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Everything posted by Eminor3rd

  1. Actually the answer would be Rios to cleanup.
  2. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Apr 10, 2013 -> 12:34 PM) It is reality though. Look at the attendance from 2005 and 2006. Guess which one is higher? But since they didn't do anything in 2006 it went down in 2007. The previous season absolutely matters. Exactly. So the team won 85 games last year -- the last thing that happened was a ridiculous collapse, where they blew it all AGAINST THE ODDS, proving all the skeptics right that they were worse than the Tigers. That's the taste in everyone's mouths. And, during the offseason, they gave us Jeff Keppinger and nothing. I'm not saying I don't like the move or think they should have signed Hamilton, but who is really surprised that the general fan isn't pumped to go to the park in April?
  3. QUOTE (TRU @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 05:29 PM) No. Uh... touche.
  4. QUOTE (Papa Tru @ May 30, 2012 -> 08:20 PM) All you did was name players that those teams let walk away from them, our numbskull GM TRADES these players away for nothing in return. We really are a poorly run organization that lucked into a World Series in 05 which has kept this awful GM in office ever since. This is such a meatball thing to say. Prospects are probabilities. Gio's value at the time was not what it is at his ceiling, it's the average of all possible outcomes. More often than not, hard throwing lefties with major control issues become relievers. Occasionally, they hit their absolute ceilings and become frontline starters. KW traded lottery tickets for established talent, which was what he needed at the time. Oakland bought lottery tickets at the cost of established talent, which made more sense for them at the time.
  5. QUOTE (My_Sox_Summer @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 01:59 PM) What I was asking was, if winning was the cure, the Sox would have been selling out at the end of the year. They weren't. People do what they feel like doing. If you create excitement around a team, people will want to be a part of it. 2-3 months of leading the division by a few games en route to another disappointing season with no playoffs, evidently, does not create sufficient excitement. It's been seven years since the team did anything outside of getting throttled in the ALDS once. I'm not surprised that people don;t get excited about the team. A few good teams in a row, though, I guarantee, would create some excitement. People want to be a part of a winning culture. It's probably true, unfortunately, that it's way easier to lose that feeling than to gain it.
  6. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Apr 9, 2013 -> 03:53 PM) Wow, the Tribune did a great job of brainwashing Sox fans over the years to make them think they're 2nd class fans. I don't read the Tribune, but the Score definitely does.
  7. The White Sox are a business, they have a product they are trying to sell to us, the fans. We don't OWE them anything -- it's their job to sell something to us. Likewise, when we buy their product, they don't owe US anything -- they don't have to boost the payroll or do anything. It's in their best interest to keep us happy and engaged so that we buy more of their product, and they will invest as much and as wisely as is necessary to do so. If they fail (either in terms of the on-field product or the stadium/media experience), they run the risk of losing revenue if fans decide not to buy more product. It's that simple, there is no morality or code of conduct here. You can complain about attendance, but if the attendance was there, you'd probably be complaining about payroll, because why would the White Sox find it necessary to invest more in the product than they need to? While those two numbers are surely correlated because they are both related to revenue, you are plain wrong to assume that they "reward" us with payroll for performing our "responsibility" of attendance. Do you go to McDonald's twice a week in hopes that you'll boost revenue and they'll create a better sandwich for you? The White Sox, just like McDonald's, are making a ton of money, and probably always will. If they weren't, the ownership group would fold.
  8. QUOTE (My_Sox_Summer @ Apr 8, 2013 -> 12:07 PM) Did you complain and say that price was the only thing holding you back from going to more games? If not, this whole thread doesn't apply to you anyways. Cheers! No, I didn't. Point taken.
  9. QUOTE (My_Sox_Summer @ Apr 8, 2013 -> 11:55 AM) You said it was 32 degrees. I just told you what the real temp was. Ok, well my point still stands.
  10. QUOTE (My_Sox_Summer @ Apr 8, 2013 -> 10:57 AM) It was in the 50's most of the game, cooled off to 43 by the end. So what? That's not comfortable and I watched on TV. Their TV revenue is massive and super important.
  11. QUOTE (My_Sox_Summer @ Apr 7, 2013 -> 06:50 PM) So I made this pic. If it offends you, you are a crappy fan. Go Sox. I refuse to accept that I'm a crappy fan for not going to see a game in 32 degree weather. This passive/aggressive guilt-trip garbage is not helpful.
  12. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 4, 2013 -> 03:59 PM) Too early to swap the bottom and top of the lineups? Yes
  13. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Apr 4, 2013 -> 12:38 PM) The Video > 2-0 ? Yeah I mean, I guess it has to play at least until we lose.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 4, 2013 -> 12:15 PM) Ozzie Guillen would have had 3 backups playing today. Ventura has no one shuffled out, and last year that may have helped burn the team out. Can't there be a happy medium? As long as we don't do Sunday Teeball lineups, I'm fine with whatever. What a horrible strategy.
  15. Makes sense - we desperately needed 3B depth behind Keppinger.
  16. Single = 2 Victory Points (VP) Double = 5 VP Triple = 10 VP Homer = 20 VP Gavin K = 2 VP (+1 VP if Hawk does NOT say HE GAWWN) Gavin BB = -2 VP Fantastic defensive play = 10 VP Viciedo makes no errors = 10 VP Dunn doesn't strike out = 10 VP Royals defenders collide = 10 VP
  17. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Apr 4, 2013 -> 09:52 AM) What does a score of +100 equate to with regards to baseball runs? Nobody knows, but it HAS to be good.
  18. QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 3, 2013 -> 03:18 PM) Macdougal is the first one I thought of. Also Boone Logan who is somehow still in the league. Check out the numbers since he left the Sox: http://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playe...&position=P
  19. Haha, I like how the sync the BOOMs up with homeruns, but like a third of them are other players launching them off of our pitchers.
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