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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. The Sox just need to continue building up their farm system and stop trading international money away.
  2. Do you think the Sox will make anymore moves or do you think they are done?
  3. I wonder how the Twins fans are feeling right now when a lot of people had Darvish being traded to them and now they may lose Odorizzi to another team as well.
  4. I bet the Sox call Hendrik’s agent everyday and throw low ball offers at him. That’s their definition of being aggressive. Lol
  5. That’s a pretty good haul for Tampa Bay. I can’t even imagine what the Sox would have to give up so I’m not at all disappointed that we didn’t get him. We just need to sign a #4 starter.
  6. Merry Christmas everybody!!!! Enjoy the day with your families!!! ??
  7. Not even the cold cuts. The food accounts haven’t really tweeted anything new for a while.
  8. I have nothing to share from the food accounts. The hot stove is cold right now.
  9. Wow he threw that ball for a homerun. The centerfielder didn’t even move. Luckily nobody got hurt.
  10. New members are welcome! Included in the membership is access to Al’s and Portillos information on the White Sox and a book on how to complain and whine if they don’t spend the money correctly.
  11. So if anyone was hoping they would bring back Colome that appears to be pretty much out the window now. He was good but quite frankly he would always make things interesting in the end.
  12. I was reading through the Al’s tweets last night and found these responses but just didn’t post them. Did anyone happen to catch Jesse Rogers saying this?
  13. Look I agree with you about how the team operates in some aspects, etc. so let’s just leave it at that and carry on.
  14. Did I ever say that every decision they have made I have agreed with? No, so why are we even arguing over this.
  15. Than go cheer on the Mets or the Dodgers and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
  16. Why are you always very negative? The last offseason was a success. The year after that not soo much but if you think last year wasn’t a success than I don’t know which planet your on. Obviously, a few of the players didn’t work out but anyone would’ve been happy with the offseason we had last year.
  17. I understand your point of view about how they operate. I don’t understand some of their decisions on where they are spending the money either. However, let’s see what they do the rest of the offseason before we assume anything though.
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