™ concert. Next time you see him he'll be in sandals wearing golf pants and he'll be holding his poodle on a leash talking about penguins or some stupid s***. Thats what happens when you drink that crap. Lol
  9. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 07:27 PM) Oh this is just great. So he's a medical Steverson, a love Steverson, a mechanics Steverson, now he's a beer Steverson. Sooner or later you're going to have to be a Walker on one of these things. You're just a hater, man. Your stance on this doesn't have ANYTHING to do with beer. ADMIT IT!
  10. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 05:38 PM) Makes no f***in sesne, the beer goes in one hole and comes out another, just get it down and move on to doing whatever you were doing. Yeah man, just like food, right? I bet you only eat salads and get your protein from supplements. Just goes in one end and out the other.
  11. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 05:23 PM) I think if we want upside out of Beckham we'll have to either get someone else's MLB-ready disappointment or else dip down into the A+ level or below. I'm not sure the Sox "knew" what they were getting with Montas in the Peavy deal any more than they "knew" what they were getting in the 1st rounder Gilmore from the Javy Vazquez deal who never did jack squat. I think it's likely or at least very possible that both results were surprises and as a result I don't expect another Montas type who immediately jumps on to the radar, BUT if one of these teams we are dealing with has an electric young RHP on the farm who is a couple years away at best but shows signs of quality secondary stuff, and who like Montas, has a strong FB and the ability to hold his velocity deep into games, then I think we should be very interested. Not only do we need another RHSP but as a general rule I'd much rather go after pitching, pitching, pitching, pitching and then look to trade excesses of it when they develop, just because I think that's probably the best way for this organization to utilize its strengths. Agreed. I've been agreeing with you so much lately.
  12. How many teams has Tuisososospopo NOT been on this year?
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 02:07 PM) That number is also skewed by missing a month of the season. It's probably fair to start calling Beckham a high-DL risk guy though at this point.
  14. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 01:05 PM) if it isn't 16,000 sq ft, it isn't worth buying. Nah, that's a not true. A 10k SF house is just about 10-15 opposite field singles from a 16k SF house. At least that's how it is in Scottsdale.
  15. QUOTE (knightni @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 11:36 AM) I just saw them bait him into that bases loaded K last night. I knew what was coming but he didn't seem to realize what they were going to do to him. That was one of the worst at-bats I've ever seen.
  16. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 09:28 AM) I've not seen anyone at this point who should displace him because they offer similar or equal production. I fully understand the concept of cost savings, but you don't dump a player for $6 million if he's finally fulfilling some of his untapped potential because you are going to be stubborn about it. We've resisted the temptation to sell low on him for this long, so now he finally starts looking like the hitter you thought he would be, at the age of 27 no less, and you dump him for nothing because of $6 million? That is the epitome of being short-sighted. Again, obviously it depends on the return. If someone offers a legitimate piece for the future, a piece of need, then sure, go ahead and put your faith in Semien or whomever. But barring that, and I really do doubt you get that kind of offer, what is the risk in holding him? If he flames out again, you non-tender him next year and escape the $6 million price tag and let one of the kids take over. But if this is for real, and you trade him for some marginal prospect or reliever so you can make a futile run at a one-game playoff, and then he continues to hit like this for another team after you've endured all the growing pains of his development, well then you've really made a stupid move. The reason we've held onto him this long is because we haven't had any other options at all. Now we do. Letting him go would not be as stubborn as continually insisting that he's destined to be a star despite four consecutive seasons of garbage. He's doing nothing differently, and he's seeing different results. Safe money is that the 2500 PA of before are more indicative of what will happen going forward than the 100 most recent PA. It's a gamble, sure, but I'd be more inclined to believe in it if it was the result of a change in approach or something.
  17. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 10:15 AM) I'm wondering what it would take to get Joc I'm thinking he's close to untouchable for them. It's just a matter of time before they find someone to take Kemp, Crawford, or Ethier off their hands for half the salary or so, and Pederson will step right in.
  18. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 12, 2014 -> 09:06 AM) Yeah, and his name is motherf***ing wite wite775
  19. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 09:01 PM) What do you suppose he would make next year? I'm not going to cut ties with the guy now if he plays well simply because it's taken him longer to reach his potential than we thought. He's still just 27. Obviously it depends on the return, but I'm not going to just dump him for nothing out of principle. And Jake, if we sell now, and he becomes a perennial all-star, that is not selling high. That's selling low. He'll cost about $6m (half of the entire value of the Keppinger contract) and another season of Semien/Sanchez/Johnson/Saladino being forced out of position or stuck in AAA. I'm not saying that logjam has been or will be a problem THIS year, but it probably will next year. And it'll be Gordon free agent year. It's time to s*** or get off the pot with him.
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 04:17 PM) Ding. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 04:18 PM) Cash. QUOTE (DaveBrown85 @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 04:30 PM) money?
  21. 2B is one of our few positions of true depth. As the most expensive and least controllable member of that group, Beckham has to go.
  22. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 03:16 PM) Of course. Which ones are most expendable? Sanchez and Beck are two I could part with. Then there's Beckham, and quite possibly Tank from the big club. De Aza another throw-in. Not for a rental.
  23. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 03:06 PM) We traded Beckham, De Aza, and Semien for Shawn Hill and cash. Konerko to see time in LF
  24. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 11, 2014 -> 11:42 AM) I honestly see absolutely no difference between BJ Upton and Alex Rios other than the fact that the Sox don't need to take a chance on that contract. There's also plenty of time for Upton to turn this season around (even though he hasn't been a terrible player, but he has been pretty poor with the bat). What? You really don't?
  25. The internet is what keeps married couples together.
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