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Everything posted by maloney.adam

  1. Solid staff either way. Keeping the continuity is important especially if the players are close to the coaches.
  2. The Sox are going to say oh well we pushed really hard for the top free agents but we feel good about our chances by staying pat and with what we have in house. We just don’t have the money like Steve Cohen has. Same old adage that we will hear but with a twist. I hope I’m wrong though. Lol
  3. Some believe we’re going to spend this offseason but in what capacity though is the question?
  4. Your right this happens every year and the fanbase is being dragged along with it. Once the organization figures out how to beat the system for the top free agents this is going to happen next year and the year after that and the year after that.
  5. That’s a good point and has been mentioned on here before.
  6. Don’t get your hopes up man. I know it’s easy to being a Sox fan but there are other options out there. They can still have a good offseason without signing the top two guys. Anyways, look at all those teams that have won World Series titles recently. Except maybe for the Dodgers, if you notice a lot of those teams weren’t stacked with all-stars after all-stars. Signing the top free agents may look pretty on paper but that’s not what really wins championships. We have some stars already on the team anyways, we just need to fill it in with some pitching and depth.
  7. I hope your right. I would be pretty mad though if the Sox offer ends up being higher than the other offers but he decides to go elsewhere because of geographical reasons.
  8. Yes I admit I’m very sensitive. Doesn’t mean though that I don’t have a right to my own opinion and can’t say what’s on my mind. Ok, putting all that aside let’s be realistic here. Do you really think the Sox are going to sign Springer? They don’t have a very good success rate of signing top flight free agents. That’s not to say they haven’t signed any in the past and will now or in the future but you have to look at this logically but some people here get all excited when a top name is mentioned as a possibility for the Sox and they are in on him but than get disappointed when they aren’t signed. This happens every year. I want Springer as much as anyone here does but I’m not expecting it or thinking that he’s automatically coming to the Sox. I hope I’m wrong and he comes here.
  9. You seem to always disagree with everything I have to say on here. I understand you have your opinion but I have mine as well. This is a message board.
  10. I’m sorry that you disagree with my post. I think you should just block me than and ignore them.
  11. I didn’t say those guys are currently in the organization. I said if they sign. That’s the key word, “If.” Nothing is guaranteed, I understand that but we need to capitalize more on those opportunities internationally because it has worked for us so far with Robert and Abreu. I agree with moving Eloy to DH and it will free up one of the OF positions but thats a discussion for the future when Vaughn moves to 1st base.
  12. Time to move on. The guy obviously wants to play closer to home. Also, it would be taking up a spot eventually if Colas or Cespedes signs so I would prefer someone else as a short term solution.
  13. Thanks James! I forgot to mention, congrats on the new baby!
  14. It’s rather strange. They were supposed to announce it early last week and now it’s almost Tuesday and still no announcement. It’s like they forgot or something.
  15. HomeRunInnBuffet created the twitter account right after you said this. Lol
  16. Lopez has one more year as a long relief pitcher out of the bullpen. If he doesn’t turn it around than he is gone next year. They have been patient long enough with him.
  17. Here is a question, who would you guys rather trade in a deal with Stiever? Jared Kelley or Matthew Thompson?
  18. A Stiever plus deal isn’t going to hurt the Sox long term.
  19. And that’s why if they are looking to add a TOR starter they will need to trade for one this offseason and give up something because they will not find that outside of Bauer.
  20. Oops I had deleted the post. I will repost it.
  21. Depends on what else we can get in return and if we can turn around and re-sign him. Gallo is good defensively and we need someone that can play the position. Enough of the experiments. He can also jack up 40 plus HR’s at the Rate. I know Texas’ farm system isn’t all that great but if we can get a good prospect in the deal instead, I think that would be too hard to pass up on and it would probably help offset the cost. Remember, there’s a good chance that we’re signing either Colas or Cespedes this offseason and they will be waiting in the wings to take over in RF so there are options.
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