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Everything posted by Eminor3rd

  1. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 16, 2014 -> 05:27 PM) 2 minute clip of Steve Trout pitching to Miguel Dilone leading of the second game of a DH 8/18/80. Todd Cruz makes a nice play and Harry sells it. Harry even in his late prime was unmatched. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLs7UTvR65I Those are some funky arm mechanics
  2. No one has any more questions, wite. Let's argue about something!
  3. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Feb 17, 2014 -> 12:33 AM) He was referring to Marty. Let the Marty alter ego suspicion begin once again! #TheUltimateMarty2014 Hey wait a minute... where... where has GREG BEEN?! He's gone!
  4. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 16, 2014 -> 05:30 PM) What about the other $35M missing from last years payroll? As much as I LOVE the movie "Brewster's Millions," that's not how money works in real life. If you save money today, you can spend it tomorrow.
  5. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Feb 15, 2014 -> 05:03 PM) Alexei Ramirez. He now weighs -10 pounds
  6. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 15, 2014 -> 05:52 PM) Honestly, I would prefer the Sox sign Jimenez or Santana over this, and I've argued extensively against signing them. Yep, pretty much.
  7. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 15, 2014 -> 06:46 PM) So to lessen his value by playing Dunn at his expense would be harmful to the rebuild. Yeah I mean I don't think there's any question that someone needs to go. But the best move is to trade someone, not to DFA Dunn. So I think we have to wait until ST happens -- your argument makes some sense if the roster is exactly the same six weeks from now, but it doesn't make much sense now.
  8. The most overlooked component of this discussion is that if the Sox were going to DFA Dunn, it would make absolutely NO sense not to wait and see how spring training shakes out. It's very possible that injuries either to the Sox roster or to other teams will change the situation dramatically, either opening things up for a trade or eliminating our excess depth. I think it's very possible, for example, that Hahn is already ready to cut Keppinger and eat his money if nothing changes during ST. But why do it now?No reason not to keep your options open until the 25-man roster goes into effect.
  9. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 15, 2014 -> 05:59 PM) Why did they choose to sign De Aza for $4M? Because he's worth more than that, is the simple answer. It's likely they thought they could trade him or someone else, but haven't been able to pull it off for some reason. They didn't sign him last week.
  10. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 09:08 PM) Does anyone know what the rebound rates are for the type of surgery Danks had? With TJ, it's supposed to be one rebound year after your time out, is this similar? Elbows are very fixable, usually. Shoulders tend to be major, career-ending problems.
  11. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 10:09 PM) I still don't get the point of dealing assets for a 2B when we'll have two legit prospects in AAA and another in AA. Makes no sense whatsoever IMO. In this case, it'd be because (1) most of those prospects can play short, (2) there's a good chance those prospects will best, thus we could use a hedge, and (3) we need a 30 year-old league-average OF even less.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 02:12 PM) Chuck Garfien ‏@ChuckGarfien 1h White Sox position players aren't due til Thurs., but Adam Eaton has been here 5 days a week for last 3 weeks. Jose Abreu got here Feb 3. Eaton probably still lives there.
  13. QUOTE (StRoostifer @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 03:19 PM) Love this part of the quote. "I'm working really hard to get my weight back." Sounds like you already have dude! I know what he meant, just funny he way he worded it. I doubt the Sox would be interested in Montero anyway but Ackley and Franklin are possibilities if Seattle were interested in ADA. I don't think they are. Maybe MAYBE Ackley.
  14. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 11:13 AM) Hopslam is awesome stuff. Yes!
  15. QUOTE (Leonard of Berwyn @ Feb 14, 2014 -> 10:40 AM) Trade suggestion: White Sox send John Danks and Alejandro DeAza to the Mariners for Nick Franklin, Dustin Ackley and Jesus Montero. Lol come on man.
  16. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:54 PM) Also EMinor please sewnd me your girlfriends phone # I like turtles. I've actually rescued several of them including one last year which was hit by a car, nursed back to health, and released at a local pond. She & I would certainly share a common desire to care for aquatic reptiles by immersing them in beer. She lives in Cleveland. You don't want that.
  17. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 12, 2014 -> 05:42 PM) Both of these are on my bucket list. It's just so awesome to all of a sudden show up where it's 20-30 degrees warmer and get seats to baseball games ALL weekend that would normally be way out of your price range. I saw the Rockies play the Blue Jays last year from literally row two behind home plate and it cost like $30. Sox and Angels from row 5 for the same price. It's like a playground, you can just go see teams on a whim. You rent a car and you have access to like 7 stadiums. And Phoenix has great food and stuff too. It was maybe my favorite vacation, no joke. Also managed to catch the Grand Canyon AND took a hot air balloon ride, all in a week.
  18. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:45 PM) Fat Squirrel is definitely my favorite New Glarus beer, but I do really like their Coffee Stout and Uff-Da as well. I would put New Glarus's beers up against anybodies and I'm glad I live in Wisconsin and can get it without having to make a trip out of it. I like the lager, too. It's got 'woman' in the name, I think.
  19. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:43 PM) When you drink as much as they do in some south side neighborhoods, I defy anyone over the age of 35 to go beer-for-beer, drinking non-Lite and still make it to work the next morning. The first time I've ever agreed 100% with Marty!
  20. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:43 PM) That is a colloquialism for a young professional and taken at it's literal definition, I assume this post was meant as a compliment, so I thank you dearly. I assume THIS post was another excuse to use 'colloquialism,' which I support and will continue to support in the coming election.
  21. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:34 PM) I guess I understand. Miller High Life Light to me is basically water. I'd bathe in it & feed it to my plants if it were as cheap as water. And if it *did* become as cheap as water is I wouldn't hold that fact against it, I would embrace it. BTW I was just now thinking, anyone (like me) who has ever at any point in his/her life owned a bullfrog or turtle as a pet knows that these animals seem to do very well - even thrive - in disgusting muck full of animal waste products and so on. So I wonder if you were to say, take your common Red Ear Slider and introduce him to a tank with Miller High Life Light as the substrate, if the animal would thrive in those conditions as well? I had a girlfriend who had red ear sliders, and if you listened to her, it seemed anything short of 20 gallons of elbow room in a temperature controlled clean room would make them instantly decompose into malaria-carrying mosquitos with opposable thumbs. I'm glad I broke that off. She didn't like beer, either.
  22. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:29 PM) I like Newcastle but Moose Drool is head and shoulders above it I think. If you like brown ales, New Glarus's Fat Squirrel is great (although they don't distribute outside of WI) and if you don't mind spending a little dough, Samuel Smith's Nut Brown is one of the better beers I've ever had. I'm not a fan of the SS, but I agree on Fat Squirrel. Everyone should take an annual trip up to the Mars Cheese Castle anyway and you can always grab a sixer of that. I think it's the best New Glarus beer.
  23. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:00 PM) No. He signed with San Fran. 1 year, $5 mill. Oh. Meh, west coast teams...
  24. QUOTE (The Ultimate Champion @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 05:01 PM) Gold. This coming from the guy who says you don't buy things you don't need. You can get smashed, tipsy, feeling good, slightly buzzed, etc. off an inexpensive beer that still breaks down into the same states of matter and still comes out the same holes, but you'd rather spend 3-4 times what you have to? And I AM CRAZY for buying meat at value (sale) prices and freezing it? I think here my good friend is our main source of disagreement with both Dunn and Santana (get prepped for that back tattoo) and it's that you don't understand values. I drink beer every day of my life. If I were to spend more on it then I would be forced to make sacrifices elsewhere. Sometimes you want to drink something that tastes awesome. There are nights when I'm actually annoyed that beer is alcoholic because I want more but I have to work the next day. It's just GOOD. And even if you want to drink it just for the alcohol, you offset cost because the average craft is like 6-7% ABV compared to the 3-4% of your low calorie "Lights," meaning you drink way fewer for the same buzz. The only advantage to the low end is if you want to piss more frequently. Or if you're gaming. I love beer gaming.
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