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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. I would be too. My phone is really loading slow right now with all these posts. Lol
  2. That has apparently changed according to Jason Stark. A lot of information out there right now though so we’ll see.
  3. So Engel is going to come off the bench? I can see him being expendable at some point if that were the case. We would be losing his productivity.
  4. Makes you wonder if some were pushing back on the idea, they would now go out and sign a good DH.
  5. I can see this possibly being one of those moves that surprises people in the end when he does well during the season. I liked what I saw out of Engel last year so I agree, I think we will be fine.
  6. After looking at Eaton’s stats, they are not that bad. He’s not going to hit for power like Joc but he is going to get on base. This team last year was relying on the homerun ball too much so I think this will bring some balance to the offense. I still don’t like the signing because it happened at a weird time but I think I will come around to it depending on who else they sign.
  7. Actually that’s partially incorrect. Lynn was discussed and NSC had it from the start.
  8. I’m really shocked by this move to say the least. I really thought that Joc was going to be the guy. Something must have changed overnight. I don’t know maybe I’ll warm up to it eventually but now not so much.
  9. This shows that they were not interested in improving RF at all this year and counting on one of the Cuban players they haven’t signed yet to possibly be the long term solution.
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