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Everything posted by Eminor3rd

  1. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:46 AM) I don't think a lot of people are upset he faced Trout. I think people are upset because he gave up two hits in the 7th, and then a few more to start the 8th. 95% of managers would have pulled him then before things got out of hand. Instead, Robin leaves him out there. The next batter hits a ground ball in the hole that Alexei did his patented slide to get to, and I don't know what you guys are thinking, because there is no chance he was going to turn two, but he certainly should have gotten one out there. So then Robin is probably thinking ok, they are not hitting the ball hard off him, and he still is coming with good velocity, I'll let him get out of this jam because he probably has a better chance than one of my bullpen guys...the next guy proceeds to hit the hole between 1st and second and we have bases loaded, but still with a 5-1 lead. Except...Mike Trout is coming up, followed by Pujols. Who do I bring in? If I had to get Mike Trout out with the bases loaded, who would I want to face him? Well, I guess my best, Chris Sale...so I'll leave him in again... Obviously it is easy to criticize Robin here because of the end result...but the bottom line is, Chris doesn't have to throw 100 pitches every time out. He was starting to get touched up a bit, and after the double to lead it off, then the base hit by the next batter...just get him out of there. There was absolutely no need whatsoever to leave him in coming off a recent injury in a high leverage situation there. This isn't a division rival. This isn't late August or September in a huge game. This is June 7th in a rebuilding year and you are jeopardizing your most important piece of the puzzle. Gotcha, thanks for the summary.
  2. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 9, 2014 -> 09:02 AM) For future reference, Chris Sale at 108 pitches, Robin is an idiot if he lets him face the next hitter if the game is on the line, let alone Mike Trout. Soxtalk would rather see Petricka face him. People are acting like the hits he had given up were rockets all over the place. If that is how you really feel, one thing is certain. Chris Sale INAA. I didn't see the game, but this is what it sounds like to me. I'm confused. Ventura allows Sale to face Trout at 108 pitches Hahn should be on the hotseat if he doesn't fire Ventura immediately. I've looked over the thread but I'm failing to see the fireable offense.
  3. Solvin' captchas for a good cause. 25 down.
  4. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 8, 2014 -> 08:45 AM) Has someone shared this info with the sox brass? Rock? lol
  5. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 01:58 PM) I'm trying to think if I was Spencer Adams if I would take the payday, spend 3 great years of my life in buses across the minor leagues, or if I would go to college with the potential of getting a 5 million payday by waiting. Tough call. If he wants to be a baseball player, he should take his million bucks and get into a professional player development system.
  6. Re-signing Dunn is less an issue of money and more an issue of player development, IMO. The rotating DH with four full-time OFs makes a lot more sense for a team that is developing young OFers like the White Sox
  7. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 02:53 PM) It is also a lot of repetitions. Which he's presumably been getting in an MLB player development environment for at least seven years.
  8. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 01:27 PM) That's a mighty stretch. Yeah, sorry Balta. But there's a huge difference between some footwork mixups at first and a complete inability to read the ball off the bat or run to it in a straight line. Plus, Avi has been in the Tigers/White Sox systems since 2007.
  9. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 01:19 PM) Why should he be considered raw/inexperienced on defense? He's been playing baseball all his life. There are plenty of players who have played even fewer games than he has who fared far better defensively. Yeah, this is how I feel. I mean, he can definitely get better (and probably will), but where he currently is just isn't really acceptable for a Major League baseball player.
  10. QUOTE (Bigsoxhurt35 @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 01:06 PM) F really? WTF were we supposed to pick? BPA you stupid f***ing mouth breathing Neanderthals. rofl
  11. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 11:06 AM) I don't know how a 2nd round pick that hasn't pitched above HS can possibly be on a top 10 list at this time. That is either crazy, or the Sox current prospects are even worse than we thought. I agree, everyone's just excited.
  12. QUOTE (oldsox @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 09:51 AM) You are probably in love with Davidson's potential, and you probably loved the Reed trade when it happened. Fact is, his average was between .240 and .280 throughout his minor league career, going back to 2009. Then he goes downhill this year. Fact is, this is his 6th year of pro ball. Fact is, the star of Montas appears to be rising, and I say this objectively. He has a long way to go, but he fits the description of prospect; Davidson does not. Things might change later for both players, but right now any ML franchise would love to have Montas; Davidson, not so much. Davidson is two and half bad months off of being a Top 100 prospect in the country. His current task is figuring out AAA. Montas is in the midst of his first good two-month stretch ever. His current task is managing to complete an entire good season in single A. Fact his, his ERAs all of the past years in the Rookie league and short season A leagues are: 5.70, 4.56, 3.98, 4.26, and 9.55. You (and many others on this board) are way, way too fickle on these guys. Two bad months doesn't bust a guy and two good months doesn't annoint a guy. I'm glad Montas is figuring it out, but there's just no argument at all that he's a better prospect than Davidson at this point. Maybe at the end of the year if nothing changes.
  13. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 01:00 PM) So not only do they go under slut but they get a guy who has handled Rodon's balls, my god what a pick. Hahn is KILLING IT. The tone of this thread is your truest medium
  14. QUOTE (DirtySox @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 12:57 PM) There's some money for the Cubs to spend. Cubs select SHAQUILLE O'NEAL © out of Los Angeles.
  15. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 11:40 AM) If Reetz works out like the last Nationals overslot catcher, we can just get him in the Rule 5 Draft in 6 years lol
  16. QUOTE (Chilihead90 @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 11:35 AM) f***, the Nationals stole Reetz. He ma not even sign there. We had our shot at him but took Adams overslot at 44. That sealed the Reetz deal
  17. QUOTE (Charlie Haeger's Knuckles @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 10:39 AM) Well ya... I think that's what the OP was saying.... He has good speed and a good arm, so if he can learn positioning, reads, etc... he will be a good RF-er and be less injury prone. Having to dive at everything likely increases injury risk. My point was that I don't think a move to LF will reduce injury risk. But also, yeah, Avi is so, so bad at defense.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 09:58 AM) After reading up, I really highly doubt sox go anything other than college senior next few rounds. This is true. We should all probably temper our expectations for today -- we just drafted TWO overslot guys yesterday, so it's not likely we're going to be able to fit any more in.
  19. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 10:44 AM) Yeah but a kid like that I don't even think about as a reliever. No, but if you end up with a starter instead, go sign the reliever. It's like you said about the availability of mid-rotation guys, but even easier.
  20. QUOTE (StRoostifer @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 10:32 AM) Good man! Glad to hear your priorities are in order. You can always DVR the draft, but you cannot DVR a good shagg. Amen to that!
  21. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 10:36 AM) A reliever in general is a great pick here if he's a quick mover, especially if he's underslot, but whoever it is I am hoping for a lefty. I really like Putnam, Petricka, Webb, and Belisario who we also control. Guerra has a nice arm too, we would control him should he develop a bit more from where he is now. And of course we're getting Jones back. Right now we have a lot of depth from the right side. Sounds like Sands if your pick then. If he fails at a starter, he'll probably get closer to that "touches 95" consistently as a reliever.
  22. I don't think we know enough about Adams yet, but there's no way Montas > Davidson at this point.
  23. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 09:09 AM) So he can stay healthy and in the lineup. Putting him in LF also significantly raises the overall defense in the OF if you have someone as good or better in CF. If Avi Garcia can learn to play defense the outfield could be elite defensively. ...who somehow destroyed his right shoulder diving in RF.
  24. QUOTE (StRoostifer @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 10:17 AM) Dude, did you really miss all those draft picks for a quick shagg? It was more like 25-40. Which, given how long they were dragging that thing out last night, was PLENTY of time.
  25. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 6, 2014 -> 09:01 AM) He wants to make baseball babies with him. And put them in a pinata
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