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maloney.adam last won the day on October 21 2022

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  1. When did the clown show arrive into town? Still no moves by the front office.
  2. They are waiting until the season starts to announce it. It’s going to be a surprise.
  3. I can just see it now, Hahn is going to say something like he understands the fans frustrations and the front office is frustrated too and they tried. I can’t wait for the day when the organization is sold.
  4. Sox offseason plan: acquire nobody. Start the season with one outfielder. ?
  5. They have too much money allocated into the bullpen. Trade Hendricks and get a haul for him and put Lopez in the closer role.
  6. This sounds like it’s mere speculation than actual interest. The Sox weren’t even mentioned by Morosi.
  7. If they aren’t going to spend anything in free agency, than go all out in the international market and put money into building up their scouting and development.
  8. You know what this all makes sense now. They cancelled Soxfest because they don’t want to hear it from the fans. What a bunch of cowards.
  9. Another season without a goddamn left hitting corner outfielder. This organization is a joke.
  10. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. It’s JR. Things won’t change until the team is sold.
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