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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. Giving a reliever a 4 year contract is pretty risky and more so if he busts.
  2. I would fully support this as well. Yates is an attractive option with his splitter. It would be a different look from what the other relievers throw. There are plenty of other relievers on the market that would be great options as well so I think TLR is just going to have live with it.
  3. Schins has no sources. He’s just trying to get more followers on Twitter with his nonsense tweets. Even Al’s is saying this.
  4. If TLR really wants him, they may have a better chance than you think they do. We’ll see.
  5. He is correct, they don’t like bidding wars but he said they are still serious and he’s still their target. Even if they do miss out on him oh well there’s quite a few other options out on the market that may be a better fit for the team so relax man!
  6. This guy is saying the agent is close with multiple teams. I wonder with which teams or if any since the account is fake.
  7. I don’t know how he could’ve missed that because we were mentioned from the beginning.
  8. Martino doesn’t even mention the Sox even though he is taking from Passan’s article.
  9. The Royals are spending more money than the Sox right now. Lol
  10. I hope you get a reply but I doubt that he is going to spill the beans.
  11. That would be hilarious if they keep calling his agent with low ball offers multiple times a day. Hey we’ll throw in a few White Sox water bottles as well so he can stay hydrated on the field.
  12. At this point, I expect them to just resign Colome and maybe add one more SP but that’s about it. They haven’t shown a willingness to spend this offseason. I hope I’m wrong though.
  13. I agree, someone who is desperate and willing to give him the 4th year will pounce on him.
  14. It sounds like Hendriks wants to be here but typical Reinsdorf being cheap. I don’t think Hahn is doing anything wrong, he’s just stuck with an owner who isn’t interested in spending money or doing what it takes to win championships. I’m now expecting them to resign Colome, maybe add Quintana and that’s it. Very underwhelming and disappointing.
  15. This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. Didn’t you say yesterday that WSD had mentioned that they are deep in talks with Hendriks? Most of the national guys are saying they are in on him as well. Something strange is going on.
  16. I wish I could man but I can’t because I’m not one of those guys. I don’t have a connection in the organization or any intel. Just telling the truth.
  17. Yeah it’s probably some random person or a 17 year old kid messing around on Twitter. Any person can go on there and start rumors. I can even go on there right now and name the account Andy’s Frozen Custard and start posting garbage and get likes and followers. That’s why I don’t believe everything that’s posted on there. It’s like an echo chamber.
  18. So you believe some troll spreading rumors on Twitter? I know who you are talking about and Nancy’s Pizza is a troll dude. Right after they accused me of being one of those guys, they turned around and responded to one of Portillos tweets saying Thank you White Sox Dave. There’s your answer! Lol
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