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Everything posted by Eminor3rd

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 08:54 PM) This gets dumber by the day +1 to this
  2. QUOTE (The Baconator @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 02:35 PM) Is Mike Hampton still alive? Unfortunately no, but Denny Neagle is!
  3. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 08:46 AM) Mark showed a little bit of power in Milwaukee. Perhaps we could just have the pitchers hit and skip the DH. It'll save some money too. I like it. There's the reason we've been looking for to go out and get Zambrano!
  4. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 16, 2009 -> 07:37 AM) If KW is being straight, this is not encouraging. From the Sun Times: "Ozzie and I have been speaking on that, and we spoke on it again [Tuesday],'' Williams said of the DH spot. "Right now, what he would like to do is sit where we are right now because he likes flexibility with the DH position, whether it be a guy getting a break or keeping your bench players fresh. Guys like [Andruw] Jones, [Mark] Kotsay, [Omar] Vizquel, getting [Paul] Konerko off of his feet and getting into the DH spot ... he likes the flexibility that comes with it. "I've given him some names - this is a very critical last thing on our list. I certainly don't want to do anything from my seat that conflicts with what my manager wants, so regardless if I think there may be a need for a bigger left-handed bat in the middle of the lineup, he's the one in there and I fully support how he and his coaching staff see the situation fitting. That's something we'll continue to think about.'' KW already trying to deflect blame a la trading for Sandy Alomar for the 12th time if it doesn't work out. He's the GM. If he thinks the team would be better with another bat, its his job to get another bat. If there are no additions, Greg Walker is going to get more heat than ever before. Ugh. He has to be joking or deflecting attention from something he's working on. That makes no sense! "Giving guys a rest" is why you got all those bench players in the first place! To SUB them in or give them occasional starts. Not to WASTE a starting lineup position on an inferior player on a consistent basis. We're going to be the only team to have our DH consistently bat 7th or 8th.
  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 07:22 PM) You say that like it's a bad thing. Not at all. But everyone was throwing around CQ+Prospects as a possibility
  6. QUOTE (GO CHI SOX! @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 07:05 PM) David DeJesus Bronson Arroyo
  7. QUOTE (Kenny Hates Prospects @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 03:26 PM) Agree Nix is probably that guy now, but the Sox will make him compete for it if they don't bring in somebody else. The 40-man isn't a big deal. The Sox could always hand Mr. Marquez his walking papers. Armstrong and Torres are on there too, so no big deal if we want to sign someone. As long as it isn't Lillibridge
  8. QUOTE (monomach @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 04:49 PM) The fact that the Sox wouldn't even look at him kind of disturbs me. Don't we have a regional scout in the south who could have driven over there with a radar gun and a video camera just to see what's to be seen? They would have had to reimburse the scout for his gas, which puts Juan Pierre out of the budget.
  9. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 15, 2009 -> 06:04 PM) OK. Maybe we can give the Rays a buzz and propose a Teahen, Konerko, Jenks package for Longoria. I'm sure if we keep trying and trying and trying they'll bite. Now this sounds like me playing Baseball Mogul 2010.
  10. I don't see us getting AGon without giving up PK in some weird three way situation.
  11. At this point, in my opinion, Vlad is my pick for ideal DH. Not worried that he isn't a lefty. I'm hoping we sign Vlad for $6m-ish and KW makes some sort of crazy trade that fills the OF (and ideally leadoff) role
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 09:51 PM) Good God almighty. This is the exact same crap that was said about Jose Contreras right after the Loiaza deal was made. Can we give it a season at least before declaring him a bust? +1000 Rios doesn't suck. At this point, he had a bad season. He throws down a .600 OPS again next year, and we can say he sucks. At this point, however, it's more likely he has a good season than a bad one. He's a multi-year all-star in his prime. Personally, if he plays top-notch CF and clocks in around his .775 career OPS, then he's just a slightly overpaid star player. Far from a bust (yet). Same thing with CQ. We know he still has it; he showed in the last month of 2009. This lineup is missing a couple key pieces, but it's a very talented group. We're not the Yankees, we can't just buy all the free agents. We have to put a talented, capable team on the field and hope that most of them perform close to their potential. As for KW, the guy denies EVERYTHING. We never know what he's going to do. He makes mistakes occasionally, but for the most part he's looking at creative ways to get the tools we need and he's absolutely committed to winning. I have faith in him. Beckham, CQ, Alexei, Rios are in their prime and we have no reason to believe they won't play well. PK and AJ are reliable veteran bats that are aging but far from out of it. Teahen is, let's be honest, likely better than Getz. KILLER starting pitching staff and a bullpen with maybe a hole or two max. Pretty solid for a mid-market team in a weak division.
  13. QUOTE (soxfan3530 @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 04:47 PM) i would rather get matsui, but if we got vlad, i wouldnt be upset. i think he still has a little left in the tank to be a productive hitter. I'd much rather have Vlad. They're equally injury prone but Vlad is just absolutely dangerous. I bet he bounces back next year for a mid .800's OPS. However, I bet he asks for too much money.
  14. It would have to be like $10m and a SOLID prospect. And only because I think Thornton can close and I'd like to get rid of Linebrink's contract.
  15. QUOTE (Sox72 @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 12:19 PM) I wouldn't want Kenny going after either of these guys. Their talents don't seem to justify the salaries that they're asking. While they ARE All-Star players, they are still somewhat a product of a weak free agent class. I agree. That's what I meant by "I think we're better off" having spent the money on Peavy than saved it for Holliday.
  16. QUOTE (justBLAZE @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 03:18 AM) Matt Holliday the OF? Yeah, I meant that KW acquired Peavy with budget space that might otherwise have been used for Holliday. Had we not acquired Peavy, I have no doubt that we'd be in the hunt for Holliday or Bay.
  17. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 14, 2009 -> 08:37 AM) Jim sported an .864 OPS with the Sox in 2009. That was 4th among all qualified DH's . His wOBA and ISO were .374 and .243 respectively (yes, I'm really starting to warm up to sexy Sabermetrics). And people act like it'd be an insult to have this guy back? Other than Matsui, and he's more than likely going to command more than we have to spend, who else out there is a realistic upgrade over what JT provided for us last year? We have to be the only team in the history of baseball that has this ridiculous obsession with rotating DH's or having a DH that can play the field. I agree with this. If it comes down to it, I don't mind having Thome back for another year. However, it's still VERY early, and, let's be honest, we KNOW that KW is going to make at least ONE completely unpredictable game-changing trade (for better or for worse) by April 1 that could shift the team dynamic completely.
  18. QUOTE (1977 sox fan @ Oct 20, 2009 -> 05:54 PM) WHY TRADE FOR BRADLEY ? Much better to trade for a guy like Josh Hamilton . He is a risk but not a expensive one . And if he has a bounce back season we got a very good player the rangers have a lot of younger outfielders Borbon Boggs Murphy Cruz . So getting Hamilton is not impossible maybe 2 pitching prospects would do it . plus i think the rangers will resign Marlon Bryd . Josh Hamilton would be fantastic. Do you really think we could get him? Have there been any rumors that he's on the block? I haven't heard anything.
  19. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Dec 13, 2009 -> 10:56 PM) And, while Holliday is good, most of his numbers have really come from getting fat off of NL pitching and playing in a great hitter's park. Peavy is what we got instead of Holliday. And I think we're better off that way.
  20. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 13, 2009 -> 02:34 PM) The bullpen seems to be set. There's no more money to be throwing around on reclamation projects especially when half the teams in baseball are going to be interested as well. +1 to this. We need OF/DH above all else. Jonny Gomes anyone?
  21. As long as the OBP is high, K's are fine.
  22. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Dec 12, 2009 -> 02:54 PM) Love to have him back. Can't afford him. +1
  23. I really think I'd rather trade Linebrink and his $5m for 24 used baseballs, keep DJ and sink the extra ~$3m into a DH/OF. I mean, given the outrageous contracts given to relievers in the winter meetings, SOMEONE would have to be in the market to take him for essentially nothing.
  24. I'd much rather find a way to dish Linebrink and his $5m
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