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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. We can use Hamilton’s speed and defense right now.
  2. What is going on with all these injuries? Unbelievable! But atleast Hamilton is back.
  3. Hey it gives us more time to vote for the players for the All-Star game. Lol
  4. I’m not backing out of my post. Injuries, other outside factors we don’t know about yet like trades, etc. can play a role.
  5. Your right my post sounded kind of stupid. I went back and edited it to maybe he will replace Moncada someday because I still think there’s a small sliver of a chance that he will. Not saying he definitely will but there is a small percentage there.
  6. Than where do you see Burger playing than. DH? 2nd Base? You have Madrigal at 2b. The only other position I can see is maybe DH but that’s it.
  7. They shouldn’t trade Burger because you can just tell from the way he plays that he’s going to be an everyday player. I can see him maybe replacing Moncada someday. Escobar obviously isn’t a long term solution, only a rental so why trade someone that will fill a need for us long term for someone who will only be here short term.
  8. This should drum up some conversation, who here thinks Jake Burger will either turn into a good everyday player for the Sox or a superstar and it would be mistake trading him for Escobar? Explain why.
  9. Well you may be correct and I may be overnalyzing it but wouldnt you be concerned if a player your trying to acquire has had injuries in the past and your team is already dealing with a lot of injuries? It’s obviously a risk to take correct? Yes he has slimmed down quite a bit so I don’t think it’s as much of a concern but I agree with what @Dick Allen is saying, they should bring it up in negotiations and maybe see if they will sweeten the deal like what @ScooterMcGee said.
  10. I have this feeling that we will not get Escobar. First, he’s dealing with an injury and I can’t see the Sox taking on that at this point and second the D-Backs asking price is a little steep. They know that we are desperate so I don’t see them backing down a whole lot from there original asking price but I guess we’ll see what happens.
  11. Ok I got you, so that means we can post anything that NSC tweets than!!! Hahahaha
  12. Sorry I just saw it on the Twitter feed and posted it. I won’t post his stuff again.
  13. If this doesn’t work out there’s still some time left before the deadline.
  14. You have to remember Burger and Collins was their initial ask. It doesn’t mean that’s what they will end up with.
  15. Ok maybe your right. I did see a tweet from an Arizona writer where he said nothing was close so maybe Bob just threw it out there to get more teams to bid on him?
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